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Stræm is a minimal wrapper for the Custom Event API.

🚀 Getting started

To use Stræm with npm and/or a bundler such as webpack or rollup, install it via yarn or npm:

yarn add straemjs
# or use npm
npm install straemjs

You can also use it directly in the browser and include it via CDN (or locally, if you like).

    <!-- as a local file -->
    <script src="./your/path/to/straem.browser.min.js"></script>
    <!-- or via CDN -->
    <script src=""></script>

🔧 Usage

Imports and Global

Stræm provides exports for modern import syntax as well as exports for the require syntax.

// node require syntax
const { receive, dispatch } = require('straemjs');

// modern es6 style syntax
import { receive, dispatch } from 'straemjs';

In case you included the Stræm file via CDN, the straem object is globally available.

const { receive, dispatch } = straem;

Creating a custom event listener

To receive and listen to custom (or built-in) event, use the receive() method

import { receive } from 'straemjs';

// Use the receive method to register one or more event names for the listener

const listener = receive('custom-event', 'another-event');

// You can use the 'from' method to set the target of the event

const listener = receive('custom-event').from(window);

// To create the listener(s) and register a callback, use the 'then' method returned by
// either the 'receive' or 'from' method and pass a handler and an optional opinions object.
// The method returns a function to remove the created listener(s).

const dispose = receive('custom-event').then(handler, eventInit);

Dispatching a custom event

To dispatch a custom event, use the dispatch() method.

import { dispatch } from 'straemjs';

// Use the dispatch method to register one ore more event names for dispatching.
// As with the receive method, you can chain the from method to set the target.

const send = dispatch('custom-event').from(window);

// Use the 'with' method to dispatch the event with a given payload.

send.with({ hello: 'world' });



Type: receive(...string: string[]) => { from: Function, then: Function, eventTarget: EventTarget, eventNames: string[] }

The receive method is used to create a custom event listener. Pass any number of strings as argument. The method returns the Receiver object, containing the from(), then(), eventTarget & eventNames properties.


Type: dispatch(...string: string[]) => { from: Function, with: Function, eventTarget: EventTarget, eventNames: string[] }

The dispatch method is used to create a custom event dispatcher. Pass any number of strings as argument. The method returns the Dispatcher object, containing the from(), with(), eventTarget & eventNames properties.

Receiver.from() / Dispatcher.from()

Type: from(eventTarget: EventTarget) => { this }

The from method is used to set the eventTarget of the receive()of dispatch() methods. The method will return the receive of dispatch object, respective of the method that it was called from.


Type: then<T>(action: Action<T>, eventInit?: AddEventListenerOptions) => function

The then method is used to execute the specified handler function when the custom event is received. The method takes a eventInit object as second parameter, which is equal to the options provided by the Event interface. The method returns a function to remove all created listeners.


Type: with(payload?: any, eventInit?: EventInit) => void

The with method is used to dispatch the created event from the dispatch() method with a specified payload. The method takes a eventInit object as second parameter, which is equal to the options provided by the Event interface. The payload will default to undefined if not specified.


If you would like to contribute, take a look at the contribution guide.


Stræm.js is licensed under the MIT License