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Applying blockchain technology on movement of blood

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Blood is one of the most important essentials of human life. In near future, we might see artificial bloodsubstituting for human blood, but till then blood donors are the safest and most important source of blood.

The journey of blood from a donor to a receiver is a complex landscape process. The blood after donated is tested, stored, transported and finally transfused. But when the blood is donated in many places the details of the sample are written using pen and paper.

##Proposed Solution

Bloodline helps conquer this issue using blockchain technology. This helps is tracking the blood from the time it is donated, till it is transfused. When the blood is donated, the blood camp that takes the blood will create a new block that will store the blood.These details will be on the lines of the blood sample template create by the Regulating Agency. Now when the blood is sent from blood camp to blood test center and from test center to seperation and so on till it reached the one who receives blood, every transaction details are stored in the block chain which cannot be tampered.

##Application Use Cases

Who is BloodLine for? Well, currently BloodLine is a demonstration of how the blood management system could be when blockchain technologies are employed. You can check out the Live Stats, open a block and see hash values. You can also check out the trace of the blood smaples right from it's template creation to it's consumption in a hospital. Since all of that involves various entities, here is a list of User Stories that will shed some light on how can you use BloodLine.

###As a Regulator at a Donation Camp: --Create Blood Sample Template.
--Update Sample Template with details of the blood.
--Transfer sample to Blood Camp.

###As a Blood Camp representative: --Receive the Blood Sample Template from the Regulator.
--Update template with donor's blood details.
--Transfer the sample to the Blood Test Centres.

###As a Blood Test Centre representative: --Receive Updated Blood Sample from the Blood Camp.
--Update Sample with details of the blood after testing.
--Transfer the samples to Blood Separation center.

###As a Blood Seperation representative: --Receive Updated Blood Sample from the Blood Test Centre.
--Separate the blood plasma from the blood.
--Transfer the samples to Blood Bank.

###As a Blood Bank representative: --Receive Updated Blood Sample from the Blood Separation Center.
--Transfer the sample to Hospital.

###As a Hospital representative: --Receive Blood from the Blood Bank.
--Consume Blood.


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Team Members

Gagan Jain
Gagan Jain

Apoorva Maheshwari
Apoorva Maheshwari

Akshay Agarwal
Akshay Agarwal

Aditya KLN
Aditya KLN