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SUPLA project

SUPLA is an open source project for home automation.

SuplaDevice library for Arduino IDE

SuplaDevice is a library for Arduino IDE that allows to implement devices working with Supla.

Library installation

There are few options how to install library in Arduino IDE. Here is one example:

  1. Download SuplaDevice repository as a zip file (click green "Code" button on github repository)
  2. Extract downloaded zip file
  3. Copy whole SuplaDevice subfolder to a location where Arduino keeps libraries (in Arduino IDE open File->Preferences and there is a sketch location folder - libraries are kept in "libraries" subfolder)
  4. You should be able to open SuplaDevice exmaples in Arduino IDE

Hardware requirements

Arduino Mega

SuplaDevice works with Arduino Mega boards. Currently Arduino Uno is not supported because of RAM limitations. It should work on other Arduino boards with at least 8 kB of RAM. Following network interfaces are supported:

  • Ethernet Shield with W5100 chipset
  • ENC28J60 (not recommended - see Supported hardware section)

Warning: WiFi shields are currently not supported


ESP8266 boards are supported. Network connection is done via internal WiFi. Tested with ESP8266 boards 2.6.3. Most probably it will work with other ESP8266 compatible boards.


Experimental support for ESP32 boards is provided. Some issues seen with reconnection to WiFi router which requires further analysis.


Before you start, you will need to:

  1. install Arduino IDE,
  2. install support for your board
  3. install driver for your USB to serial converter device (it can be external device, or build in on your board)
  4. make sure that communication over serial interface with your board is working (i.e. check some example Arduino application)
  5. download and install this librarary by copying SuplaDevice folder into your Arduino library folder

Steps 1-4 are standard Arudino IDE setup procedures not related to SuplaDevice library. You can find many tutorials on Internet with detailed instructions. Tutorials doesn't have to be related in any way with Supla.

After step 5 you should see Supla example applications in Arduino IDE examples. Select one and have fun! Example file requires adjustments before you compile them and upload to your board. Please read all comments in example and make proper adjustments.


Network interfaces

Supported network interfaces for Arduino Mega:

  • Ethernet Shield - with W5100 chipset. Include <supla/network/ethernet_shield.h> and add Supla::EthernetShield ethernet; as a global variable.
  • ENC28J60 - it requires additional UIPEthenet library ( Include <supla/network/ENC28J60.h> and add Supla::ENC28J60 ethernet; as a global variable. Warning: network initialization on this library is blocking. In case of missing ENC28J60 board or some other problem with network, program will stuck on initialization and will not work until connection is properly esablished. Second warning: UIPEthernet library is consuming few hundred of bytes of RAM memory more, compared to standard Ethernet library.

Supported network interface for ESP8266:

  • There is a native WiFi controller. Include <supla/network/esp_wifi.h> and add Supla::ESPWifi wifi(ssid, password); as a global variable and provide SSID and password in constructor. Warning: by default connection with Supla server is encrypted. Default settings of SSL consumes big amount of RAM. To disable SSL connection, use: wifi.enableSSL(false);

SSL certificate verification. If you specify Supla's server certificate thumbprint there will be additional verification proceeded. Please use this method to configure fingerprint for validation: `wifi.setServersCertFingerprint("9ba818295ec60652f8221500e15288d7a611177");'

Supported network interface for ESP32:

  • There is a native WiFi controller. Include <supla/network/esp32_wifi.h> and add Supla::ESP32Wifi wifi(ssid, password); as a global variable and provide SSID and password in constructor.


Each example can run on Arduino Mega, ESP8266, or ESP32 board - unless mentioned otherwise in comments. Please read comments in example files and uncomment proper library for your network interface.

SuplaSomfy - this example is not updated yet.

Folder structure

  • supla-common - Supla protocol definitions and structures. There are also methods to handle low level communication with Supla server, like message coding, decoding, sending and receiving. Those files are common with supla-core and the same code is run on multiple Supla platforms and services
  • supla/network - implementation of network interfaces for supported boards
  • supla/sensor - implementation of Supla sensor channels (thermometers, open/close sensors, etc.)
  • supla/control - implementation of Supla control channels (various combinations of relays, buttons, action triggers)
  • supla/clock - time services used in library (i.e. RTC)
  • supla - all common classes are defined in main supla folder. You can find there classes that create framework on which all other components work.

Some functions from above folders have dependencies to external libraries. Please check documentation included in header files.

How does it work?

Everything that is visible in Supla (in Cloud, on API, mobile application) is called "channel". Supla channels are used to control relays, read temperature, check if garage door is open.

SuplaDevice implements support for channels in Channel and ChannelExtended classes. Instances of those classes are part of objects called Element which are building blocks for any SuplaDevice application.

All sensors, relays, buttons objects inherits from Element class. Each instance of such object will automatically register in SuplaDevice and proper virtual methods will be called by SuplaDevice in a specified way.

All elements have to be constructed before SuplaDevice.begin() method is called.

Supla channel number is assigned to each elemement with channel in an order of creation of objects. First channel will get number 0, second 1, etc. Supla server will not accept registration of device when order of channels is changed, or some channel is removed. In such case, you should remove device from Supla Cloud and register it again from scratch.

Element class defines follwoing virtual methods that are called by SuplaDevice:

  1. onInit - called first within SuplaDevice.begin() method. It should initialize your element.
  2. onLoadState - called second within SuplaDevice.begin() method. It reads configuration data from persistent memory storage.
  3. onSaveState - called in SuplaDevice.iterate() - it saves state data to persistant storage. It is not called on each iteration. Storage class makes sure that storing to memory does not happen to often and time delay between saves depends on implementation.
  4. iterateAlways - called on each iteration of SuplaDevice.iterate() method, regardless of network/connection status. Be careful - some other methods called in SuplaDevice.iterate() method may block program execution for some time (even few seconds) - i.e. trying to establish connection with Supla server is blocking - in case server is not accessible, it will iterfere with iterateAlways method. So time critical functions should not be put here.
  5. iterateConnected - called on each iterateion of SuplaDevice.iterate() method when device is connected and properly registered in Supla server. This method usually checks if there is some new data to be send to server (i.e. new temperature reading) and sends it.
  6. onTimer - called every 10 ms after enabling in SuplaDevice.begin()
  7. onFastTimer - called every 1 ms (0.5 ms in case of Arudino Mega) after enabling in SuplaDevice.begin()

How to migrate programs written in SuplaDevice libraray versions 1.6 and older

For Arduino Mega applications include proper network interface header:

// Choose proper network interface for your card:
// Arduino Mega with EthernetShield W5100:
#include <supla/network/ethernet_shield.h>
// Ethernet MAC address
uint8_t mac[6] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05};
Supla::EthernetShield ethernet(mac);
// Arduino Mega with ENC28J60:
// #include <supla/network/ENC28J60.h>
// Supla::ENC28J60 ethernet(mac);

For ESP8266 based applications include wifi header and provide WIFI SSID and password:

// ESP8266 based board:
#include <supla/network/esp_wifi.h>
Supla::ESPWifi wifi("your_wifi_ssid", "your_wifi_password");

In case of ESP8266 remove all methods that defined network interface. They were usually added on the bottom of ino file, after end of loop() method, i.e.:

// ethernet layer
    int supla_arduino_tcp_read(void *buf, int count) {
SuplaDeviceCallbacks supla_arduino_get_callbacks(void) {

Remove also those lines:

WiFiClient client;

You may also remove all WIFI related includes from ino file.

Common instruction for all boards:

If you use local IP address, please provide it in constructor of your network inteface class, i.e.:

Supla::EthernetShield ethernet(mac, localIp);

After that go to SuplaDevice.begin() method. Old code looked like this

SuplaDevice.begin(GUID,              // Global Unique Identifier 
                  mac,               // Ethernet MAC address
                  "",  // SUPLA server address
                  locationId,                 // Location ID 
                  locationPassword);          // Location Password

This method requires now different set of parameters:

  SuplaDevice.begin(GUID,              // Global Unique Identifier 
                    "",  // SUPLA server address
                    "",     // Email address
                    AUTHKEY);          // Authentication key

What is different? Well, GUID and Supla server address it the same as previously. MAC address, location ID, location password are removed. MAC address was moved to network interface class. Location ID and password were replaced with new authentication method - via email address and authentication key. You can generate your authentication key in the same way as GUID (it is actually in exactly the same format):

// Generate AUTHKEY from
char AUTHKEY[SUPLA_AUTHKEY_SIZE] =  {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};

Next change is for custom digitalWrite and digitalRead methods. Those can be used to create virtual digital pins. Instead of adding custom callback method that overrides digitalWrite/Read method, you should create a new class which inhertis from Supla::Io base class and define your own customDigitalRead/Write methods. Here is short example (you can put this code in ino file, before setup()):

#include <supla/io.h>

class MyDigitalRead : public Supla::Io {
    int customDigitalRead(int channelNumber, uint8_t pin) {
      if (channelNumber == MY_EXTRA_VIRTUAL_CHANNEL) {
        return someCustomSourceOfData.getValue();
      } else {
        return ::digitalRead(pin);

MyDigitalRead instanceMyDigitalRead;

All channels from old version of library should be removed and created again in a new format. Please check instructions below how to add each type of channel.

Supported channels


Sensor category is for all elements/channels that reads something and provides data to Supla serwer.


Control category is for all elements/channels that are used to control something, i.e. relays, buttons, RGBW.

Supported persistant memory storage

Storage class is used as an abstraction for different persistant memory devices. Some elements/channels will not work properly without storage and some will have limitted functionalities. I.e. ImpulseCounter requires storage to save counter value, so it could be restored after reset, or RollerShutter requires storage to keep openin/closing times and current shutter possition. Currently two variants of storage classes are supported.

EEPROM/Flash memory

EEPROM (in case of Arduino Mega) and Flash (in case of ESP) are build into most of boards. Usually writing should be safe for 100 000 write operations (on each bit). So in order to limit those operations, this kind of Storage will save data in longer time periods (every few minutes). Supla will not write data if there is no change.

#include <supla/storage/eeprom.h>
Supla::Eeprom eeprom(SUPLA_STORAGE_OFFSET);

Offset parameter is optional - use it if you already use saving to EEPROM in your application and you want SuplaDevice to use some other area of memory.

Adafruit FRAM SPI

FRAM is recommended for storage in Supla. It allows almost limitless writing cycles and it is very fast memory. Currently only Adafruit FRAM SPI is supported.

#include <supla/storage/fram_spi.h>
// Hardware SPI

or with SW SPI:

// Software SPI


Version 2.3.0



Please check it here.


Supla device for Arduino IDE







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