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Zombieland Mod (RimWorld)


Do you like The Walking Dead? Are you afraid of The Undead? Good. Because this mod will give you the Heebie-jeebies!

This is not your average Zombie mod. In Zombieland, Zombies are everywhere! They crawl out of the ground in masses, hunt you down, bash your doors and eat you alive! At night, their blood lust will steer them towards your base. So better be prepared!

Zombies attack anything that moves, smells and makes sounds. They do not discriminate and attack your animals, your enemies and even traders. There are rumors of maps with well over one thousand zombies. Shoot them and they keep going, kill them and they respawn.

This Mod features custom controlled Zombies with simulated instincts. Most default RimWorld functions have been disabled on them to allow for a smooth game play experience. Therefore, you cannot select or harvest them.

Handling Settings

There are 4 ways to edit settings in Zombieland.

Default settings: If you go from the main RimWorld menu and select Options->Mod Settings->Zombieland defaults, you can set the defaults for all new colonies you will start.

Initial game settings: When you start a new colony, the settings dialog will appear after the world is generated. It will be prefilled with the settings you have defined in the default settings.

In-game settings*: While playing, you can choose Menu->Zombieland and edit the current games settings. They will apply immediately and will be saved together with the game when you save it (don't forget to save!).

Cloud settings: While in the Zombieland settings dialog, you can load and save your current settings with the Download and Publish buttons. Publishing will ask you for a name and a description and will save the settings with your steam name. Downloading presents you with a search dialog where you can search for steam user name or settings name. You can see and download other steam user settings too.

Settings Options

Zombieland has a huge amount of customization, so lets go through all options:

When do zombies appear?

All the time
No restriction

When it is dark
Zombies will spawn at cells that are considered dark. This can be during night or anywhere where there is no light. Lit areas will prevent zombies from spawning, even at night

Only as events
In this mode, zombies will come in groups and the center of the group spawn is random but follows the next setting

From where do zombies come?

Where there is soft ground
They will spawn anywhere on the map but only if there is no hard ground and you did not build any floor or wall there. Some mods introduce new types of ground/floors and Zombieland tries to do its best to identify them

From the map edges
The classic way raiders or visitors appear in RimWorld

What will zombies attack?

All creatures
No restrictions

Human-like creatures
All humans (mods that introduce robots usually make them based on humans, there is no easy way for Zombieland to see that they are not)

Only colonists
Just your beloved settlers

Enemies attack zombies
Make your raiders fight zombies or let them try to ignore them as long as possible

Animals attack zombies
Make any animal on the map fight zombies (if they are a predator or have to fight back) or let them ignore them

What will zombies destroy?

Zombies leave your things alone

Only doors
Zombies will attack doors if they are happen to be close to them.

Everything that was build
Zombies will attack anything, even ancient danger walls (surprise!)

Only when they are agitated
Restrict damaging to zombies that are raging (red eyes; triggered by too large tight groups of zombies)

Zombie senses

Note: Zombies smell and hear you, even through walls. Weapons will be heard within the shooting range but only if they make clear sounds (bows won't)

Close range, roughly 3-5 cells, traces fade away fast

Normal range, about 6-9 cells

Larger range, 10 or more cells, traces fade away slowly

Zombies rage when a group gets too large
Makes extra angry zombies (red eyes) that know where you are and will follow you (and destroy things if previous setting allows it)

Zombie health

Zombies recover from injuries
Since zombies are dead, this will activate slow continuous random injury healing to simulate that they are undead

Zombies are easy to kill
Is Zombieland way to hard to play? This is the #1 option to turn on. The slightest injury will kill zombies and they won't get down but die immediately

Zombies will eat

Injured creatures
Normally zombies only start feasting on corpses but turn this on and see your downed colonists being eaten alive!

Turn this off if you don't want zombies to eat anything

Special zombies

Zombieland has four special types of zombies and the rest is either fat and slow or slim and fast.

Suicide bombers
They have a explosive vest on their body that explodes when they die or when they get close to your walls

Toxic splashers
They consist of toxic goo that will be spread around them when they die. Do not walk over it because it creates toxic buildup and is extremely sticky. Can be cleaned and will wash away when it rains.

Tanky operators
These zombies are slow but smart and very strong. They will try to reach your walls and will breach them easily. Just like your skull if you get too close to them. Their shield and armor will protect them so make sure you hit them many times with your long range weapons

Normal zombies but with a hobby. They like to mine through mountains

New game

Days until zombies come
To give you a head start, Zombieland lets you configure the number of days without zombies when you start your colony

Zombies on the map

Note: the actual number of zombies on a map is calculated by Zombieland based on the game difficulty and the combat ability of your colonists. It takes into account: number of colonists, their weapons, their armor, if they sleep or are injured, if they are away from the map, if they can only do melee, etc...

Never more than ... zombies
Maximum number of zombies per map. This is a hard upper limit and mainly to prevent the game from lagging too much. Fast computers can deal with 1500 or more zombies

Colony multiplier
If you play rich explorer or in general with few colonists and want more zombies, increase this number to get more zombies

Zombie events

Note: Events with groups of zombies will always appear, even if you play with "When do zombies appear - all the time". In that case, less often. Events are spaced out by Zombieland every few days

Zombies per colonist
This setting is only for calculating event size, not an overall restriction. Events have an internal maximum size (but aim to never exceed the maximum number of zombies on the map) so this setting mainly allows you to reduce event size

Extra days between events
If events are too frequent for your taste, add a fixed amount of days between them

Zombie speed

Note: this is the second most useful setting to make Zombieland easier

If they are calm
Normal zombie speed (fat ones are slower, slim ones are faster)

If they feel excited
The speed for agitated, raging red eye zombies

Zombie strength

Damage multiplier
Zombies deal different amounts of damage (slim/fat). This setting makes it less or more. Zombies always deal a good amount of stun so don't get caught up in a fight with more than 2-3 zombies or you won't be able to fight back

Game tweaks

Reduce turret gun consumption
This will reduce the amount of steal turret guns consume when they fire (100% makes them consume nothing)

Zombie infections

Note: see Infections for more details on how infections in Zombieland work

Risk that a zombie bite is infectious
Only zombie bites infect, scratches won't

Time until infection is known
Stage 1) zombie bites won't show a status at the beginning

Time infection is treatable
Stage 2) Once a wound is infected, treatment it will stop the infection. So does amputation (if possible)

Duration of the infection
Stage 3) An unstopped infection will start the conversion to a zombie. At this point hope is almost lost, only amputation (if feasible) is still the last option. Don't kill your colonist because he or she might have zombie-like super powers. At the end of this stage, the colonist becomes a powerful zombie

Treatment in a bed stops infections
Normally, treatment only works if done by a really good doctor, in a really good medical bed with a vitals monitor in a sterile room. This option makes it work in any bed. Please note: if the wound has been treated outside of a bed before, it's too late. You have one chance


Use custom textures
Makes all zombies look uniquely shabby but requires more memory

Change survival meals to Twinkies
A homage to the movie Zombieland!

Play creepy ambient sound at night
Makes the nights, when zombies tend to wander towards your base, a bit more creepier

Automatic avoidance of zombies
Since the risk of getting close to a zombie is high, Zombieland can help you continuously reevaluate the path to avoid zombies. Recommended. Downside: you might not be able to order colonists close to zombies if you want to

Zombies drop blood
Keep on for more dramatic visuals but can slow your game down a bit

Zombies burn longer
It's more fun to have undead run around burning but you can turn it off


Restore default settings
Will reset the current dialog to the defaults that you have set from the main menu

Remove Zombieland from current game
Will ask you for a new save file and save a copy of the current game with all references to Zombieland removed

Load settings from the cloud
Loads saved settings

Publish settings to the cloud
Saves current settings


In Zombieland, only human-like pawns can get infected. That includes any human-like modded pawns that are based on the basic human characters in RimWorld, including most robot mods. Zombieland tests for human flesh and tries its best to reduce this to the actual human forms but it's sometimes not possible.

Only zombies can infect humans. There is no concept of infected meat or corpses and only zombie bites are infectious. Zombies deal scratches and bites and the risk that a bite is infectious can be set in the settings. Fighting zombies close up in melee is therefore not recommended but with a set low risk doable.

Each bite separately has a predetermined infection status that is hidden at the beginning. The part of the body stays infected unless the wound is treated in an appropriate way or amputated if possible.

Infections go through 3 stages: Unknown, treatable, infecting and after the third stage, the infected human turns into a zombie. The settings define a time interval for each of these stages. If all are set to zero, a bite will instantaneously turn the bitten into a zombie.

Stages are marked with colored text in the Health tab of the character. Bites can show up in white (no or unknown infection), orange (treatable infection) or red (fully infecting, only amputation will help). Also, an infected human (or corpse) will have a warning at the bottom of the health overview page.

When colonists become infected or go from one stage to the next, Zombieland will generate warning notes on the right hand side of the screen. Do not miss them, they contain useful information about the colonist or the infection.

Infections continue even after death. When a corpse starts rotting, it will become a zombie and get out of the grave if necessary. Raiders or friendly can become infected and when they return, they will become zombies the moment they enter the map.

Infections are quite fatal. Once a colonist is terminal infected and the affected body part cannot be amputated, there is no hope anymore. Consider it a loss and be more careful next time. Don't kill stage 3 infected colonists too early. They might prove more useful than you think. Find out what their special abilities are.


Zombieland is a huge and complex mod. It is designed to showcase Harmony, the patch library that powers most Unity game mods. A lot of areas are carefully manipulated but conflicts are impossible to prevent. Especially badly written mods conflict easily with Zombieland. So if no zombies spawn or you cannot treat infected wounds or any other unusual outcome, try playing with Zombieland alone to see if this is a specific bug in the mod or just an incompatibility.

Zombieland seems to work best when put at the end of the mod list but you may have to try other positions or mod combinations. Please do not ask me to find the conflict for you because I don't have the knowledge nor the time to test Zombieland with all the mods out there. As a rule of thumb, I also do not adapt Zombieland to specific mods unless the mod is very popular and I can establish some sort of cooperation with the other mod author.


Free. As in free beer. Copy, learn and be respectful.

Powered by Harmony Patch Library


Andreas Pardeike
Steam: pardeike
Twitter: @pardeike


Rimworld Mod featuring zombie hordes







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