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Here's the documentation to pass the assessment.

Assessment description


  • you will use the MVC framework that we use: Symfony
  • you will deliver solution in form of a Github repository.
  • create 2 models/classes - Circle and Triangle
  • implement 2 methods:
  1. calculate surface

  2. calculate diameter

create routes:

    [GET] /triangle/{a}/{b}/{c}
    [GET] /circle/{radius}

routes must return JSON with serialized objects and calculated surfaces and diameters. For example:

    "type": "circle",
    "radius": 2.0,
    "surface": 12.56,
    "circumference": 12.56,


    "type": "triangle",
    "a": 3.0,
    "b": 4.0,
    "c": 5.0,
    "surface": 6.0,
    "circumference": 12.0,
  • create service/or similar structure for the given framework (for example app.geometry_calculator)
  • implement method for sum of areas for two given objects
  • implement method for sum of diameters for two given objects
  • please return us your solution in one week

My Solution

How to run

  • Install Composer.
  • Install Symfony 6.3.1.
  • Install PHP 8.2.4.
  • git clone 'this repository'
  • Navigate to the root directory of your Symfony project and run the following command:
    composer install
    symfony server:start. 
  • This command starts the Symfony development server.
  • After running the command, the server will start and your Symfony application will be accessible at http://localhost:8000.
  • This URL can be accessed using a web browser to view your application.

Updated Documentation (Code)


Shape.php: (abstract)

  • This is an abstract class that serves as the base class for different shapes.
  • It has a private property $type to store the type of the shape.
  • The constructor initializes the type.
  • The class defines abstract methods isValid, _calculateSurface_, _calculateCircumference_, and _basicParams_ that must be implemented by subclasses.
  • The basicParams method returns an array of basic parameters, and if the shape is invalid, it includes an "invalid" key with the parameters.
  • The calculateSurface method calculates and returns the surface area of the shape.
  • The calculateCircumference method calculates and returns the circumference of the shape.
  • The getType method returns the type of the shape.
  • The calculate method calculates and returns an array of information about the shape, including its type, basic parameters, surface area, and circumference.

Circle.php: (extends Shape)

  • This class represents a circle shape and extends the abstract Shape class.
  • It has a private property $radius to store the radius of the circle.
  • The constructor initializes the Shape parent class with the type "circle" and sets the radius.
  • The isValid method checks if the radius is greater than zero.
  • The getRadius method returns the radius of the circle.
  • The _basicParams_ method returns an array with the radius parameter.
  • The _calculateSurface_ method calculates and returns the surface area of the circle using the formula πr^2.
  • The _calculateCircumference_ method calculates and returns the circumference of the circle using the formula 2πr.

Triangle.php: (extends Shape)

  • This class represents a triangle shape and extends the abstract Shape class.
  • It has private properties $a, $b, and $c to store the lengths of the triangle's sides.
  • The constructor initializes the Shape parent class with the type "triangle" and sets the side lengths.
  • The isValid method checks if the side lengths are greater than zero and if the triangle satisfies the triangle inequality theorem.
  • The getA, getB, and getC methods return the lengths of the triangle's sides.
  • The _basicParams_ method returns an array with the side length parameters.
  • The _calculateSurface_ method calculates and returns the surface area of the triangle using Heron's formula.
  • The _calculateCircumference_ method calculates and returns the circumference of the triangle by summing the lengths of its sides.



  • This service provides validation methods for geometry values.
  • The tryValidGeometryValues method takes any number of values and checks if they are numeric and positive, throwing an exception if not. It returns an array of the validated values.


  • This service provides methods for calculating the sum of surface areas and circumferences of shapes.
  • The sumSurface method takes an array of Shape objects and returns the sum of their surface areas.
  • The sumCircumference method takes an array of Shape objects and returns the sum of their circumferences.



  • This controller handles the geometry-related routes.
  • The circle method is mapped to the /circle/{radius} route. It accepts a float parameter radius and creates a new Circle object with the given radius. It then returns the calculated values of the circle as a JSON response.
  • The triangle method is mapped to the /triangle/{a}/{b}/{c} route. It accepts three float parameters a, b, and c representing the sides of a triangle. It creates a new Triangle object with the given side lengths and returns the calculated values of the triangle as a JSON response.
  • The notFoundAction method is mapped to any other route that is not defined. It returns a response with a "Route Not Found" message.


This is simple symfony project. (6.3.1)






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