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Text Mining and Association Rules in Newsgroups


This Python program is designed for text mining and discovering association rules within a dataset of newsgroup documents. The dataset used is the "20 Newsgroups" dataset, and the program performs text preprocessing, TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) analysis, and association rule mining. Additionally, it includes a text classification section where association rules are generated based on the category of the newsgroup.


  • Ensure that the required Python libraries are installed by running:
    pip install nltk pandas scikit-learn mlxtend

Usage (skip if you download the program directly from github)

  1. Download the "20 Newsgroups" dataset in tar.gz format from here.
  2. Save the downloaded file as "20news-bydate.tar.gz" in the same directory as the program.
  3. Run the provided Python script.

Program Flow

1. Data Extraction

  • The script extracts the contents of "20news-bydate.tar.gz" and organizes the newsgroup documents into training and testing sets.

2. Preprocessing of Training Set

  • Text documents in the training set are preprocessed by removing punctuation, converting to lowercase, tokenizing, removing stop-words, and performing stemming.

3. TF-IDF Analysis

  • The program utilizes the TF-IDF weighting scheme to analyze the training set, generating a matrix of TF-IDF weights for each term.

4. Association Rules (General)

  • Association rules are generated based on frequent item-sets using the Apriori algorithm.
  • Rules are displayed with support and confidence above specified thresholds.

5. Text Classification

  • Documents are preprocessed with category information (newsgroup label) added.
  • TF-IDF analysis is performed on the new dataset.
  • Association rules are generated based on the category of the file being on the right side of the rule.


  • You can adjust parameters such as min_support, min_confidence, and k for fine-tuning association rule mining.


  • The program outputs association rules for both general terms and terms related to newsgroup categories.

Important Note

  • The script assumes the presence of the "20news-bydate.tar.gz" file and directories "20news-bydate-train" and "20news-bydate-test." Ensure that these directories are present in the same location as the script.

Feel free to explore and modify the script for your specific use case or dataset. Happy mining!


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