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We propose a fast and accurate RCA (ReRAM Crossbar Array) simulator named NIXSim, which can be used for early design exploration of ReRAM-based DNN accelerators.

Our NIXSim is very flexible, which supports various crossbar array settings:

  • Crossbar array size
  • Balanced & Unbalanced
  • Binary & Multi-bit devices
  • HRS & LRS
  • Wire resistance

Besides, NIXSim can simulate various nonidealities:

  • IR drop
  • Stuck-at Fault (SAF)
  • Variability (programming, local and global)
  • Read noise

The entire flow of NIXSim is shown as below: image

We provide crossbar level simulation, which simulates the behavior of a pair of crossbar arrays (single crossbar array) in balanced (unbalanced) case, and network level simulation, which simulates the whole network behavior in the RCA system.

We provide the SES simulator and a SPICE simulator (SPICE netlist generating script) as well.


Our NIXSim simulator requires Python (v3.8 in our case) and some Python packages (e.g., Pytorch 1.10). Matlab is required for our SES simulator and SPICE simulation. A SPICE simulator is also needed for SPICE simulation.

How to run

For crossbar level simulation:

  • IR drop only simulation:
python --input_quant $abits --weight_quant $wbits --cbsize $cbsize \
       --rw $rw --scn $scn_model

Main Options:

--input_quant    Input precision (#bits for input values)
--weight_quant   Weight precision (#bits for weight values)
--cbsize        Crossbar array size (a single integer, assuming square array)
--rw            Wire resistance value (Ohm)
--scn           Path to the SCN model file

Our trained SCN models can be downloaded here:

The model files are named as ${cbsize}-${nb}b-spRw${rw}Double.model. "Double" means the model is trained for the balanced weight-to-crossbar mapping. The settings of those models are:
--Crossbar array size: 32, 64, 128
--Wire resistance (Ohm): 0.1 (0p1), 1, 2
--Number of bits (for input & weight): 1, 2, 4, 8
The currently provided SCN model is trained for IR drop nonideality only, and for balanced mapping only. For other settings, one can train their own SCN model. See "Limitations" below for the limitations of our simulator and pre-trained models.

  • Nonideality simulation (considering all nonidealities we mentioned):
python --input_quant $abits --weight_quant $wbits --cbsize $cbsize \
       --rw $rw --scn $scn_model --sigma $sig --alpha 1 --sa0 $sa0 --sa1 $sa1 \
       --read_noise $noise --dcrxb true

Main Options:

--input_quant    Input precision (#bits for input values)
--weight_quant   Weight precision (#bits for weight values)
--cbsize        Crossbar array size (a single integer, assuming square array)
--rw            Wire resistance value (Ohm)
--scn           Path to the SCN model file
--sigma         Std.Dev. value for variability
--alpha         Scale factor for global variability
--sa0 (--sa1)   SA0 (SA1) rate
--read_noise    Read noise scaler
--dcrxb         Balanced (true) or unbalanced (false)

For network level simulation:

python --dataset ${Dataset} --model ${model_name} \
       -e ${load_model} --cbsize $cbsize --nb $nb --dcrxb true \
       --sigma $sig --alpha 1 --sa0 $sa0 --sa1 $sa1 --read_noise $noise \
       --scn $scn_model

Main Options:

--dataset       Dataset (mnist, cifar10)
--model         Network (mlp_mnist_binary, vgg_cifar10_binary)
-e              Load trained model
--cbsize        Crossbar array size
--nb            Weight precision
--dcrxb         Balanced (true) or unbalanced (false)
--sigma         Std.Dev. value for variability
--alpha         Scale factor for global variability
--sa0 (--sa1)   SA0/SA1 rate
--read_noise    Read noise scaler
--scn           Path to the SCN mode file

We provide our trained MLP and VGG models here:

SCN model training

For those who want to train a new SCN model, we provide some sample codes for SCN training. Note that our training code is written in Lua torch, so users need to generate training datasets in Lua.

According to the NIXSim flow, the input of SCN model is the weight injected variability and SAF (or ideal weight). The size of the weight is the same as crossbar array size. The target of SCN model is the weight effected by IR drop. The target can be generated by SPICE simulator or SES simulator. I recommend using the SES simulator since it is fast and accurate.

For SES simulation:


The former will add IR drop to weight, and the latter will add other nonidealities as well. Note that we provide a binary executable file generated by the MATLAB compiler for SES simulator. Users need to install MATLAB compiler Runtime to run SES simulator. Our MATLAB version is 2022a. Besides, since the file is generated on Linux OS, it may not be run on Windows OS.

Main Options:

--dir           The location of the weight files
--cbsize        Crossbar array size
--nb            Weight precision
--ref           Balanced (0) or unbalanced (1, use one reference column)
--sig           Std.Dev. value for variability
--alp           Scale factor for global variability
--sa0 (--sa1)   SA0/SA1 rate
--noise         Read noise scaler

Note that trained SCN model we provide is trained without considering variability and SAF, i.e. the input of SCN model is the ideal weight. Therefore, we can only guarantee that the provided SCN model predicts well in IR drop only simulation.

After constructing datasets, run sh to train the SCN model. The main training code is written in scn.lua file. Then run sh to convert the trained SCN model from Lua torch to Pytorch.


NIXSim does not support bit-splitting, which uses multiple low-precision cells to represent high-precision weight. For instance, bit-splitting enables four 2-bit-per-cell devices (i.e., each cell has 4 resistance states) to represent an 8-bit weight parameter.

The pre-trained SCN models we provide are accurate for IR drop only simulation. However, if you inject different amounts of other nonideality (e.g., variability), we cannot guarantee that the provided SCN model predicts well. Therefore, for such cases, users may need to train a new SCN model.


If you use NIXSim in your research, please cite our paper:

  author={Quan, Chenghao and Fouda, Mohammed E. and Lee, Sugil and Lee, Jongeun},
  booktitle={2022 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers}, 
  title={Multi-Fidelity Nonideality Simulation and Evaluation Framework for Resistive Neuromorphic Computing}, 

SCN paper

  author =       {Sugil Lee and Mohammed Fouda and Jongeun Lee and Ahmed Eltawil and Fadi Kurdahi},
  title =        {Learning to Predict {IR} Drop with Effective Training for {ReRAM}-based Neural Network Hardware},
  booktitle =    {2020 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)},
  pages =        {1-6},
  month =        jul,
  year =         2020,
  location =     {San Francisco, CA (Virtual)},
  doi =          {10.1109/DAC18072.2020.9218735},


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