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Implementation of place for MIMO systems (#854)
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* WIP implementation of palce for MIMO systems

* finish MIMO place
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baggepinnen committed May 26, 2023
1 parent 6e50c6d commit 88f0879
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Showing 3 changed files with 207 additions and 4 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ const implicit_hinfnorm = ImplicitFunction(forward_hinfnorm, conditions_hinfnorm
hinfnorm(sys::StateSpace{Continuous, <:Dual}; kwargs)
The H∞ norm can be differentiated through using ForwardDiff.jl, but at the time of writing, is limited to systems with *either* a signel input *or* a signle output.
The H∞ norm can be differentiated through using ForwardDiff.jl, but at the time of writing, is limited to systems with *either* a signel input *or* a single output.
A reverse-differention rule is defined in RobustAndOptimalControl.jl, which means that hinfnorm is differentiable using, e.g., Zygote in reverse mode.
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139 changes: 136 additions & 3 deletions lib/ControlSystemsBase/src/synthesis.jl
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Expand Up @@ -121,23 +121,23 @@ eigvals(A-B*K2)
Please note that this function can be numerically sensitive, solving the placement problem in extended precision might be beneficial.
function place(A, B, p, opt=:c)
function place(A, B, p, opt=:c; kwargs...)
n = length(p)
n != size(A,1) && error("Must specify as many poles as states")
if opt === :c
n != size(B,1) && error("A and B must have same number of rows")
if size(B,2) == 1
acker(A, B, p)
error("place only implemented for SISO systems")
place_knvd(A, B, p; kwargs...)
elseif opt === :o
C = B # B is really the "C matrix"
n != size(C,2) && error("A and C must have same number of columns")
if size(C,1) == 1
acker(A', C', p)'
error("place only implemented for SISO systems")
place_knvd(A', C', p; kwargs...)'
error("fourth argument must be :c or :o")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,3 +170,136 @@ function acker(A,B,P)
return [zeros(1,n-1) 1]*(S\q)

place_knvd(A::AbstractMatrix, B, λ; verbose = false, init = :s)
Robust pole placement using the algorithm from
> "Robust Pole Assignment in Linear State Feedback", Kautsky, Nichols, Van Dooren
This implementation uses "method 0" for the X-step and the QR factorization for all factorizations.
This function will be called automatically when [`place`](@ref) is called with a MIMO system.
# Arguments:
- `init`: Determines the initialization strategy for the iterations for find the `X` matrix. Possible choices are `:id` (default), `:rand`, `:s`.
function place_knvd(A::AbstractMatrix, B, λ; verbose=false, init=:s, method = 0)
n, m = size(B)
T = float(promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B)))
CT = Complex{real(T)}
λ = sort(λ, by=LinearAlgebra.eigsortby)
length(λ) == size(A, 1) == n || error("Must specify as many poles as states")
Λ = diagm(λ)
QRB = qr(B)
U0, U1 = QRB.Q[:, 1:m], QRB.Q[:, m+1:end] # TODO: check dimension
R = svdvals(B)
m = count(>(100*eps()*R[1]), R) # Rank of B
if m == n # Easy case, B is full rank
r = count(e->imag(e) == 0, λ)
ABF = diagm(real(λ))
j = r+1
while j <= n-1
ABF[j, j+1] = imag(λ[j])
ABF[j+1, j] = - imag(λ[j])
j += 2
return B\(A - ABF) # Solve for F in (A - BF) = Λ

S = Matrix{CT}[]
for j = 1:n
qj = qr((U1'*(A- λ[j]*I))')
# @assert nr == m
# Ŝj = qj.Q[:, 1:n-m] # Needed for method 2
Sj = qj.Q[:, n-m+1:n]
# nr = size(qj.R, 1)
# Sj = qj.Q[:, nr+1:n]

push!(S, Sj)
if m == 1 # Shortcut
verbose && @info "Shortcut"
X = S
M = real(X*Λ/X)
F = real((Z\U0')*(M-A))
return -F

# Init
if init === :id
X = Matrix(one(CT)*I(n))
elseif init === :rand
X = randn(CT, n, n)
elseif init === :s
X = zeros(CT, n, n)
@views for j = 1:n
X[:,j] = sum(S[j], dims=2)
X[:,j] ./= norm(X[:,j])
elseif init === :acker
P = randn(m,1) # Random projection matrix
K = place(A,B*P,λ)
L = P*K
M = A - B*L
X = complex.(eigen(M).vectors)
error("Unknown init method")

cond_old = float(T)(Inf)
if method == 0
for i = 1:200
verbose && @info "Iteration $i"
for j = 1:n
Xj = qr(X[:, setdiff(1:n, j)])
= Xj.Q[:, end]
STy = S[j]'
xj = S[j]*(STy ./ norm(STy))
any(!isfinite, xj) && error("Not finite")
X[:, j] = xj
c = cond(X)
verbose && @info "cond(X) = $c"
if cond_old - c < 1e-14
cond_old = c
i == 200 && @warn "Max iterations reached"
# elseif method == 1
# for i = 1:200
# verbose && @info "Iteration $i"
# for j = 1:n
# Xj = qr(X[:, setdiff(1:n, j)])
# Rj = Xj.R
# Qj = Xj.Q[:, 1:end-1]
# qj = Xj.Q[:, end]
# σpt = qj'S[j]
# σ = norm(σpt)
# p = vec(σpt) ./ σ
# ρ = sqrt(σ^(-2)*(w̃'w̃ + 1))
# xj = inv(ρ*σ)*S[j]

# any(!isfinite, xj) && error("Not finite")
# X[:, j] = xj
# end
# c = cond(X)
# verbose && @info "cond(X) = $c"
# if cond_old - c < 1e-14
# break
# end
# cond_old = c
# i == 200 && @warn "Max iterations reached"
# end
error("Only method 0 is implemented")
verbose && @info "norm X = $(norm(X))"
M = X*Λ/X
F = real((Z\U0')*(M-A))
-F # Paper assumes positive feedback
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions lib/ControlSystemsBase/test/test_synthesis.jl
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Expand Up @@ -101,6 +101,76 @@ K = ControlSystemsBase.acker(A,B,p)
@test ControlSystemsBase.eigvalsnosort(A-B*K) p

@testset "MIMO place" begin

function allin(a, b; tol = 1e-2)
all(minimum(abs, a .- b', dims=2)[:] .< tol)

for i = 1:10
# B smaller than A
sys = ssrand(2,2,3)
# @show cond(gram(sys, :c))
(; A, B) = sys
p = [-1.0, -2, -3]
L = place(A, B, p)
@test eltype(L) <: Real
@test allin(eigvals(A - B*L), p)

# p = [-3.0, -1-im, -1+im]
# L = place(A, B, p)
# @test eltype(L) <: Real

# cond(gram(sys, :c))
# @test allin(eigvals(A - B*L), p)

# B same size as A
sys = ssrand(2,3,3)
(; A, B) = sys
p = [-1.0, -2, -3]
L = place(A, B, p)
@test eltype(L) <: Real
@test allin(eigvals(A - B*L), p)

p = [-3.0, -1-im, -1+im]
L = place(A, B, p)
@test eltype(L) <: Real
@test allin(eigvals(A - B*L), p)

# deadbeat
A = [0 1; 0 0]
B = I(2)
sys = ss(A, B, I, 0)
sysd = c2d(sys, 0.1)

p = [0,0]
L = place(sysd, p)
@test eltype(L) <: Real
@test allin(eigvals(sysd.A - sysd.B*L), p)


A = [
-0.1094 0.0628 0 0 0
1.306 -2.132 0.9807 0 0
0 1.595 -3.149 1.547 0
0 0.0355 2.632 -4.257 1.855
0 0.00227 0 0.1636 -0.1625
B = [
0 0.0638 0.0838 0.1004 0.0063
0 0 -0.1396 -0.206 -0.0128
# p = [-0.07732, -0.01423, -0.8953, -2.841, -5.982]
p = [-0.2, -0.5, -1, -1+im, -1-im]
L = place(A, B, p; verbose=true) # with verbose, should prind cond(X) ≈ 39.4 which it does
@test allin(eigvals(A - B*L), p; tol=0.025) # Tolerance from paper
# norm(L)


@testset "LQR" begin
Ts = 0.1
A = [1 Ts; 0 1]
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