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A simple, robust, view model pattern.

  • Easy to change
  • Easy to test

Additional benefits:

  • Know where a signal originates from. Avoid the "infinite sink" problem when debugging (e.g. RxSwift).
    • In order to support async all Input signals are now executed on a thread using Task. Additional logging facilities have been added to indicate where a signal originates. You may also place a breakpoint in ViewModelInterface.send(...) to interrogate the call stack.
  • Pass-thru child signals to parent view models with ease. No complicated wiring. Use delegation, a pattern that has been used for decades. Refer to ProductViewController for an example.
  • Debounce and filter signals to your view model.
  • TestWaiter provides a flexible way to wait for conditions to occur before the test continues. Useful for asynchronous calls.

The sample project also provides several examples for the following patterns:

  • Dependency injection. Use Swinject and the @Dependency property wrapper. Refer to ProductViewModel.
  • Protocol witness pattern used for stubbing network requests. Refer to ProductService.
  • Protocol oriented pattern. Refer to SimpleViewModelAsyncTaskTests.
  • Network to domain transform. Refer to ProductService and search for extension SKU to see how a network response is transformed into domain model.
  • Project organization. The organization of this project has worked for very large iOS teams. Every group such as App, Domain, Foundation, etc. would be their own module.
  • async library for network calls. Refer to SimpleViewModelAsyncTests.
  • Consolidated error handling via thrownError. Refer to SimpleViewModelAsyncTests. It's the last test in the first test function.
  • A handful of helpful extensions for Array, UIView, etc.
  • Easily filter signals in a variety of ways. You can configure your view model to:
    • allow only one Input to be processed at a time via filterAll() -> Bool
    • ignore repeated Inputs from processing until first Input has finished via filter() -> [Input]. Usage: If a button makes a network request and must wait until request is finished.
    • allow speific Input to filter all other Inputs until its operation has finished. Usage: Adding an item to your bag and ignore all Inputs operation is finished.


This project aims to build on top of tried and true patterns that have been around for decades. It is a non-opinionated, robust, testable pattern.

This view model illustrates how to:

  • Filter signals from button taps
  • Debounce signals from text entry
  • Makes network requsts to query and search for products using a protocol witness
  • Injects dependencies
  • Transforms domain model to view model
  • Returns an Error that the VC may show to the user
// file: MyViewModel.swift

struct FooViewModel: ViewModel {
    enum Input {
        case didTapButton
        case didSearch(String)

    enum Output: Equatable {
        case state(State)
        case products(ProductSearch)
        case showError(String)

    struct State: Equatable {
        let id: String
        let name: String

    @Dependency var product: ProductService!

    // Wait for the product to be retrieved from server before allowing the button to be tapped again
    func filter() -> [Input] {

    // When searching for a product, wait 300ms
    func debounce() -> [(Input, TimeInterval)] {
        [.init(input: .didSearch(""), interval: 0.3)]

    func first(respond: (Output) -> Void) {
        respond(.state(.init(id: "5", name: "Foo")))

    func accept(_ input: Input, respond: @escaping (Output) -> Void) {
        switch input {
        case .didTapButton:
            product.product(for: "10")
                .done { product in
                    // Transform domain model to view state
                    respond(.state(.init(id:, name:
                .catch { error in
        case let .didSearch(term):
                .done { productSearch in
                .catch { error in

Testing the FooViewModel

// file: FooViewModelTests.swift

// Please note that `SimpleTestCase` is a custom class that initializes the Networking layer.
// Please refer to the `SimpleViewModelTests` file for more context.

final class FooViewModelTests: SimpleTestCase {

    override func setUpWithError() throws { }

    override func tearDownWithError() throws { }

    func testFooViewModel() throws {
        let tester = TestViewModelInterface(viewModel: FooViewModel())

        // Test the initial state of the VM. If your `ViewModel` implements `first`,
        // this is a _required_ step.
            .state(.init(id: "5", name: "Foo"))

        // Stub a networking service. Please refer to the sample project for more context.
        let product = container.force(ProductService.self)
        product.product = { id in
            .value(.init(id: id, name: "Name", price: .single(.regular(10)), skus: []))

        // describe: tap button to load `Product`
            // it: should return a new `ViewState`
            .state(.init(id: "10", name: "Name"))

        // This isn't necessary. If the value from the `send` function is unused, a
        // compiler warning will show, making it immediately obvious that it is missing
        // an expectation.

Further Reading

To see how you can wire signals between child and parent, refer to the ProductViewController and the SKUView. Instead of the parent ViewModel having a reference to the child ViewModel (as in the Composable Architecture) you configure signaling to occur via delegation.

If you found this pattern interesting, you may also find the following libraries helpful:

  • SimpleAnalytics - A way to easily capture and emit analytics to multiple analytics providers
  • SimpleABTest - A way to easily A/B test features
  • SimpleUITheme - Easily define and integrate design patterns into your app
  • SimpleGetView - Identifying views that can be tested at test time