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My attempt at a generic manga CMS


Monochrome requires a copy of this repository, docker and docker-compose to run.

Once those requirements are fulfilled you need to set up your .env and simply run make install, and the different services will be launched.


Two different "flavors" are available:

  • caddy Includes PWA support, HTTPS (requires a domain name and to be the only web server on the machine), and optimisations, the one you most likely want. make flavor=caddy install
  • nginx Same as production but without the HTTPS, in case you have other web servers and have a reverse proxy or want to handle the HTTPS yourself (ex. intranet). make flavor=nginx install

Environment settings

Monochrome uses a .env file to take your settings, an example is provided here.


Note: The database should be isolated by docker and only accessible by the Monochrome API, however using unique username and password is very recommended.

  • DB_NAME Name for the database.
  • DB_USER User to connect the database with.
  • DB_PWD Password of that user.
  • SECRET_KEY Secret used to encrypt the connections, change it asap.

Note: Those can and are recommended to be completely random, to generate them you can use make secret

  • PROTOCOL http or https, if you use a flavor that doesn't handle HTTPS automatically, you'll still have to set it up on your own.
  • DOMAIN_NAME The domain the app will be available on, ex: or localhost
  • TITLE Name of your website, used for stuff like the title of the tab when you open the website.
  • DESCRIPTION Description of your website.

Video with installation and showcase

Video with installation and showcase

How to update

Updating is as simple as running the make update command. Do keep in mind that major version updates may break some stuff so please read the version changelogs before updating.


Home page

Screenshot 1

Responsive layout

Screenshot 2

Light and dark themes

Screenshot 3

Chapter upload

Screenshot 4

Website customization

Screenshot 5

User management

Screenshot 6 Screenshot 7

WebUI building

In case you want to compile the WebUI static files, you simply have to edit the .env.webui file(details) and run make build-webui. This will create the static files inside a ./dist folder.

Cloud deployment

The motivation behind the Deta implementation was to have a stateless full stack (the frontend being static already). This would allow us to to deploy Monochrome on the cloud, potentially for free. If you want to go down this route here's a not detailed list of the options you have to do so.


All of this is possible because of Deta, which allows us to have a cloud database and file storage for free. To use the deta version of the API you'll need to create a Deta account and obtain a project key, that's all you need for the API to work.

Note: Deta is good, but if there's another free DB and file storage service out there, the API could be implemented easily enough with those as well.

The API is available as a docker image, so any service that allows us to run docker containers should be able to host the API.

Deta Micros

Actually, the first option doesn't use the docker image, but it fits within the Deta theme. You'll need git and the Deta CLI.

Deploy on Deta

# If you want to go the Deta CLI route:
git clone
cd monochrome-api-deta

deta login
deta new .
deta deploy
deta auth disable
# Set up the .env file ex:
deta update -e .env
# A deta cron job is available to clean up the lingering upload sessions,
# more info:
deta cron set "7 days"

You can then use the Deta UI to check the logs and the URL the API is hosted on.

NOTE: Micros are limited to 128MB per execution, this can be a problem when uploading big chapters, luckily an increase can be requested.


Deploy on Heroku

Google Cloud Run

This one is harder but the one that gives the best performance for free:

The frontend is built into static files, either inside a container make build or directly to a dist folder (details). So we can either use the same providers as the API and CDNs.


  • Set up the .env.webui file
  • Create a Netlify account
  • Build the app with make build-webui
  • Drag and drop the dist folder on the Netlify dashboard
  • This will give you a Netlify URL, change it to your liking and update the .env.webui file to the new domain name.
  • Build the app again and publish it again in Netlify.


My production deployment is available on, it uses the Postgres API inside a VPS.

A demo deployment is available on, it uses the Deta API inside Google Cloud Run and the website on Netlify. You can test it out with the user test:test, please don't remove or edit it to allow other users to test it out.

Services used

Check those, for more information on the services that make up Monochrome:
