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8-Puzzle Solver (BFS & A* Search)

Intelligent solver for 8-Puzzle using Searches i.e. Breadth First Search and A* Search


Smith Gakuya & Yaqi Huang


Case 2
//string format: 123456078
brd[0][0] = 1; brd[0][1] = 2; brd[0][2] = 3; brd[1][0] = 4; brd[1][1] = 5; brd[1][2] = 6; brd[2][0] = 0; brd[2][1] = 7; brd[2][2] = 8;

Case 3
//string format: 123460758
brd[1][2] = 0; brd[0][0] = 1; brd[0][1] = 2; brd[0][2] = 3; brd[1][0] = 4; brd[2][1] = 5; brd[1][1] = 6; brd[2][0] = 7; brd[2][2] = 8;

Case 4 //string format: 412053786 brd[0][0] = 4; brd[0][1] = 1; brd[0][2] = 2; brd[1][0] = 0; brd[1][1] = 5; brd[1][2] = 3; brd[2][0] = 7; brd[2][1] = 8; brd[2][2] = 6;

Case 5 //string format: 412763058 brd[0][0] = 4; brd[0][1] = 1; brd[0][2] = 2; brd[1][0] = 7; brd[1][1] = 6; brd[1][2] = 3; brd[2][0] = 0; brd[2][1] = 5; brd[2][2] = 8;

Case 6 //string format: 412763580 brd[0][0] = 4; brd[0][1] = 1; brd[0][2] = 2; brd[1][0] = 7; brd[1][1] = 6; brd[1][2] = 3; brd[2][0] = 5; brd[2][1] = 8; brd[2][2] = 0;

Case 7 //string format: 134805726 brd[0][0] = 1; brd[0][1] = 3; brd[0][2] = 4; brd[1][0] = 8; brd[1][1] = 0; brd[1][2] = 5; brd[2][0] = 7; brd[2][1] = 2; brd[2][2] = 6;

Case Number of moves Number of nodes generated BFS A* (Manhattan) A* (Other)

  1.         12		            2038	    41			39
  2.          2		             14	     	     4			4
  3.          3		             24	     	     8			8
  4.          5		             99	     	     9			9
  5.          8		            342		    15			15	
  6.         10		            1098	    23			20
  7.     unsolvable			

Average for all iterations
(should be the same) 158429 23683 40948

void printSolution(Node node)

Recursively loops through the parent nodes until it reaches the root(i.e. the initial state) then prints the root node. Prints nodes on the way as it traces back. Used regular recursion since we only go up to a maximum of 13 levels hence doesn't require too much space

boolean runBFS(Node initNode)

Uses a queue to store nodes in Frontier and an ArrayList for Explored nodes. If the initial node is the solution then prints it out and returns true.

While there are nodes in the Frontier, it removes the first one and adds it to Explored List, we then check if the node we have explored has a depth of 13, if so we return false and assume no solution is present. If it is above the 13th level, we check if it is the goal state(if so print it out and return true). If not, we expand the node and add the successors to the back of the Frontier queue if they are neither in the Frontier nor the Explored List. We then increase the number of nodes if we add a new node to the Frontier.

boolean runAStar(Node initNode, int heuristic)

We used a priority queue for the Frontier and made the ordering to be based on the fvalues (gval+hval). We had to override the compare method so as to allow this ordering instead of natural ordering We set the initNode's gvalue to 0. If the heuristic chosen is: 0) We calculate the Manhattan distance for each digit on the board and use it as the hvalue

  1. We calculate the number of collisions and add that to Manhattan distance and use that as the hvalue We then check if the initNode is the goal

If not and if the Frontier still isn't empty, we remove the first element of the Priority Queue and add it to Explored If the gvalue is greater than 13 we return false If the current node is the goal we return true If the above conditions aren't met, we expand the node

Depending on the heuristic choice, we do as stipulated above. If the current node is in the Explored list, we make a copy of the Frontier to loop through(we noticed we got an error when we looped through and altered contents of the Frontier hence copied it) If we find that the node in the Frontier has a higher fval than our current node, we replace it with the node which has the updated details

If node is not in frontier, we add it and increment numnodes

ArrayList<int[][]> expand()

if the blank tile is at 0,1 we can move it down, right or left if the blank tile is at 0,2 we can move it down or left if the blank tile is at 1,0 we can move it down, right or up if the blank tile is at 1,1 we can move it up, down, right or left if the blank tile is at 1,2 we can move it up, down or left if the blank tile is at 2,0 we can move it up or right if the blank tile is at 2,1 we can move it up, right or left if the blank tile is at 2,2 we can move it up or left

double evaluateHeuristic()

We loop through each position of the current board state checking for the digits' ideal positions if the current state isn't the goal state. For each digit we get the manhattan distance to the goal position and add it to the total which we retun in the end

double myHeuristic()

If the current state is the goal state, we set the hval to be -1000 so that it receives a higher priority and is evaluated before the other members of the Frontier if it did not already have the lowest fval

We then check for collisions row by row and column by column using the helper method conflicts(ArrayList, String) When all the collisions are recorded, we add them to the Manhattan distance and use this as the hval instead

int conflicts(ArrayList arr, String section)

For each row and each column we check if the digits on the specified row or column are supposed to be in the row/column We then check if in each of them, these digits that are supposed to be there are in the wrong order i.e. in conflict with each other We then return the total number of conflicts

int[] rowCol(int curr)

Returns the goal position of the specified current digit curr

class AstarComparator implements Comparator


int compare(Node o1, Node o2)

We override how the nodes are compared when being stored in the PriorityQueue for Astar, this way they are ordered according to their f values with priority being given to the node with a lower fvalue


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