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CS 59 A - Stanford Continuing Studies - Final Project


I am keenly interested in Artificial Intelligence, particular how the tools and techniques of Machine Learning and Deep Learning will affect and augment the ways we work today. Below are resources I have personally found to be helpful in learning about AI starting from knowing absolutely nothing about the subject, but with a bit of Python under my belt.

I have also tried to consider differences in learning styles - I personally learn most effectively from a combination of kinesthetic as well as visual modalities. But there are many methods to learn this material and everyone learns differently.

I hope that this is helpful if you are curious to learn more about these fascinating subjects. If you find something you feel is missing or that you have found to be particularly helpful please reach out on Twitter (@Reelkreyz), submit a Pull Request, or please share what you have learned with the community of curious learners on Medium (also @Reelkreyz).

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Step 1) I hear about AI, ML and Deep Learning all the time, but I am not a Data Scientist and I do not have a Ph.D - What is AI? What is ML? Where do I start?

I don't have time to read books or I don't learn best through reading alone:
I love reading and learn most effectively by starting with books, then watching videos and tutorials:

Step 2) Okay. That all makes sense conceptually, and is fascinating - but can I visualize an example of Machine Learning step-by-step?

Step 3) This is AMAZING! But I don't know how to code yet - Argh! How can I begin learning how to use Machine Learning tools and techniques?

Reflecting on a learning plan is super helpful. Embracing a Growth Mindset, learning how to learn - or if you prefer a more academic approach - and setting up a consistent routine is super helpful to celebrate learning and remain resilient to the challenges of self-education while working and fulfilling your responsibilities.

I have found the below to be helpful (in order), but the learning journey continues:

  1. Learn Python the Hard Way - Zed Shaw
  2. Udacity - Data Analyst Skills Checklist
  4. Josh Gordon - Machine Learning Recipes

Or, if you already have some programming experience:

  1. Machine Learning in a Year: From being a total ml noob to start using it at work - Per Harold Borgen

Step 4) I want to share what I have learned and the projects I have built with the world!

Thank you @adam-p for posting a SUPER helpful Markdown Cheat Sheet for great README docs! Thank you Mohammad Shokoohi-Yekta for helping us to begin working with Python adn introducing our class to the exciting world of AI and Data Science!


Final project for Stanford Continuing Studies CS 59 A






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