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Ted John edited this page May 24, 2023 · 7 revisions

FAQ for Biorand

- How do I install Biorand?

Simply extract the to any folder you like on your pc, it doesn't have to be in any of the RE install locations.

- Can you share RE1, RE2 and RE3 for PC?

You will have to acquire the PC versions of the games on your own, they will not be shared out from us. The versions required are RE1 mediakite, RE2 and RE3 sourcenext. And with classic rebirth patches installed on all of them.

You can get Classic Rebirth for each game from the author Gemini's site here:

- How do I use Biorand?

After running Biorand start off by setting your install locations for you RE game installs. Click on the settings icon (gear icon) and you can set where your RE games are installed from. You'll know if it is correct with Biorand saying "Directory looks good!"

Then you can go to the RE game you want to randomize, by clicking on the appropriate icon on the left of the program. Then you can select which settings you would like to use.

- I'm stuck in a cutscene and the game won't continue

The best way to get around issues with getting stuck, is use the debug menu.

- How do I enable the debug menu?

Go to the your install directory of the RE game you want to enable debug (or do this for all of them) open the config.ini file. Now scroll down to the bottom section and find "Debugmode = 0" if it is a 0 simple change the number to "1" and then save the file and close it. Now you should be able to use the debug menu in game with F5 or the corresponding gameplay button.

- My seed was the same as the last seed?

Remember to click the "seed" button for a new seed before generating

- Why don't my characters have their voice?

This can be one of two reasons, either you haven't selected a install location for a RE game that contains that character. For example if you have Rebecca using a RE2 characters voice in RE2, you will need to specify RE1s install location for characters from RE1 to have their voice. Or, your game install might be faulty and will need reinstalling.

- Why did my game crash?

There could be any number of reasons. Please if your game crashes, go to the Biorand program and click "report an issue with this seed" to be sent to our github page to report the issue. Please provide as much detail as possible about what happened, for example what room it was, what enemy might have been in the room, if it was a cutscene etc.

- I couldn't find item "X"

Biorand creates a log for each seed, which includes which items are present in it. In Biorand's program you can open the log directly from there at the top. (Of course bear in mind multiple logs depending on which game it is) With the log open, press "ctrl + F" to open the find function, and search for the item you want to find. For example RE2 will say at the start of the log which key items are present and in what room. For example it could say "Placing key item (BlueCard x1) in 200:4" this means it has placed the Blue Keycard in room 200 which would be the RPD Main Hall. For what each rooms number is, please refer to the debug menu in game or the room number wiki page entry on this guthub.

RE1 List:

- How does the "Enemy difficulty slider" work?

As an example: For RE2, it does two things:

  • Increases the chances of dogs chasing you immediately
  • Increases the enemy cap per room for lickers, tyrants, and dogs So on the easiest setting, you will never got more than two lickers in a room. Except the lab room where they come out the vent.

- Why was "X" npc in my seed but I have them turned off in my NPCs?

Some NPCs are required in certain rooms or areas of the game.

- I have "X" music turned on, but still hear music from the game I'm playing when that games music is turned off?

Not all the music we have provided, contains its whole soundtrack.

- Why can't I play as "X" character in "X" game? or Why isn't "X" npc in "X" game?

Were still working on making all our characters available in each game, RE1 especially has limitations compared to RE2 and RE3. Everything will come when its ready!

- I only started with a knife!

Luck of the draw friend

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