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This repository hosts the #TWSThreeTierAppChallenge for the TWS community. The challenge involves deploying a Three-Tier Web Application using ReactJS, NodeJS, and MongoDB, with deployment on AWS EKS. Participants are encouraged to deploy the application, add creative enhancements, and submit a Pull Request (PR). Merged PRs will earn exciting prizes!

Get The Challenge here

YouTube Video


  • Basic knowledge of Docker, and AWS services.
  • An AWS account with necessary permissions.

Challenge Steps

Application Code

The Application-Code directory contains the source code for the Three-Tier Web Application. Dive into this directory to explore the frontend and backend implementations.

Jenkins Pipeline Code

In the Jenkins-Pipeline-Code directory, you'll find Jenkins pipeline scripts. These scripts automate the CI/CD process, ensuring smooth integration and deployment of your application.

Jenkins Server Terraform

Explore the Jenkins-Server-TF directory to find Terraform scripts for setting up the Jenkins Server on AWS. These scripts simplify the infrastructure provisioning process.

Kubernetes Manifests Files

The Kubernetes-Manifests-Files directory holds Kubernetes manifests for deploying your application on AWS EKS. Understand and customize these files to suit your project needs.

Project Details

🛠️ Tools Explored:

  • Terraform & AWS CLI for AWS infrastructure
  • Jenkins, Sonarqube, Terraform, Kubectl, and more for CI/CD setup
  • Helm, Prometheus, and Grafana for Monitoring
  • ArgoCD for GitOps practices

🚢 High-Level Overview:

  • IAM User setup & Terraform magic on AWS
  • Jenkins deployment with AWS integration
  • EKS Cluster creation & Load Balancer configuration
  • Private ECR repositories for secure image management
  • Helm charts for efficient monitoring setup
  • GitOps with ArgoCD - the cherry on top!

📈 The journey covered everything from setting up tools to deploying a Three-Tier app, ensuring data persistence, and implementing CI/CD pipelines.

Getting Started

To get started with this project, refer to our comprehensive guide that walks you through IAM user setup, infrastructure provisioning, CI/CD pipeline configuration, EKS cluster creation, and more.

Step 1: IAM Configuration

  • Create a user eks-admin with AdministratorAccess.
  • Generate Security Credentials: Access Key and Secret Access Key.

Step 2: EC2 Setup

  • Launch an Ubuntu instance in your favourite region (eg. region us-west-2).
  • SSH into the instance from your local machine.

Step 3: Install AWS CLI v2

curl "" -o ""
sudo apt install unzip
sudo ./aws/install -i /usr/local/aws-cli -b /usr/local/bin --update
aws configure

Step 4: Install Docker

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install
docker ps
sudo chown $USER /var/run/docker.sock

Step 5: Install kubectl

curl -o kubectl
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin
kubectl version --short --client

Step 6: Install eksctl

curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
eksctl version

Step 7: Setup EKS Cluster

eksctl create cluster --name three-tier-cluster --region us-west-2 --node-type t2.medium --nodes-min 2 --nodes-max 2
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-west-2 --name three-tier-cluster
kubectl get nodes

Step 8: Run Manifests

kubectl create namespace workshop
kubectl apply -f .
kubectl delete -f .

Step 9: Install AWS Load Balancer

curl -O
aws iam create-policy --policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy --policy-document file://iam_policy.json
eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --region=us-west-2 --cluster=three-tier-cluster --approve
eksctl create iamserviceaccount --cluster=three-tier-cluster --namespace=kube-system --name=aws-load-balancer-controller --role-name AmazonEKSLoadBalancerControllerRole --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::626072240565:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy --approve --region=us-west-2

Step 10: Deploy AWS Load Balancer Controller

sudo snap install helm --classic
helm repo add eks
helm repo update eks
helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system --set clusterName=my-cluster --set serviceAccount.create=false --set
kubectl get deployment -n kube-system aws-load-balancer-controller
kubectl apply -f full_stack_lb.yaml


  • To delete the EKS cluster:
eksctl delete cluster --name three-tier-cluster --region us-west-2

Contribution Guidelines

  • Fork the repository and create your feature branch.
  • Deploy the application, adding your creative enhancements.
  • Ensure your code adheres to the project's style and contribution guidelines.
  • Submit a Pull Request with a detailed description of your changes.


  • Successful PR merges will be eligible for exciting prizes!


For any queries or issues, please open an issue in the repository.

Happy Learning! 🚀👨‍💻👩‍💻


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