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My directory of R packages for data analysis and visualization, Bayesian statistics, mapping, GIS, climate, Species Distribution Modelling, ecology, etc

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My directory of R packages for data analysis and visualization, Bayesian statistics, mapping, GIS, climate, Species Distribution Modelling, ecology, biogeography, evolution, reproducible science…

F. Rodriguez-Sanchez

Updated 2019-10-03

These are packages that I often use or, alternatively, I need only rarely but don’t want to forget about. Of course, there are many other useful packages out there (e.g. at CRAN or GitHub. Check also CRAN task views.

Data sources

Check CRAN Task View on Web technologies.

Data management

Check out this great cheatsheet: Data wrangling with dplyr and tidyr

General statistics

Ordination & Multivariate Analysis

Check also Environmetrics and Multivariate CRAN Task Views.

  • vegan
  • ade4 Multivariate data analysis and display
  • dave Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology
  • ecodist Dissimilarity-based analysis (ordination, Mantel tests…)
  • labdsv Includes plotting functions
  • mvabund Analysing multivariate data (upscaling from individual species models)
  • boral Bayesian ordination and regression analysis
  • eigenprcomp Computes confidence intervals for the proportion explained by the first 1,2,k principal components

Survival analysis

Regression tools

  • aod Analysis of Overdispersed data
  • AICcmodavg Model selection and multimodel inference
  • arm Gelman’s package: includes bayesglm, sim, coefplot…
  • bbmle Tools for MLE
  • binomTools Diagnostics for binomial regression
  • car Regression tools
  • coefplot Plot model coefficients
  • confReg Estimating confidence of individual regression predictions
  • COUNT Regression models for count data (Poisson, Negative Binomial)
  • DAAG Some regression tools from the book ‘Data Analysis and Graphics using R’
  • dhglm Hierarchical GLMs with random effects in both the mean and dispersion components
  • dynlm Dynamic linear models and time series regression
  • earth Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
  • effects Displays effects estimated from regression models
  • emdbook Tools from ‘Ecological Models and Data’ (inc. several plotting functions)
  • fit.models Compare results from different models
  • FME Modelling tools
  • gam Generalised Additive Models (GAMs)
  • gamm4 GAMMs
  • gbm Generalised Boosted regression models
  • gee Generalized Estimating Equations
  • glm2 To fit GLMs with convergence problems
  • MuMIn Model selection and averaging
  • glmulti Model selection and multimodel inference
  • gnm Generalized nonlinear models
  • heatmapFit Checking logistic regression goodness of fit
  • hier.part Variance partitioning to assess ‘importance’ of predictors. See also relaimpo.
  • relaimpo Relative importance of predictors
  • nlme Mixed models
  • lme4 Mixed models
  • pamm Power analysis for mixed models
  • odprism Power analysis for mixed models
  • likelihood Maximum Likelihood Estimation
  • lmtest Diagnostic checks for linear regression
  • MARSS Multivariate Autoregressive State-Space Modeling
  • MCMCglmm Mixed models fitted by MCMC
  • mgcv GAM fitting
  • miscF Multivariate Normal regression, spatial Bayesian mixed models, piecewise regression…
  • mlogit Multinomial regression
  • mvinfluence Influence Measures and Diagnostic Plots for Multivariate Linear Models
  • msm Multi-state Markov and hidden Markov models in continuous time
  • PCovR Principal Covariates Regression (Reducing collinear predictor variables to a few components and regressing on them)
  • HLMdiag Diagnostic tools for hierarchical models (fitted with lme4)
  • stremo Learning Structural Equation Models
  • rockchalk Regression Estimation and Presentation
  • R2STATS GUI for fitting and comparing GLM and GLMM in R
  • LMERConvenienceFunctions
  • R2admb
  • rms Regression modeling strategies
  • Zelig


Check also Bayesian CRAN Task View.

  • rstanarm
  • blme Bayesian multilevel models
  • BMA Model averaging
  • dclone Data cloning and MCMC tools (inc. JAGS functions)
  • dcmle Hierarchical models through data cloning
  • dlm Dynamic models and MCMC tools
  • dlmodeler State-space modelling
  • sspir State-space models
  • MCMCglmm Mixed models fitted by MCMC
  • RSGHB Hierarchical Bayes models
  • bayespref Analysis of count data
  • predcomps Average Predictive Comparisons

Generic MCMC samplers

MCMC diagnostics & plotting

Spatial Bayes


  • abc Approximate Bayesian Computation
  • easyABC Approximate Bayesian Computation

Plotting & Visualisation

Check also CRAN Task View on Graphics.

  • denstrip Plotting distributions (w uncertainty)
  • visualize Graph Probability Distributions
  • fanplot Visualise sequential probability distributions
  • diagram Networks, flow diagrams, etc
  • beanplot Bean plots
  • vioplot Violin plots
  • viopoints 1-D Scatter Plots with Jitter Using Kernel Density Estimates
  • dagR Directed Acyclic graphs (DAGs)
  • effects Displays effects estimated from regression models
  • coefplot Plot model coefficients
  • plotmo Plot model responses
  • corrgram Plot correlation matrix
  • gclus Clustering graphics
  • vcd Viz categorical data
  • extracat Viz categorical data
  • plot3d Plotting multi-dimensional data
  • VizOR visualization tools for complex observational data
  • GrapheR GUI for base plots



Reproducible Research - Report generation

Check also CRAN Task View on Reproducible Research.

Parallelisation & Big Data

Check also CRAN Task View on High Performance Computing.

  • ff Big data management. See also package ffbase
  • batch Batching routines in parallel
  • bigdata

Niche & Species Distribution Modelling

Occupancy modelling

Remote Sensing


GIS/spatial functionality

Check also CRAN Task View on Spatial and Spatiotemporal data. Check also CRAN Task View on Web technologies for access to many GIS data.

Spatial Analysis

Check also CRAN Task View on Spatial and Spatiotemporal data.

  • akima Interpolation
  • automap Automatic interpolation (kriging)
  • ecespa Point pattern analysis
  • fields Splines, kriging, etc
  • geoR Geostatistical analysis
  • geoRglm Spatial GLMs
  • geospt Geostatistics
  • GeoXP Interactive exploratory analysis of spatial data
  • gstat Geostatistics (variograms, kriging)
  • intamap Automatic spatial interpolation
  • geostatsp Geostatistics using SpatialPoints and rasters
  • spatstat
  • spBayes
  • spdep Modeling spatial dependence
  • stpp Point patterns
  • rtop Spatial interpolation of data


Phylogenetics, phylogeography & comparative analysis

Check also Phylogenetics CRAN task view.


  • Bchron Bayesian chronologies
  • Bclim Palaeoclimate reconstruction


  • dplR Dendrochronology
  • measuRing Measuring ring width from scanned images.
  • TRADER Tree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events
  • dendrobox Interactive Tree-Ring Data Exploration Tool
  • treeclim Modeling tree-climate relationships.
  • bootRes Bootstrapped response functions.
  • rwtocore convert tree-ring measurements to drawings of cores (Ruby).
  • triforce read the TRiDaS dendrochronological standard and communicate with Tellervo servers.
  • pointRes Calculate and plot pointer years
  • BIOdry Multilevel Modeling of Dendroclimatical Fluctuations
  • sclero Measure Growth Patterns and Align Sampling Spots in Photographs
  • dendrometeR Analyzing Dendrometer Data.
  • wvtool Image Tools for Automated Wood Identification
  • DendroSync Calculating Spatial Synchrony Between Tree-Ring Chronologies
  • iadf Analysis of Intra Annual Density Fluctuations
  • dendroExtra Finds the optimal sequence of days that are linearly or nonlinearly related to one or more tree-ring proxy records.

Ecological analyses (miscellaneous)

Check also Environmetrics CRAN Task View.

  • betapart Beta diversity
  • BiodiversityR GUI for biodiversity, suitability and community ecology analyses
  • cheddar Analysis and visualisation of community data
  • coexist Modelling species coexistence
  • DSpat Distance Sampling
  • fossil Species richness, species-area curves, beta-diversity
  • indicspecies Assess associations between different species and sites (e.g. indicator species)
  • IPMpack Integral Projection Models
  • marked Mark-recapture analysis
  • MBI Multiple Beta Diversity indices
  • rmeta Meta-analysis
  • neighlikeli Neighborhood models
  • earlywarnings
  • MAR1 Multivariate Autoregressive Modeling for Analysis of Community Time-Series Data
  • ncbit retrieve NBCI taxonomic data
  • spacodiR Spatial and Phylogenetic Analysis of Community Diversity
  • Reol Interface to Encyclopedia of Life
  • SPECIES Species richness and diversity analysis
  • BayesComm Bayesian multivariate binary regression models for analysis of ecological communities
  • pom Patch occupancy models
  • capwire Population size estimation from non-invasive sampling
  • vegclust Fuzzy clustering of vegetation data
  • popbio
  • demoniche Spatially-explicit demographic modelling
  • BEDASSLE Disentangles the effects of geographic and ecological isolation on genetic differentiation.
  • rphylopic Organisms silhouettes
  • GSIF Global Soil Information
  • Rarity Rarity indices
  • taxize Taxonomy etc.
  • Taxonstand
  • sExtinct Extinction analysis based on sightings
  • BEDASSLE Disentangles the effects of geographic and ecological isolation on genetic differentiation
  • ecomodtools Simulation models (inc. dispersal)
  • comclim Community climate statistics
  • kernelPop Spatially explicit population genetic simulations
  • siplab spatially explicit individual-based vegetation models.


R programming


My directory of R packages for data analysis and visualization, Bayesian statistics, mapping, GIS, climate, Species Distribution Modelling, ecology, etc






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