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JDAdvanced is an extension created by fans(me) that enhances the functionality of the popular Java Discord API Wrapper, JDA. It provides additional features to simplify bot building, event creation, and database/SQL handling, among others.

❗️Disclaimer: As mentioned earlier, this project is solely a "fan-made" creation of mine. I am a student pursuing a degree in applied computer science. Please note that not everything may be optimized to the highest standard, but I hope you still enjoy using it.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Copyright (c) 2023 ShuraBlack
For more information about the license, see or check the LICENSE file in the project


❤️ Thanks to all the great programmers out there, which made all of this possible

This project requires Java 8+ SDK
All dependencies are managed by Maven


  • core -> Main classess of the project
  • listener -> Default implementation of Listener
  • localization -> Managing the localization of your response texts
  • mapping -> Maps multiple Identifiers to one and gives an easier way to interact with commands
  • sql -> FluentSQL, SQLRequest & Connectionpool


Currently this project only supports GitHub Realse with a .jar.

Creating the JDAUtil Object

To create the JDAUtil object, you can utilize the UtilBuilder. Prior to that, you should create a "" file in the root folder (development) or next to the .jar file (deployment) that includes at least a property for the "access_token". Afterward, you can call the init function, which will load the config file, initialize the AssetPool, and LocalData.

HINT: If you plan to utilize the implemented connection pool, you will also need to specify the "db_url", "db_username", "db_password", and "db_poolsize". This builder requires a JDABuilder and an EventHandler object. For more information on building the JDA object, please refer to the JDA documentation.


// Initialize the UtilBuilder

// Create a JDABuilder object to build the Discord bot
final JDABuilder builder = JDABuilder.createDefault(Config.getConfig("access_token"));

// Create an EventHandler object to handle events in the Discord bot
final EventHandler handler = EventHandler.create();

// Use the UtilBuilder to create a JDAUtil object for the Discord bot
final JDAUtil util = UtilBuilder.create(builder, handler).build();


Furthermore, you have the option to add commands to the command line and activate the database connection pool.


final JDAUtil util = UtilBuilder.create(builder, handler)
  // Activates the pool with provided credentials
  // Adds another commandline action to the console
    new CommandAction("say-hello", "Says 'Hello, World!'", (String args) -> System.out.println("Hello, World!"))

Creating the EventHandler Object

The EventHandler is responsible for managing JDA events and handing them off to the corresponding EventWorker. If any handling is missing, you can extend the class and implement your own function. Each event will be dispatched and processed by a separate thread (make sure to create your EventWorker in a concurrent manner). To declare functions of an EventWorker as active, you can utilize the Interaction and InteractionSet.


final EventHandler handler = EventHandler
  // Set Prefix for Messages and boolean for ingoreBotRequests
  .create(EventHandler.DEFAULT_PREFIX, true)
      new EventWorkerA(),
      Interaction.create(GLOBAL_SLASH, "identifier").setGlobalCD(30),
      Interaction.create(GUILD_SLASH, "identifier")
      new EventWorkerB(),
      Interaction.create(GLOBAL_SLASH, "identifier").setUserCD(10),
      Interaction.create(GUILD_SLASH, "identifier").setChannelRestriction(List.of(...))

Alternatively you can use a JSON file to declare your InteractionSets

  "interactionSets": [
      "worker": "de.shurablack.core.event.Test",
      "interactions": [
          "identifier": "identifier",
          "globalCooldown": 1000,
          "userCooldown": 1000,
          "type": "BUTTON",
          "channelRestriction": [
          "identifier": "identifier",
          "globalCooldown": -1,
          "userCooldown": -1,
          "type": "MODAL",
          "channelRestriction": [

and load it via

List<InteractionSet> InteractionSet.fromJSON("path/to/file.json")

Write Listener

Listeners should maintain a reference to the EventHandler in order to pass the JDA events. Default implementations can be found in the de.shurablack.listener package.


public class DefaultInteractionReceiver extends ListenerAdapter {

    private final EventHandler handler;

    public DefaultInteractionReceiver(EventHandler handler) {
        this.handler = handler;

    public void onModalInteraction(@NotNull ModalInteractionEvent event) {
        handler.onModalEvent(event.getModalId(), event);

Write EventWorker

Your Worker class should extend the EventWorker and implement all the active Interactions. Once implemented, you can register them in the EventHandler as an InteractionSet.


public Worker extends EventWorker {

  public void processButtonEvent(final Member member, final MessageChannelUnion channel, final String compID, final ButtonInteractionEvent event)
    // Your Implementation