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03.2 Short Notations

Amit Gupta edited this page Dec 1, 2018 · 2 revisions

Stubmatic let's you use short notations to reduce the size of mapping files. Currently only following short notation is supported;

-  request: /stubs/healthcheck
   response: OK

Keep watching this page for further notations. For example:

-  url: /stubs/healthcheck/([0-9])+
   file: <% url.1 %>.txt

-  GET: /url1/1
   file: someFile.txt

-  HEAD: /url1/2
   response: ok

-  PUT: /url1/3
   latency: 3000
   status: 502

-  POST: /url1/4
   post: check this
   files: ['someFile.txt','default.txt']
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