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Reisenavet Integration-tool backend

User guide

See User guide

Supported files

See Supported files


For windows:

  • Install Visual Studio Code
  • Install Java Jdk 14.0.2
  • Install Maven (Binary zip) and put the "apache-maven-3.6.3" folder in "C:\Program Files"
  • Fix environment variables:
    • Add C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2 to environment variable -> "JAVA_HOME"
    • Add C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.6.3\bin to environment variable -> "Path"
  • Open the repository folder in Visual Studio Code and choose "Start Debugging" (not Run Code)

For mac:

  • Install Visual Studio Code
  • Install Java Jdk 14.0.2
  • Install Maven (Binary zip)
    • Make a folder named "Maven" in the systemlibrary. Put the "apache-maven-3.6.3" folder in 'Library/Maven'.
  • Write in the terminal:
    • ~/.bash_profile
  • Copy the following to bash_profile
    • export JAVA_HOME='/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-14.jdk/Contents/Home'
    • export PATH=/Library/Maven/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin:$PATH
  • Pick exit, save and open a new terminal
  • Check if Java and Maven are of the correct versions by writing this in the terminal:
    • source ~/.bash_profile
    • java --version
    • mvn -v
  • Open the repository folder in Visual Studio Code and choose "Start Debugging" (not Run Code)


Our system is entirely (both front-end and back-end) hosted on SINTEF's server at ProISP. The server is available on this link (not HTTPS), or on IP

Before deployment:


  1. Open the project folder in Eclipse.
  2. Navigate to src/main/java/ > (default package) >
  3. Set up a run-configuration
    • Set main class to
    • Click Apply
    • Close Run Configurations-window
  4. Right click and click Export....
  5. Select "Runnable Jar file" and use the following settings:
    • Launch configuration: The one you created before.
    • Export destination: SemanticMatcher\App.jar (where SemanticMatcher is the name of the project.)
    • Library handling: Extract required packages into generated JAR.
  6. Click finish to build the App.jar file.
  7. Connect to SSH:
    • Windows - Putty:
      • Hostname: student@
      • Port: 22
      • Connection type: SSH
      • Password prompt: Ask Audun
    • Mac/Linux - Terminal:
      • ssh student@
      • Password prompt: Ask Audun
  8. SSH: Stop the running java process with killall java
  9. Connect to SFTP:
    • Protocol: SFTP
    • Hostname/IP:
    • Port: 22
    • Username: student
    • Password: Ask Audun
  10. SFTP: Copy the compiled App.jar into this the server-folder /home/student
  11. SSH: Restart the java server with nohup java -jar App.jar &

(If this doesn't work due to some missing dependency, fix this in eclipse before step 4.)


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Contributors 4
