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DEX Protocol Spec

KIP title author discussions-to status type created requires replaces
KIP22 DEX Protocol Charlie Draft Layer2


Functions implemented

  1. deposit
  2. delegateWithdraw
  3. trade
  4. setBonusWhitelist
  5. getBonuWhitelist
  6. order canceled by user
  7. balanceOf
  8. orderState
  9. management:setRelay,setAdmin and hard-coded owner
  10. statistics trade volume of block and bonus;
  11. 2PC withdraw
  12. support multi sig

TODO List:

  1. batch method:trade,cancel
  2. withdraw fee for super node





Protocol Interface SPEC

Interface Desc Permission Progress
Modify Ope
deposit deposit from wallet to DEX All User Done
withdraw withdraw from dex to wallet All User
2PC withdraw withdraw in 2-phase commit All User Done
delegateWithdraw user sign the withdraw and submit by relay relay Done
trade settle orders relay Done
list list trade pair admin Done
unlist unlist trade pair admin Done
setRelay set relay admin Done
setAdmin set admin owner Done
State Ope
balanceOf balance of asset in dex All User Done
orderState the order state All User Done
listed get listed trade pair All User Done
isAdmin check is admin All User Done
isRelay check is relay All User Done


User deposit token from wallet to DEX.If deposit success, block chain will emit deposit event. Relay should listen this event to update their account balance.

Params Type Desc
asset address asset address/id
from address who deposit
to address the address receive the asset deposited
amount uint64 deposit amount


This method is called by relay only.The relay should help to withdraw after user has signed the withdraw message. delegateWithdraw process:

  1. user sign withdraw message ->
  2. relay get the withdraw request ->
  3. relay call delegateWithdraw of DEX contract ->
  4. withdraw success
Params Type Desc
asset address asset address/id
from address withdraw address
to address receive address
amount uint64 amount
fee uint64 withdraw fee
salt uint64 nonce
extra string extra info,option
sig Sig signature from user
  Key []byte public key
  sig_data []byte signature data
relay address relay address

to generate the signature:


2PC Withdraw

2-phase commit is to let user withdraw asset from dex to wallet freely.Different from delegateWithdraw, 2PC withdraw don't need any other third-party,which is to make sure the user can freely control their own assets. 2-phase commit withdraw contains 2 steps:

  1. call prepareWithdraw method to prepare withdraw first;
  2. call commitWithdraw to withdraw asset at least 60 seconds after prepare withdraw;
Params Type Desc
asset address asset address/id
from address withdraw address
to address receive address
amount uint64 amount

commitWithdraw will withdraw available asset from dex to wallet.

Notice: prepared withdraw amount maybe greater than balance in dex,then the actual withdraw amount is balance in dex

after commit withdraw,the prepared withdraw will be reset to 0

Params Type Desc
asset address asset address/id
from address withdraw address


Trade method is responsible for matching two orders and settlement. After relay match the order successfully, the trade method is called as the parameter of the matching order data, and the final chain settlement is performed. For the trade method to be successful, a series of checks are required to ensure that no errors occur. To do this, you need to do the following verification checks:

  • The order is signed correctly;
  • The order is the same trade pair;
  • The order is not expired;
  • Contains buy-sell orders;
  • The order is not fully filled;
  • The price of the maker and taker order matches;
  • The volume submitted by relay is less than the smaller of the unfilled orders
Params Type Desc
MakerOrder OrderData maker order
  user address user
  pair string trade pair(asset address like:AAAA_BBBB)
  side string trade side:buy,sell
  price string 8 decimals at
  amount string 8 decimals at
  channel string channel address who help to collect the receive most of the fee
  fee uint64 fee rate,between 0 and 10000.
  fee uint32 expire time in unix seconds.0 is never expired
  salt uint64 nonce
  sig Sig signature
TakerOrder OrderData taker order
Relay RelayArgs relay params
  from address relay address
  tradeAmount string quoteToken amount
  makerFee string maker fee
  takerFee string taker fee
Order data format

The user's order is signed by the their own private key off the chain, so it can represent the user's order to place. In order to completely represent the order information when the user places a order, the order data needs to be signed includes:

  • user: user account, base58 format
  • pair: trade pair, but AAA_BBB, where AAA is the hex format of the asset address/id
  • side: buy or sell direction.
  • price: limit price, up to 8 decimal places, such as "0.12345670", more than 8 decimal places will be rejected;
  • amount: The number of orders. The accuracy should be consistent with corresponding asset, otherwise will be rejected;
  • channel: channel is the one who collect the orders for relay and will get most of the fee;
  • fee: fee rate that user would like to pay.A number between 0 and 10000,trade fee=trade amount*fee/10000;
  • expire: expire time of the order.0 means order never expired;
  • salt: random number. Guarantee the uniqueness of the order ID;

To generate order signature:

orderId=SHA256(user|pair|side|price|amount|channel|fee|expire|salt) sig=SIGN(orderId)

Order Matching

In order to ensure the consistent order on chain and off chain, Relay's order matching logic should be consistent with the DEX contract. The protocol uses traditional Maker-Taker order matching logic as follows:

  • buyer price>=seller price, the price match is successful;
  • The trade price is the price of Maker;
  • The trade amount is provided by relay, but cannot be greater than the smaller of unfilled order;
Fee Calculation

FeeRate is defined as fee in order data when user sign the order and sent to the channel address. fee should between 0-10000,when order matched,trade fee will be calculated by TradeAmount*fee/10000.

Protocol Upgrade

In order to support the continuous improvement of the protocol, the principles that need to be followed in the design for protocol upgrade are as follows:

  1. In the case of the same data structure, the upgrade protocol should not affect the balance in the user's DEX account (the user is not required to transfer funds out of DEX when upgrading the agreement)
  2. After the protocol is upgraded, the original signed order should not be valid in the new version of the protocol (need to add the protocol version version parameter to the order signature?)


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