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Releases: NockyCZ/CS2-Discord-Utilities


28 Aug 19:49
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A lot of changes have been made in the main config, check the changes.

✨ New Features

  • Link System
    • Added support for instant linking on all servers
    • Added new values to the config file
      • Send Message to Player After Linking
      • Send Message to All After Linking
      • Profile Linked Sound Effect
      • User Linked (All) Embed
  • Added new translation: Chat.AccountLinkedAll
  • Added support for Timed Roles
  • Added admin commands
    • css_du_who <#userid or name>
      • It is used to find out information about the player (Flags, Discord UserID, Immunity, Command Overrides)
    • css_du_link <steamid64> <discord_userid>
      • It is used for manually linking a Steam account with Discord
    • css_du_unlink <steamid64>
      • It is used for manually unlinking a linked Steam account.
    • css_du_addrole <discord_userid> <role_id>
    • css_du_removerole <discord_userid> <role_id>
    • css_du_addtimedrole <discord_userid> <role_id> <minutes>

✏️ Changes

  • Database table Discord_Utilities_Codes is no longer used (It can be removed)

🧩 Updated Modules


  • Removed css_du_who command (moved to the main DU plugin)


  • Added support for displaying player penalties/punishments (bans, gags, mutes) (Requires: Banlist Module)



  • Updated Disable On Map Change for join/leave messages
  • Fixed an error in Match End Stats when there were a lot of players on the server


03 Aug 23:04
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✨ New Features

  • Added support for version checking, if you don't have the latest version of the plugin/module, a message will be written in the console

🧩 Updated Modules


  • Fixed when Send Message To Sender On Solved was enabled the message was sent to the wrong player


  • Role To Permission has been completely changed, now it is set the same as in admin_groups or admins
    • This means that in this configuration you can set flags, immunity and command overrides


  • Added version checking for all modules


21 Jul 22:00
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✨ New Features

  • Added new variables
    • {Player.KD}
    • {Server.TeamScoreCT}
    • {Server.TeamScoreT}

✏️ Changes

  • Code changes for better performance and some error fixes
  • Updated API
    • Added new events (ExecuteCommands)
    • Updated some functions

🧩 Updated Module


  • Added new events
    • Player Death
      • Send an embed message when someone kills someone
    • Match End Stats
      • Send an embed message at the end of the match (Map)
      • It is used to display the scoreboard of players in teams and their stats
  • Added Disable On Map Change to the config for the Player Connect & Disconnect Events
    • When changing a map, messages will not be sent that the player has disconnected/connected


01 Jul 20:28
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• Update all the modules you use. Since some of them have had minor updates in the config and especially changes in the API, 
your modules might not work properly.

I've created a new Map Images API that you can use, e.g. with ServerStatus or other embed messages.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed {Server.Name} variable

✨ New Features

  • Added support for default emotes for buttons
  • Added new variables
    • {Player.UserID}
    • {Server.JoinUrl}
    • {Server.MapImageUrl} (Takes images from Map Images API)

✏️ Changes

  • Updated variable {Player.NameWithoutEmoji}, it should already remove all emojies
  • API modification, so all modules need to be updated

🧩 Updated Modules


  • In the config file Admin Role ID changed to Admin Roles ID

    • This means you can use multiple Admin roles (Separated by a comma)
    • Now Admin Roles ID can be empty, so anyone can use Mark as solved button
  • Added Silent Response for Button Success Embed & Button Failed Embed

    • Whether or not everyone will see the response embed
  • Added Search Player Stats button to the config file (Preview)

    • Used to display player's stats (Requires Player Stats Module)
  • Added Anti Report Spam to the config file

    • If a player has been reported and his report has been solved, it will not be possible to report him again on the current map
  • Added Send Message To Sender On Solved to the config file

    • If a message will be sent to the player when his report is solved
  • Added new translations

    • Chat.YourReportHasBeenSolved
    • Chat.ThisPlayerCannotBeReported


  • In the config file Admin Role ID changed to Admin Roles ID
    • This means you can use multiple Admin roles (Separated by a comma)
    • Now Admin Roles ID can be empty, so anyone can use rcon command
  • Added Silent Response


  • Fixed when you used multiple groups


  • Added button for Leaderboard (Preview) (Requires Leaderboard Module)
  • Added button for Search Players Stats (Preview) (Requires Player Stats Module)


  • In the config file Admin Role ID changed to Admin Roles ID
    • This means you can use multiple Admin roles (Separated by a comma)
  • Added button for Leaderboard (Preview) (Requires Leaderboard Module)
  • Added button for Search Players Stats (Preview) (Requires Player Stats Module)
  • Added button for Search Player Stats when selecting a players from the players list


  • Added different SteamID and Name column for each database tables
  • Added a new section: Search Player Modal
    • This is used when trying to find players from other modules


  • Fixed errors when someone type an empty command


04 Jun 19:39
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Custom Variables for empty Operators
  • Fixed Custom Status for Activity Type


20 May 19:48
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed message for admins when a player is reported (Report Module)
  • Fixed some Player. variables when a connect event is executed, the variables were not correct (Event Notifications Module)
  • Fixed Bot Status update (Perhaps)
  • Some edits/fixes in the API

✨ New Features

  • Report Module

    • Added support to display all current reports in the game
    • Added support to solve the report in the game
    • Added support for expiring reports
    • Added support for self report (For testing)
    • Added a new config values
      • Reports List Commands , Allow Ingame Reports List , Allow Self Report , Report Expiration , Date Time Format
      • And embeds format for solved and expired reports
      • To properly load a new report config, delete the previous report module config file
    • Added a new translations
  • Custom Variables

    • Added support when neither condition is met
    • Just leave the operator (condition) empty
    • Also, ValueToCheck does not need to be filled in
    • And this condition must always be the last one


14 May 20:15
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• To properly load the new config properties and custom variables, delete the previous main config file.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Manage Roles And Permission Module, when Role To Permission was empty
  • Fixed Emoji in the Button Emoji
  • Fixed {Discord.UserDisplayName} variable, that it displayed globalname instead of username
  • Fixed Bot Status Update

✨ New Features

  • ❗ Custom Variables

    • This is big news! At first, it will be hard to understand how these custom variables work, but once you understand it, you can use it for lots of functions
    • Now you can create your own variables. These custom variables contain conditions that are used to output certain text
    • Custom variables can only be created for Player.XX / Target.XX / Server.XX / DiscordUser.XX / DiscordChannel.XX
    • Docs on how to create and use Custom Variables
  • Report Module

    • Added message for Admins when a player is reported
    • Added Admin Flag to the Report Module config file (To what admins, a message will be sent)
    • Added a new translation "Chat.AdminReportSend"
  • Added a new database DU_Time which stores players playedtime, firstjoin and lastseen

  • Added new Variables {Player.DiscordAvatar} , {Player.PlayedTime} , {Player.FirstJoin} , {Player.LastSeen}

  • Added Use Custom Variables to the main config file, this means that if you want to use custom variables

  • Added Date Format to the main config file, this is used to set custom Date format for Lastseen and Firstjoin variables

✏️ Changes

  • Some changes in the API
  • Renamed Variables
    • {Discord.UserDisplayName} > {DiscordUser.DisplayName}
    • {Discord.UserGlobalName} > {DiscordUser.GlobalName}
    • {Discord.UserID} > {DiscordUser.ID}
    • {Discord.ChannelName} > {DiscordChannel.Name}
    • {Discord.ChannelID} > {DiscordChannel.ID}
    • {Discord.Message} > {DiscordChannel.Message}


30 Apr 22:30
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  • Fixed: Fixed creating tables for databases that do not support Datetime


22 Apr 17:22
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  • Fixed: In all Modules your custom Embed settings should now load correctly
  • Fixed: Loading linked players errors
  • Added: Many new debug messages, so if a module is not working properly, activate the debug messages in the main configuration
  • Updated: Server Status is now set completely by itself, you don't need to use the css_du_serverstatus command anymore

v2.0.0 - API Release

21 Apr 20:24
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  • You can download the release with the all modules or without any modules
📌 There was a complete rework of the whole plugin

• The plugin has been redesigned into an API, meaning that now all addons/modules 
are as separate plugins, there is only a Link system in the main plugin.
• For each module there is a separate config file in which you edit the settings

❓ And Why?

  1. Better optimization
  2. Better bug finding and fixing broken features
  3. Open more options for more modules


• There were no significant changes in the original modules, only bug fixes and optimizations.
• Don't copy your old configurations for sections, as there have been slight changes to property names, etc..
• To correctly load and create a new config file, remove the old one