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Vincent Yang edited this page Jan 24, 2018 · 4 revisions

Vim mode can be turned on with Preferences > Cells > {Code Cell | Markdown Cell | LaTeX Cell} > Key Binding.

Supported Features

Visual mode and visual block mode are supported. Normal colon commands are limited. Supported colon commands are:

  • :w
  • :imap
    • A common mapping for rebinding is imap jk <Esc>. Quiver does not currently support scripting, but there is decent support for keyboard shortcuts. We can use applescript to automatically set our mappings when we open Quiver. To run this, we can use Automator to run this script as an application or use Alfred to run this script in lieu of opening Quiver.

Other supported features:

  • Search and jumping between results (src)
  • Search/replace (src)
  • Jumping to a specific line number (src). Line numbers can only be turned on currently via switching to code cell and setting the language to text.
  • Mode indication:
    • Normal mode = red block cursor
    • Visual mode = selection appears
    • Insert mode = cursor becomes pipe

Other general notes

  • Quiver has line wrapping turned on by default (src). To get j and k working normally, either use :set nowrap or :map j gj and :map k gk.