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Welcome to kucoin-futures-python-sdk


  • Implementation of REST endpoints
  • Simple handling of authentication
  • Response exception handling
  • Implement websockets (note only python3.6+)


  • 2024 09/04
  1. [NEW] GET /api/v1/allTickers
  2. [NEW] GET /api/v2/getMaxOpenSize
  3. [NEW] POST /api/v1/st-orders
  4. [Update] POST /api/v1/orders
  5. [Update] POST /api/v1/orders/test
  • 2024 07/25
  1. 【NEW】GET /api/v1/margin/maxWithdrawMargin: Trade.get_max_withdraw_margin
  2. 【NEW】POST /api/v1/margin/withdrawMargin: Trade.remove_margin_manually
  3. 【NEW】GET /api/v1/trade-fees: Trade.trading_pair_actual_fee_futures
  4. 【NEW】GET /api/v1/history-positions: Trade.get_positions_history
  • 2024 02/07
  1. trade.get_public_funding_history: Get Public Funding History.
  2. trade.get_24h_futures_transaction_volume: Get 24-hour platform futures trading volume.
  3. trade.cancel_order_by_clientOid: Cancel Order by clientOid.
  4. customized websocket: ./kucoin_futures/ | kucoin_futures/
  • sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
  1. set api TCP_NODELAY:After instantiating the client, you can cancel the Nagle algorithm through client.TCP_NODELAY=1 (default is 0)
  • kucoin/

Quick Start

Register an account with KuCoin_Futures.

Generate an API Key and enable it. Note:API key can only be generated after logging in.

pip install kucoin-futures-python
#  MarketData
from kucoin_futures.client import Market
client = Market(url='')
# client = Market()

# get l3_order_book
l3_depth = client.l3_order_book('XBTUSDTM')

# get l2_order_book
l2_depth = client.l2_order_book('XBTUSDTM')

# get symbol ticker
klines = client.get_ticker("XBTUSDTM")

# get symbol ticker
server_time = client.get_server_timestamp()

api_key = '<api_key>'
api_secret = '<api_secret>'
api_passphrase = '<api_passphrase>'

# Trade
from kucoin_futures.client import Trade
client = Trade(key='', secret='', passphrase='',  url='')

# place a limit buy order
order_id = client.create_limit_order('XBTUSDTM', 'buy', '1', '30', '8600')

# place a market buy order   Use cautiously
order_id = client.create_market_order('XBTUSDTM', 'buy', '1')

# cancel limit order

# cancel all limit order

# User
from kucoin_futures.client import User
client = User(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase)

address = client.get_withdrawal_quota('XBT')


  • ./kucoin_futures/example/
  • ./kucoin_futures/example/