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This template is not for newbies/noobs. You need basic knowledge of C++, Java, dalvik opcodes, ARM and ARM64 assembly, and be able to patch hex and hook. You will be expected to read, learn and even google. If you don't have the knowledge, this tutorial will be too hard for you

If you don't like this project, do not use. Please do not spread hate and insult against me, especially the smaller kids community. Instead, tell me why you don't like and what I can improve


Simple floating mod menu with sounds for il2cpp and other native android games, KittyMemory, MSHook, and And64InlineHook included. This template is optimized for modders who want the faster way to implement the menu in the game without hassle. Assets are stored as base64 in java/smali and does not need to be stored under assets folder.

It comes with string and offset obfuscation without using any external tool and without modifying the compiler. We use AY Obfuscator

Support Android 4.2.x way up to Android R preview. Support ARMv7, x86 and ARM64 architecture. However x86 is deprecated for Unity games so x86 is not our priority

Mod menu is based on Octowolve/Escanor and Van's template.


What will you need?


Click on the green button that says Code, the click Download ZIP

Or clone through Android Studio itself (Requires Git to be installed on your machine and be configured in Android Studio)

Click on "Get from Version Control"

Input the git url and Clone

Install NDK

At the bottom-right corner, click on Configure and SDK Manager

Select Android SDK, check NDK (Side by side) and click OK. It will download and install

Open the mod menu template project

Once you've downloaded all the necessary files, extract the template project to the folder without any spaces. If any folder has spaces, it will cause problem

On Android Studio on the welcome screen, choose "Open an existing Android Studio project"

Navigate to the extracted project and open it

It will index and Gradle will sync the project fir the first time. Please wait for a while, it will take around 5 minutes depending your computer performance

If you encounter an error

NDK not configured. Download it with SDK manager. Preferred NDK version is '20.0.5594570'

Click File and Project Structure

Select default NDK version

After it's done, you can start working!

On the left side, you see the Project view. Default view is Android

If this is somewhat confusing, change the view to Project

Making changes

To call toast if you load lib without mod menu

Starts the main activity. No need to use if you implement the menu in the APK file

The codes of floating mod menu. You don't need to change much unless you want to redesign it. The codes are explained in the comments (//...)

  • GradientDrawable

A code for setting corner and stroke/inner border. Works for any View Components

GradientDrawable gradientdrawable = new GradientDrawable();
gradientdrawable.setCornerRadius(20); //Set corner
gradientdrawable.setColor(Color.parseColor("#1C2A35")); //Set background color
gradientdrawable.setStroke(1, Color.parseColor("#32cb00")); //Set border

Set the gradient drawable to the component

[name of your view component].setBackground(gradientdrawable);

Basically the menu sounds, that have been converted to .ogg using XMedia Recode and encoded to base64. They are automatically decoded and stored into /data/data/(package name)/cache upon startup (See StaticActivity). Remember, we want to avoid storing files under assets as possible

To initialize by game activity's OnCreate Checks if device running Android 6.0 or above and if have overlay permission checked. Sounds being written to the cache directory. Start() will be called when implementing the menu to the game. We will explain later

  • writeToFile: Decode base64 and write to file to a target directory


This is menu related

  • EnableSounds: Change to false if you don't want it to play sounds

  • Title: Big text

  • Heading: Little text

  • Icon: Compressed image that is encoded to base64

  • IconWebViewData: Use icon in Web view with GIF animation support. URL requires internet permission android.permission.INTERNET

return env->NewStringUTF(""); 

From assets folder: (Requires android.permission.INTERNET)
return env->NewStringUTF("file:///android_asset/example.gif"); 

Base64 html:
return env->NewStringUTF("data:image/png;base64, <encoded base64 here>");

return NULL
  • IconSize: Mod menu icon size

  • Toast: To get text from c++ in order to show toast in java

  • getFeatureList: Here you add the mod features


In this file, you will mostly do implementation with your codes for modding

  • Changes: Get changes of toggles, seekbars, spinner and buttons to do modding. Features MUST be count from 0


Toggle_[feature name]
SeekBar_[feature name]_[min value]_[max value]
Spinner_[feature name]_[Items e.g. item1_item2_item3]
Button_[feature name]
Button_OnOff_[feature name]
InputValue_[feature name]


Button_OnOff_God mode

Do not forget to count your features from 0 and remember them

  • hack_thread: Here you add your code for hacking with KittyMemory or Hooking. I will not teach, you must have learned it already

  • JNI_OnLoad: Initialize when the library loads

The make file for the c++ compiler. In that file, you can change the lib name on the LOCAL_MODULE line When you change the lib name, change also on System.loadLibrary("") under OnCreate method on Both must have same name

KittyMemory usage:




Hook usage: ARM64: A64HookFunction((void *) getAbsoluteAddress([Lib Name], [offset]), (void *) [function], (void **) &[old function]);

ARMv7/x86: MSHookFunction((void *) getAbsoluteAddress([Lib Name], [offset]), (void *) [function], (void **) &[old function]);

String obfuscation

We use AY Obfuscator but the usage has changed to OBFUSCATE("string here") and OBFUSCATE_KEY("string here", 'single letter here')

Testing the mod menu

If you have your device with adb enabled, connected your PC or your emulator with adb enabled. Android Studio will detect and you can click Play to run your app onto your device/emulator

To use adb, you must enable USB debugging in the device system settings, under Developer options.

On Android 4.2 and higher, the Developer options screen is hidden by default. To make it visible, go to Settings > About phone and tap Build number seven times. Return to the previous screen to find Developer options at the bottom.

On some devices, the Developer options screen might be located or named differently.

Implementing the menu in the target game

After you finished the menu, you can build the project to APK file. Build -> Build Bundle(s)/APK(s) -> Build APK(s)

If no errors occured, you did everything right and build will succeded. You will be notified that it build successfully

Click on locate to show you the location of build.apk. It is stored at (your-project)\app\build\outputs\apk\ app-debug.apk

Now you will need to decompile app-debug.apk. Decompile the target game as well

Open the game's androidmanifest.xml Add the permission besides other permissions

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>

And add the service below the application tag (change the package name if you had changed it)


Save the AndroidManifest.xml file

Now we are looking for main activity, it is ususally written under application tag. The activity name may be different. If you spotted android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" you will immediately know this is main activity

Be sure to enable Word wrap so it is easier to read

Or open the apk in APK Easy Tool and look for main activity

In this case, the path to main activity was com.funcube.loa.MainActivity. I would navigate to (decompiled game)/smali/com/funcube/loa/ and you will see MainActivity.smali. If the game have multi dex, find out which smali folder has the main activity, it should be in one of these folders.

Open the main acitivity's smali file, search for OnCreate method and paste this code inside (change the package name if you had changed it)

    invoke-static {p0}, Luk/lgl/modmenu/StaticActivity;->Start(Landroid/content/Context;)V

Save the file

Copy your mod menu from decompiled app-debug.apk smali to the game's smali folder. Example mine is uk.lgl.modmenu, I copy the uk folder from app-debug (app-debug\smali\uk) to the game's decompiled directory (game name)\smali

Very important for multi dex games. Let's say if main activity is located in smali_classes2, I would put my mod menu in smali_classes2

Copy the library file (.so) from app-debug.apk to the target game. Make sure to copy .so to the correct architecture armeabi-v7a is armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a is arm64-v8a, and so on. Putting the .so on a wrong architecture will result a crash

Now compile and sign the apk If compile fail, read the log and look up on Google

If the mod menu appears and the hack are working, congratz!

If you face any problem, be sure to check the logcat, and if it was native related, write the log such as LOGD("whatever"); in your cpp codes, recompile and capture the logcat. See what part of your code faced the problem. Logcat may also tell you if hooking fails (lib crash)

Thanks for reading the tutorial

Do not forget to check my template again. I may change it anytime =D

Load lib without mod menu

Just call the LoadLib in the OnCreate method

    invoke-static {p0}, Luk/lgl/loadlib/LoadLib;->Start(Landroid/content/Context;)V

And uncomment the isToastCalled check in hack_thread function


Q: ERROR: executing external native build for ndkBuild

A: Install NDK first

Q: I have a problem decompiling and compiling APK file

A: Check if apk is not protected. If not, search for the related issues:

Q: Getting strange issues on Android Studio or Gradle

A: If you can't find a solution on Google, try invalidate caches. Click File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart. Let it load. In some cases, you may need to reinstall Android Studio

Q: Can I load lib without mod menu?

A: Yes you can, just put this code

Q: I'm getting an error "Unsigned short value out of range: 65536" if I compile

A: The method index can't fit into an unsigned 16-bit value, means you have too many methods above 65535. Place your code on other classes, such as smali_classes2 instead. This work for Android 5 (Lollipop) and above only. Many thanks Andnix for the tip

Q: How to get older version of the template?

A: Go to the commit page


  • Telegram: @Radidas
  • Discord: LGL#2184

Newbies are the lowest priority, I may not be able to respond at all. You will be blocked if you beg me to teach/spoonfeed. Don't define me a teacher, i'm not a teacher :P

Useful links


Thanks to the following individuals whose code helped me develop this mod menu