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Cutemanga is a website where you can read manga with selectable text (OCR), it is a fun way to study japanese.


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Cutemanga is a manga viewer where you can read manga with selectable text (OCR) with a dictionary extension like Yomichan. It is a fun way to study Japanese. The manga is generated with MangaOCR, and specifically we use Mokuro and Mokuro2Pdf scripts to OCR the manga and convert them to PDF files.

We have a custom PDF viewer which is explained in more detail below.

Switching to English

You can quickly switch to an English-translated version of the manga to check that you are understanding it correctly. Since Google Translate is very poor at translating vertical text, it often yields very unnatural/nonsensical dialogue, so it is better to refer a humanly-translated version instead.

Reading Direction

You can change the reading direction between top to bottom (most common), or right to left, which is how manga are traditionally read.

Official Website

Support the artist/publisher by buying the manga/anime from their website (a link is provided).

Tech Stack

  • Languages: Typescript, LESS, HTML
  • Front-end: React
  • Bundler: Webpack


First install Node.js if you don't have it already.

To reduce costs, the whole "database" is stored in a single database.js file instead of using a real database. This works for me because I expect the content library to get that big.

You can look at the database.example.js to see the structure of the database and populate it on your own.

Clone the code from this repository and then install dependencies with npm install.
Start the web server with npm start.

All the web server does is load the index.html file, there is no real backend so this can be hosted as a static website.

To load files from your local hard drive edit the pathname for the route /Manga/* in server.tsx.

Anime Site


Cutemanga is a website where you can read manga with selectable text (OCR), it is a fun way to study japanese.








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