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Stack consisting of Concourse CI with Vault (backed by Consul) for secret store.

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CI Stack

Deploying the CI stack consisting of Concourse CI with Vault (backed by Consul) for secret store.

Manually deploying the CI Stack


  1. A Docker swarm cluster has already been deployed and available.
  2. Bash is available for running shell scripts.
  3. SSH access to at least one of the Swarm managers is available.
  4. Vault binary is available and in $PATH environment variable. Download from here

Connect to one of the Swarm managers

To manually deploy the CI stack, first SSH to one of the Swarm managers.

Deploy Docker network

Deploy a network named ci that will act as the network for all the components of the CI stack.

docker network create --driver overlay ci --attachable --internal

Deploy Hashicorp Vault and Consul

The Docker stack definition and other helper files for deploying Hashicorp Vault and Consul are available in vault-consul directory.

Run below script to deploy an instance of Hashicorp Vault with Consul as storage backend:

docker stack deploy vault -c ./vault-consul/stack.yml

Intialize Vault

By default, when Vault is deployed, it needs to be initalized and unsealed. Read the links ealier to understand what initalization and unseal of Vault means.

Run below set of commands to initalize and unseal the vault instance deployed:

# All outputs from vault CLI will be in JSON, for easy parsing
export VAULT_FORMAT="json"

# Initalize vault and store the output
init=$(vault operator init)

# Unseal vault using 3 unseal keys
vault unseal $(jq -re '.unseal_keys_b64[0]' <<< "$init")
vault unseal $(jq -re '.unseal_keys_b64[1]' <<< "$init")
vault unseal $(jq -re '.unseal_keys_b64[2]' <<< "$init")

IMPORTANT NOTE: It's a good idea to keep the contents of init variable safe because that would be required for unsealing Vault again, in case Vault process needs to be restarted (for any reason).

Login to Vault

The init step also produces a root token which can be used to authenticate against vault. Run below commands to authenticate using vault:

# Find the IP of Swarm cluster and replace below
export SWARM_IP=[fill-your-swarm-ip-here]
export VAULT_ADDR=http://${SWARM_IP}:8200

# using $init from previous step
vault login $(jq -re '.root_token' <<< "$init")

Prepare Vault for Consul

For Concourse to talk to Vault following steps must be done:

  1. Create a secret backend /concourse.
  2. A token that the Concourse will use to communicate with Vault.
  3. A Vault policy which will allow the above token read and list secrets in the concourse secret backend. The policy is available in ./concourse/policy/concourse.hcl
  4. Binding the vault policy and token.
# Create a new secret backend for Vault
vault secrets enable kv -path=concourse -description="Secret store for Concourse pipelines"

# Create a policy that can read and list from /concourse secret backend
vault policy write concourse-token ./concourse/policy/concourse.hcl

# Create a token to be used in concourse stack
concourse_token=$(vault token create -ttl="60h" -policy=concourse-token -format=json)

Create a GitHub OAuth Application (Optional)

NOTE: Skip this step if client ID and secret of OAuth application are already known.

GitHub will be used as the authentication to Concourse CI. To allow this create a GitHub OAuth application under the GitHub organisation by following these steps.

Deploy Concourse

The Docker stack definition and other helper files for deploying Concourse CI are available in concourse directory.

Before deploying Concourse, replace <fill-before-deploy> test in ./concourse/stack.yml:

  1. Value of CONCOURSE_VAULT_CLIENT_TOKEN with the concourse token created in last step.
  2. Value of CONCOURSE_GITHUB_AUTH_CLIENT_ID with the client ID of GitHub OAuth application created in last step.
  3. Value of CONCOURSE_GITHUB_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET with the client secret of GitHub OAuth application in last step.
  4. Value of CONCOURSE_GITHUB_AUTH_ORGANIZATION with the GitHub organisation name for authentication to Concourse. Any member of this organisation will be able to access the deployed Concourse instance.

Afterwards, run command to deploy the Concourse CI:

# Generate key-pairs to be used by Concourse Web and Worker instances.
cd concourse

# Deploy Postgres and Concourse Web
docker stack deploy ci -c stack.yml

Deploy Concourse Worker

Concourse worker container utilizes the docker instance on the host to spin up temporary containers as defined in the pipelines. To communicate with Docker daemon on host, the worker container needs to be run in privileged mode.

At the time of writing, Docker Swarm doesn't support privileged containers, so Concourse worker needs to be deployed as a stand-alone container and connect to the CI stack.

cd concourse
# Run worker as a privileged container
docker run --rm --privileged=true -e CONCOURSE_TSA_HOST=concourse-web:2222 -e CONCOURSE_GARDEN_NETWORK -e CONCOURSE_BAGGAECLAIM_DRIVER=detect --volume=$(pwd)/concourse/keys/worker/:/concourse-keys/ -ti --name concourse_worker --hostname concourse-worker -d concourse/concourse worker

# Connect the worker container to CI network so that it's available to Concourse web
docker network connect --alias=concourse-worker ci concourse_worker

Deploying using Ansible



  1. Ansible
  2. WIP




Stack consisting of Concourse CI with Vault (backed by Consul) for secret store.






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