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Flask Chatbot using NLP Libraries

This project is a simple chatbot web app built using Python, Flask, and various NLP libraries such as NLTK, SpaCy, and transformers. The chatbot uses the Huggingface transformers library with the microsoft/DialoGPT-medium model to generate responses to user inputs. It also uses NLTK and SpaCy for additional text processing.


Table of Contents


  1. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install flask nltk spacy transformers
    python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
  2. Download NLTK data:

    python -c "import nltk;'punkt')"


  1. Run the Flask application:

  2. Open your web browser and navigate to:
  3. Interact with the chatbot by typing messages and clicking 'Send'.

How It Works

  1. Flask Server: The Flask web server renders the HTML template and handles incoming POST requests to generate chatbot responses.

  2. NLP Processing:

    • NLTK: Used for tokenizing the input message.
    • SpaCy: Used for named entity recognition (NER) and part-of-speech (POS) tagging.
    • Transformers: The chatbot uses the Huggingface transformers library with the microsoft/DialoGPT-medium model to generate responses to user inputs.
  3. Frontend: The web interface uses HTML and jQuery to handle user interactions and display the conversation.


Here are some example messages you can try with the chatbot:

  • "Hello!"
  • "What is your name?"
  • "Can you tell me a joke?"
  • "I like cats."
  • "What's the meaning of life?"


This project is licensed under the MIT License.