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📅 Simple alternative to Doodle polls and scheduling, highly experimental (Python 3, Django 2, JavaScript)

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What is jawanndenn?

Screenshot of poll creation in jawanndenn

jawanndenn is a simple web application to schedule meetings and run polls, a libre alternative to Doodle. It is written in Python and JavaScript using

jawanndenn is libre software developed by Sebastian Pipping. The server code is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL license version 3 or later whereas the client code is licensed under the GNU GPL license version 3 or later.

Please report bugs and let me know if you like it.


To install the latest release without cloning the Git repository:

# pip3 install jawanndenn --user

To install from a Git clone:

# ./ install --user

Deployment with docker-compose

Create a simple file .env like this one:


Make sure to use your own values!

You can then build and run a docker image using docker-compose up --build.

PostgreSQL data is saved to ~/.jawanndenn-docker-pgdata/ on the host system. The app is served on localhost:54080.

Deployment with Apache mod_wsgi

Deployment with mod_wsgi is possible but not recommended, e.g. because it is difficult to pass environment variables to Django using mod_wsgi. To make it work, the SetEnv directive, file jawanndenn/, and this StackOverflow answer may be of use. jawanndenn needs these variables:


Please check the the related documentation of Django, too.

Feel free to file a support ticket or drop me a mail, if you cannot get it to work.

Command line usage

When installed, invocation is as simple as

# jawanndenn

During development, you may want to run jawanndenn from the Git clone using

# PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m jawanndenn --debug

Currently supported arguments are:

# jawanndenn --help
usage: jawanndenn [-h] [--debug] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]
                  [--url-prefix PATH] [--database-sqlite3 FILE]
                  [--django-secret-key-file FILE] [--max-polls COUNT]
                  [--max-votes-per-poll COUNT] [--dumpdata]
                  [--loaddata FILE.json]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug mode (default: disabled)
  --host HOST           Hostname or IP address to listen at (default:
  --port PORT           Port to listen at (default: 8080)
  --url-prefix PATH     Path to prepend to URLs (default: "")
  --database-sqlite3 FILE
                        File to write the database to (default:
  --django-secret-key-file FILE
                        File to use for Django secret key data (default:

limit configuration:
  --max-polls COUNT     Maximum number of polls total (default: 1000)
  --max-votes-per-poll COUNT
                        Maximum number of votes per poll (default: 40)

data import/export arguments:
  --dumpdata            Dump a JSON export of the database to standard output,
                        then quit.
  --loaddata FILE.json  Load a JSON export of the database from FILE.json,
                        then quit.

Migrating data from jawanndenn 1.x to 2.x

Migration takes four steps:

  1. Update to the latest version of jawanndenn 1.x, e.g. by running: pip2 install --upgrade 'jawanndenn<2'; the JSON data export was first introduced with release 1.6.3.
  2. Export existing polls:
    1. If you're using the commend line app: python2 -m jawanndenn --dumpdata > dump.json
    2. If you're using docker-compose: docker-compose run -T jawanndenn --database-pickle /data/polls.pickle --dumpdata > dump.json
  3. Deploy latest jawanndenn 2.x somewhere (as described above) or just pip3 install 'jawanndenn>=2' it somewhere
  4. Import the JSON dump created in step (2):
    1. If you're using the commend line app: python3 -m jawanndenn --loaddata dump.json
    2. If you're using docker-compose: docker-compose run -T jawanndenn sh -c 'cat > /tmp/dump.json && DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=jawanndenn.settings python3 -m django loaddata /tmp/dump.json' < dump.json


Please check out the list of upcoming features.


  • Use of heavy frameworks: building blocks only
  • Read availability from calendars


Special thanks to Arne Maier (@KordonDev) for reporting an XSS vulnerability, responsibly.


📅 Simple alternative to Doodle polls and scheduling, highly experimental (Python 3, Django 2, JavaScript)






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  • Python 54.6%
  • JavaScript 25.2%
  • HTML 9.1%
  • CSS 7.7%
  • Dockerfile 2.1%
  • Shell 1.3%