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Linux Server Configuration

Sruthi Vinukonda

IP and URL:

Public IP:
Host name:



  • Openssh Server
  • Apache2
  • PostgreSQL
  • GIT
  • mod_wsgi
  • Python
  • virtualenv
  • Flask
  • requests
  • httplib2
  • sqlalchemy
  • psycopg2
  • oauth2client
  • render_template
  • sqlalchemy_utils
  • redirect

How To:

Amazon Lightsail

  1. Create Lightsail account and new Instance
  2. Connect using SSH
  3. Download private key
  4. In the Networking tab, add two new custom ports - 123 and 2200

Server configuration

  1. Place private key in .ssh
  2. $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/LightsailDefaultPrivateKey-us-east-2.pem
  3. $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/LightsailDefaultPrivateKey-us-east-2.pem ubuntu@

Create new account grader

  1. $ sudo su -
  2. $ sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/grader Add grader ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
  3. $ sudo nano /etc/hosts Under add ip-10-20-37-65

Install updates and finger package

  1. $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo apt-get install finger


  1. In a new terminal, `$ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/udacity_key.rsa
  2. $ cat ~/.ssh/
  3. In the original terminal, $ cd /home/grader
  4. $ mkdir .ssh
  5. $ touch .ssh/authorized_keys
  6. $ nano .ssh/authorized_keys
  7. Permissions: $ sudo chmod 700 /home/grader/.ssh $ sudo chmod 644 /home/grader/.ssh/authorized_keys
  8. $ sudo chown -R grader:grader /home/grader/.ssh
  9. $ sudo service ssh restart
  10. To disconnect: $ ~.
  11. $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/udacity_key.rsa grader@

Enforce key based authentication

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Find the PasswordAuthentication line and change text after to no
  3. $ sudo service ssh restart

Change port

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Find the Port line and change 22 to 2200
  3. $ sudo service ssh restart
  4. $ ~.
  5. $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/udacity_key.rsa -p 2200 grader@

Disable root login

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Find the PermitRootLogin line and edit to no
  3. $ sudo service ssh restart

Configure UFW

  1. $ sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp $ sudo ufw allow 80/tcp $ sudo ufw allow 123/udp $ sudo ufw enable

Install Apache and GIT

  1. $ sudo apt-get install apache2 $ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi python-dev $ sudo apt-get install git

Enable mod_wsgi

  1. $ sudo a2enmod wsgi $ sudo service apache2 start

Setup Folders

  1. $ cd /var/www $ sudo mkdir catalog $ sudo chown -R grader:grader catalog $ cd catalog

Clone Catalog Project

  1. $ git clone catalog

Create .wsgi file

  1. $sudo nano catalog.wsgi
    import sys
    import logging
    sys.path.insert(0, "/var/www/catalog/")

    from catalog import app as application
    application.secret_key = 'super_secret_key'
  1. Rename the to

Virtual Machine

  1. $ sudo pip install virtualenv $ sudo virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ sudo chmod -R 777 venv

Install flask and other packages

  1. $ sudo apt-get -H install python-pip
    $ sudo pip -h install Flask
    $ sudo pip -h install Requests
    $ sudo pip -h install httplib2
    $ sudo pip -h install sqlalchemy
    $ sudo pip -h install psycopg2
    $ sudo pip -h install oauth2client
    $ sudo pip -h install render_template
    $ sudo pip -h install sqlalchemy_utils
    $ sudo pip -h install redirect
  2. $nano Change the client_secrets.json line to /var/www/catalog/catalog/client_secrets.json
  3. Change the host to and port to 80

Configure virtual host

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/catalog.conf
    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName []
    ServerAlias []
    ServerAdmin admin@
    WSGIDaemonProcess catalog python-path=/var/www/catalog:/var/www/catalog/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    WSGIProcessGroup catalog
    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/catalog/catalog.wsgi
    <Directory /var/www/catalog/catalog/>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    Alias /static /var/www/catalog/catalog/static
    <Directory /var/www/catalog/catalog/static/>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    LogLevel warn
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined


  1. $ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
    $ sudo su - postgres
    $ psql
  2. $ CREATE USER catalog WITH PASSWORD 'password'; $ ALTER USER catalog CREATEDB; $ CREATE DATABASE catalog WITH OWNER catalog; Connect to database $ \c catalog $ REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM public; $ GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO catalog; Quit the postgres command line: $ \q and then $ exit
  3. $ nano Edit, and files to change the database engine from sqlite://catalog.db to postgresql://catalog:password@localhost/catalog
  4. Add to Authorized JavaScript Origins and Authorised redirect URIs on Google Developer Console.
  5. $ sudo service apache2 restart



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