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This webcomponent follows the open-wc recommendation.


npm i lit-particles


in index.html

  <lit-particles options='{
    "maxParticles": 200,
    <desired options>

  <script type="module">
    import 'lit-particles/lit-particles.js';
NOTE: when using an attribute the value in options should be in proper json format

in lit-elements component

  import { html, LitElement } from 'lit-element';
  import 'lit-particles/lit-particles.js';

  const options = {
    maxParticles: 200,
    color: ["#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF"]

  class ExampleComponent extends LitElement {
    render() {
      return html`
        <lit-particles .options="${options}"></lit-particles>
NOTE: when passing an object directly into the options property a '.' should be appendend to the attribute.

other frameworks

Importing the following should register the custom component.

import 'lit-particles/lit-particles.js;

Afterward, you should be able to use it by using the custom tags.


The options can either be handled with the data-binding method of the framework or by using attributes.
For more information about properties and attributes read this.


const defaultOptions = {
  // The amount of particles {Number}
  maxParticles: 150,
  // The size of the particles {Number}
  size: 2,
  // Whether to draw the particles on the canvas {Boolean}
  showParticles: true,
  // The speed with which the particles move {Number}
  speed: 1,
  // The color(s) of the particles {Array.<String>, String}
  // This can either be a single color, or an array of colors
  color: '#000000',
  // The minimum distance particles should be from eachother before a line between them is created {Number}
  minDistance: 120,
  // Whether the particles will be connected with lines
  connectParticles: true,

Local Demo with es-dev-server

npm start

To run a local development server that serves the basic demo located in demo/index.html

Linting with ESLint, Prettier, and Types

To scan the project for linting errors, run

npm run lint

You can lint with ESLint and Prettier individually as well

npm run lint:eslint
npm run lint:prettier

To automatically fix many linting errors, run

npm run format

You can format using ESLint and Prettier individually as well

npm run format:eslint
npm run format:prettier