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NobyDa committed Apr 5, 2024
1 parent f5f752f commit b00608e
Showing 1 changed file with 6 additions and 6 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions TestFlight/TestFlightAccount.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ TestFlight账户管理脚本
脚本作者: @NobyDa
脚本兼容: Surge4、QuantumultX、Loon(2.1.20 413+)
更新时间: 2024/04/04
更新时间: 2024/04/05
1. 自动存储多个TestFlight账户,并自动合并APP列表,避免切换账户。
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,15 +185,15 @@ function QueryRequest(o) {
return $.http[req.method.toLowerCase()](option)
.then(r => {
$.log(`Account "${o}" response: status=${r.status}, body=${Boolean(r.body)}`);
if (r.status == 401) {
if (r.status == 401 && o) {
if (list[o].InvalidKey >= 2) { //prevent misjudgment
delete list[o];
} else {
list[o].InvalidKey = (list[o].InvalidKey || 0) + 1;
$.write(list, 'AccountList');
$.notify('TestFlight Account', '', `Account ID "${o}" key expired ⚠️`);
throw new Error('key expired ⚠️');
throw 'key expired ⚠️';
if ($.EnableCache && r.body && r.body.startsWith('{')) {
$.log(`Account "${o}" URL "${option.url}" Write data to cache`);
Expand All @@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ function QueryRequest(o) {
return { ...r, account: o }
.catch(e => {
$.error(`Account "${o}" response failed: ${e.error || e.message || e}`);
if ($.EnableCache && cache[option.url] && !(e.error || e.message || e).includes('key expired')) {
if ($.EnableCache && cache[option.url] && !(e).includes('key expired')) {
cache[option.url].lastUsed =;
$.log(`Account "${o}" URL "${option.url}" Using cached data`);
$.write($.stringify(cache), '#TESTFLIGHT-ACCOUNT-CACHE');
return { ...cache[option.url].response, account: o }
$.error(`Account "${o}" response failed: ${e}`);
return { account: o }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,4 +304,4 @@ function letterDecode(e) {

function ENV() { const a = "function" == typeof require && "undefined" != typeof $jsbox; return { isQX: "undefined" != typeof $task, isLoon: "undefined" != typeof $loon, isSurge: "undefined" != typeof $httpClient && "undefined" == typeof $loon, isShadowrocket: "undefined" != typeof $Shadowrocket, isBrowser: "undefined" != typeof document, isNode: "function" == typeof require && !a, isJSBox: a, isRequest: "undefined" != typeof $request, isScriptable: "undefined" != typeof importModule } } function HTTP(a = { baseURL: "" }) { function b(b, j) { j = "string" == typeof j ? { url: j } : j; const k = a.baseURL; k && !i.test(j.url || "") && (j.url = k ? k + j.url : j.url), j = { ...a, ...j }; const l = j.timeout, m = { ...{ onRequest: () => { }, onResponse: a => a, onTimeout: () => { } }, }; m.onRequest(b, j); let n; if (c) n = $task.fetch({ method: b, ...j }); else if (d || e || g) n = new Promise((a, c) => { var e = Math.ceil; const f = g ? require("request") : $httpClient; !j.timeout || g || d || (j.timeout = e(j.timeout / 1e3)), f[b.toLowerCase()](j, (b, d, e) => { b ? c(b) : a({ status: d.status || d.statusCode, headers: d.headers, body: e }) }) }); else if (f) { const a = new Request(j.url); a.method = b, a.headers = j.headers, a.body = j.body, n = new Promise((b, c) => { a.loadString().then(c => { b({ status: a.response.statusCode, headers: a.response.headers, body: c }) }).catch(a => c(a)) }) } else h && (n = new Promise((a, c) => { fetch(j.url, { method: b, headers: j.headers, body: j.body }).then(a => a.json()).then(b => a({ status: b.status, headers: b.headers, body: })).catch(c) })); let o; const p = l ? new Promise((a, b) => { o = setTimeout(() => (m.onTimeout(), b(`timeout`)), l) }) : null; return (p ? Promise.race([p, n]).then(a => ("undefined" != typeof clearTimeout && clearTimeout(o), a)) : n).then(a => m.onResponse(a)) } const { isQX: c, isLoon: d, isSurge: e, isScriptable: f, isNode: g, isBrowser: h } = ENV(), i = /https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/, j = {}; return ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH"].forEach(a => j[a.toLowerCase()] = c => b(a, c)), j } function API(a = "untitled", b = !1) { const { isQX: c, isLoon: d, isSurge: e, isNode: f, isJSBox: g, isScriptable: h } = ENV(); return new class { constructor(a, b) { = a, this.debug = b, this.http = HTTP(), this.env = ENV(), this.node = (() => { if (f) { const a = require("fs"); return { fs: a } } return null })(), this.initCache(); const c = (a, b) => new Promise(function (c) { setTimeout(c.bind(null, b), a) }); Promise.prototype.delay = function (a) { return this.then(function (b) { return c(a, b) }) } } initCache() { if (c && (this.cache = JSON.parse($prefs.valueForKey( || "{}")), (d || e) && (this.cache = JSON.parse($ || "{}")), f) { let a = "root.json"; this.node.fs.existsSync(a) || this.node.fs.writeFileSync(a, JSON.stringify({}), { flag: "wx" }, a => console.log(a)), this.root = {}, a = `${}.json`, this.node.fs.existsSync(a) ? this.cache = JSON.parse(this.node.fs.readFileSync(`${}.json`)) : (this.node.fs.writeFileSync(a, JSON.stringify({}), { flag: "wx" }, a => console.log(a)), this.cache = {}) } } persistCache() { const a = JSON.stringify(this.cache, null, 2); c && $prefs.setValueForKey(a,, (d || e) && $persistentStore.write(a,, f && (this.node.fs.writeFileSync(`${}.json`, a, { flag: "w" }, a => console.log(a)), this.node.fs.writeFileSync("root.json", JSON.stringify(this.root, null, 2), { flag: "w" }, a => console.log(a))) } write(a, b) { if (this.log(`SET ${b}`), -1 !== b.indexOf("#")) { if (b = b.substr(1), e || d) return $persistentStore.write(a, b); if (c) return $prefs.setValueForKey(a, b); f && (this.root[b] = a) } else this.cache[b] = a; this.persistCache() } read(a) { if (this.log(`READ ${a}`), -1 !== a.indexOf("#")) { if (a = a.substr(1), e || d) return $; if (c) return $prefs.valueForKey(a); if (f) return this.root[a] } else return this.cache[a] } delete(a) { if (this.log(`DELETE ${a}`), -1 !== a.indexOf("#")) { if (a = a.substr(1), e || d) return $persistentStore.write(null, a); if (c) return $prefs.removeValueForKey(a); f && delete this.root[a] } else delete this.cache[a]; this.persistCache() } notify(a, b = "", i = "", j = {}) { const k = j["open-url"], l = j["media-url"]; if (c && $notify(a, b, i, j), e && $, b, i + `${l ? "\n\u591A\u5A92\u4F53:" + l : ""}`, { url: k }), d) { let c = {}; k && (c.openUrl = k), l && (c.mediaUrl = l), "{}" === JSON.stringify(c) ? $, b, i) : $, b, i, c) } if (f || h) { const c = i + (k ? `\n点击跳转: ${k}` : "") + (l ? `\n多媒体: ${l}` : ""); if (g) { const d = require("push"); d.schedule({ title: a, body: (b ? b + "\n" : "") + c }) } else console.log(`${a}\n${b}\n${c}\n\n`) } } log(a) { this.debug && console.log(`[${}] LOG: ${this.stringify(a)}`) } info(a) { console.log(`[${}] INFO: ${this.stringify(a)}`) } error(a) { console.log(`[${}] ERROR: ${this.stringify(a)}`) } wait(a) { return new Promise(b => setTimeout(b, a)) } done(a = {}) { c || d || e ? $done(a) : f && !g && "undefined" != typeof $context && ($context.headers = a.headers, $context.statusCode = a.statusCode, $context.body = a.body) } stringify(a) { if ("string" == typeof a || a instanceof String) return a; try { return JSON.stringify(a, null, 2) } catch (a) { return "[object Object]" } } }(a, b) }
function ENV() { const a = "function" == typeof require && "undefined" != typeof $jsbox; return { isQX: "undefined" != typeof $task, isLoon: "undefined" != typeof $loon, isSurge: "undefined" != typeof $httpClient && "undefined" == typeof $loon, isShadowrocket: "undefined" != typeof $Shadowrocket, isBrowser: "undefined" != typeof document, isNode: "function" == typeof require && !a, isJSBox: a, isRequest: "undefined" != typeof $request, isScriptable: "undefined" != typeof importModule } } function HTTP(a = { baseURL: "" }) { function b(b, j) { j = "string" == typeof j ? { url: j } : j; const k = a.baseURL; k && !i.test(j.url || "") && (j.url = k ? k + j.url : j.url), j = { ...a, ...j }; const l = j.timeout, m = { ...{ onRequest: () => { }, onResponse: a => a, onTimeout: () => { } }, }; m.onRequest(b, j); let n; if (c) n = new Promise((a, c) => { $task.fetch({ method: b, ...j }).then(b => a({ status: b.statusCode, headers: b.headers, body: b.body }), a => c(a.error)) }); else if (d || e || g) n = new Promise((a, c) => { var e = Math.ceil; const f = g ? require("request") : $httpClient; !j.timeout || g || d || (j.timeout = e(j.timeout / 1e3)), f[b.toLowerCase()](j, (b, d, e) => { b ? c(b) : a({ status: d.status || d.statusCode, headers: d.headers, body: e }) }) }); else if (f) { const a = new Request(j.url); a.method = b, a.headers = j.headers, a.body = j.body, n = new Promise((b, c) => { a.loadString().then(c => { b({ status: a.response.statusCode, headers: a.response.headers, body: c }) }).catch(a => c(a)) }) } else h && (n = new Promise((a, c) => { fetch(j.url, { method: b, headers: j.headers, body: j.body }).then(a => a.json()).then(b => a({ status: b.status, headers: b.headers, body: })).catch(c) })); let o; const p = l ? new Promise((a, b) => { o = setTimeout(() => (m.onTimeout(), b(`timeout`)), l) }) : null; return (p ? Promise.race([p, n]).then(a => ("undefined" != typeof clearTimeout && clearTimeout(o), a)) : n).then(a => m.onResponse(a)) } const { isQX: c, isLoon: d, isSurge: e, isScriptable: f, isNode: g, isBrowser: h } = ENV(), i = /https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/, j = {}; return ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH"].forEach(a => j[a.toLowerCase()] = c => b(a, c)), j } function API(a = "untitled", b = !1) { const { isQX: c, isLoon: d, isSurge: e, isNode: f, isJSBox: g, isScriptable: h } = ENV(); return new class { constructor(a, b) { = a, this.debug = b, this.http = HTTP(), this.env = ENV(), this.node = (() => { if (f) { const a = require("fs"); return { fs: a } } return null })(), this.initCache(); const c = (a, b) => new Promise(function (c) { setTimeout(c.bind(null, b), a) }); Promise.prototype.delay = function (a) { return this.then(function (b) { return c(a, b) }) } } initCache() { if (c && (this.cache = JSON.parse($prefs.valueForKey( || "{}")), (d || e) && (this.cache = JSON.parse($ || "{}")), f) { let a = "root.json"; this.node.fs.existsSync(a) || this.node.fs.writeFileSync(a, JSON.stringify({}), { flag: "wx" }, a => console.log(a)), this.root = {}, a = `${}.json`, this.node.fs.existsSync(a) ? this.cache = JSON.parse(this.node.fs.readFileSync(`${}.json`)) : (this.node.fs.writeFileSync(a, JSON.stringify({}), { flag: "wx" }, a => console.log(a)), this.cache = {}) } } persistCache() { const a = JSON.stringify(this.cache, null, 2); c && $prefs.setValueForKey(a,, (d || e) && $persistentStore.write(a,, f && (this.node.fs.writeFileSync(`${}.json`, a, { flag: "w" }, a => console.log(a)), this.node.fs.writeFileSync("root.json", JSON.stringify(this.root, null, 2), { flag: "w" }, a => console.log(a))) } write(a, b) { if (this.log(`SET ${b}`), -1 !== b.indexOf("#")) { if (b = b.substr(1), e || d) return $persistentStore.write(a, b); if (c) return $prefs.setValueForKey(a, b); f && (this.root[b] = a) } else this.cache[b] = a; this.persistCache() } read(a) { if (this.log(`READ ${a}`), -1 !== a.indexOf("#")) { if (a = a.substr(1), e || d) return $; if (c) return $prefs.valueForKey(a); if (f) return this.root[a] } else return this.cache[a] } delete(a) { if (this.log(`DELETE ${a}`), -1 !== a.indexOf("#")) { if (a = a.substr(1), e || d) return $persistentStore.write(null, a); if (c) return $prefs.removeValueForKey(a); f && delete this.root[a] } else delete this.cache[a]; this.persistCache() } notify(a, b = "", i = "", j = {}) { const k = j["open-url"], l = j["media-url"]; if (c && $notify(a, b, i, j), e && $, b, i + `${l ? "\n\u591A\u5A92\u4F53:" + l : ""}`, { url: k }), d) { let c = {}; k && (c.openUrl = k), l && (c.mediaUrl = l), "{}" === JSON.stringify(c) ? $, b, i) : $, b, i, c) } if (f || h) { const c = i + (k ? `\n点击跳转: ${k}` : "") + (l ? `\n多媒体: ${l}` : ""); if (g) { const d = require("push"); d.schedule({ title: a, body: (b ? b + "\n" : "") + c }) } else console.log(`${a}\n${b}\n${c}\n\n`) } } log(a) { this.debug && console.log(`[${}] LOG: ${this.stringify(a)}`) } info(a) { console.log(`[${}] INFO: ${this.stringify(a)}`) } error(a) { console.log(`[${}] ERROR: ${this.stringify(a)}`) } wait(a) { return new Promise(b => setTimeout(b, a)) } done(a = {}) { c || d || e ? $done(a) : f && !g && "undefined" != typeof $context && ($context.headers = a.headers, $context.statusCode = a.statusCode, $context.body = a.body) } stringify(a) { if ("string" == typeof a || a instanceof String) return a; try { return JSON.stringify(a, null, 2) } catch (a) { return "[object Object]" } } }(a, b) }

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