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Tags: Shadow53/hoard



Toggle v0.6.0's commit message
chore: prepare release 0.6.0


Toggle v0.5.2's commit message
chore: prepare release 0.5.2


Toggle v0.5.1's commit message
chore: prepare release 0.5.1


Toggle v0.5.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Shadow53 Michael Bryant
Version 0.5.0 of Hoard

This release comes with a complete reworking under the hood, which you can read about in the new [changelog](

- The operation log file format was changed to better support the new `hoard diff` and `hoard status` commands.
    - Use `hoard upgrade` to upgrade your operation logs in-place.

- Added a new [`hoard edit`](https://hoard,rs/cli/flags-subcommands.html#hoard-edit) command to allow users to modify their Hoard configuration file without needing to know where it is stored.
- Added new [`hoard status`]( and [`hoard diff`]( commands, which help you understand the current state of all of your hoards. See the book for more on each command.
- You can now tell Hoard to [set special permissions]( on files and folders that it manages.

- Fixed an `invalid directive` warning if the `HOARD_LOG` environment variable was not set.
- Improved logging output, including cleaning up unnecessary output and making sure error messages are logged where they occur, for maximum context when `HOARD_LOG=debug` or `trace`.

Basically everything got some amount of refactoring over this release -- too much to list here. These are the highlights:

- Replaced bare `String` and `Pathbuf` with wrapper types that enforce extra invariants.
- Added types to cache file operations to decrease runtime.
- Added a dependency on the multi-threaded `tokio` runtime, further decreasing runtime to within a few seconds.

The above changes led to an anecdotal runtime decrease from 20 minutes to less than one minute, with multiple hoards, one of which contains multiple large binary files.


Toggle v0.4.0's commit message


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Shadow53 Michael Bryant
chore: update hoard version and deps


Toggle v0.3.0's commit message


This user has not yet uploaded their public signing key.
ci: build/release action requires items must be archived


Toggle v0.2.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Shadow53 Michael Bryant

First beta release of `hoard`!