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安装 Installation

Available on App Store, just search "moonlight zwm"

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中国大陆用户如果不便将apple id切到外区, 不妨先加入TestFlight. 等我搞定icp备案号才能上架国区App Store.

功能更新会先上TestFlight, 再视情况更新App Store版本

已为Github用户开测试组, 可通过testflight安装:

Just opened a testing group for github users:

如果觉得这个fork好用, 请记得点星。

Give it a star if you find this version helpful.

代码 Coding


For latest coding commits go to branch noWaterMark.

概述 Overview

这是首个实现iOS多点触控透传的Fork. 目前已经严重偏离原版moonlight-iOS (具体看release页面)。 我已经对一项项拆分修改过的功能提交PR, 再合并到官方代码仓库没有兴趣了

This fork is the first one to implement native multi-touch. It has developed with too many deviations from the original version (see the release page for details). I am not interested in splitting the modified features to create pull request to the official repository one by one.

A Reddit post introducing this fork:

注意事项 Notice


Please acknowledge the source when releasing modified versions based on this fork.

开发者B站号. Developer on Bilibili

如果你有在用Bilibili, 请关注True砖家,了解该fork的最新消息。
If you are on Bilibili, subscribe True砖家 to get the latest news of this fork:

添加键盘命令 Add Keyboard Command

Read this instruction:

特别感谢 Special Thanks to:
On screen control customization of my version originated from this repo (with much more improvements)