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Microsoft Active Directory Integration Pack


This pack provides an integration between StackStorm and Microsoft Active Directory. It is designed to mimic the Active Directory Cmdlets for PowerShell:

This pack works by executing Active Directory PowerShell commands on a remote windows hosts.

Quick Start


  1. Install the pack

    st2 pack install activedirectory
  2. Configure WinRM on a remote Windows host by running the setup PowerShell script

    Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile "ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1"
  3. Install Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT):

    st2 run activedirectory.install_rsat_ad_powershell hostname='' username='Administrator' password='xxx'
  4. Execute an action (example: check if HOSTTOGET is a member of AD)

    st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer hostname='' username='Administrator' password='xxx' args='HOSTTOGET'


This pack works by executing PowerShell commands on a remote Windows host that has the following setup:

  1. WinRM needs to be configured Execute the following script on all hosts that this pack will be running commands on:

  2. Install Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) tools for ActiveDirectory Install the "Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Tools and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) Tools" component of RSAT on all hosts that this pack will be running commands on. Note : This only works on Windows Server OSes.

Manual Install

Import-Module Servermanager
Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-PowerShell

Install using st2 action (from this pack)

st2 run activedirectory.install_rsat_ad_powershell hostname='' username='xxx' password='xxx'


This pack is hosted on the stackstork-exchange, you can install it like so:

st2 pack install activedirectory


You will need to specify Active Directory credentials that will be used to connect to the remote Windows hosts in the /opt/stackstorm/config/activedirectory.yaml file. You can specify multiple sets of credentials using nested values.

Note : st2 pack config doesn't handle nested schemas very well (known bug) so it's best to create the configuration file yourself and copy it into /opt/stackstorm/configs/activedirectory.yaml then run st2ctl reload --register-configs


port: <default port number to use for WinRM connections: default = '5986'>
transport: <default transport to use for WinRM connections: default = 'ntlm'>

    username: <username@domain.tld (preferred) or domain\username>
    password: <password for username>
    username: <username@domain.tld (preferred) or domain\username>
    password: <password for username>
    port: <port number override to use for WinRM connections: default = '5986'>
    transport: <transport override to use for WinRM connections: default = 'ntlm'>

Schema Example

port: 5986
transport: ntlm

    username: username@dev.domain.tld
    password: xxx
    username: username@test.domain.tld
    password: xxx
    port: 5522
    username: produser@domain.tld
    password: xxx
    port: 6611
    transport: kerberos
    username: prodsvc@domain.tld
    password: xxx
    port: 1234
    transport: basic

Note : All actions allow you to specify a set of credentials as inputs to the action instead of requiring a configuration. See the Actions section for more information.


Actions in this pack are based off of the PowerShell cmdlets in ActiveDirectory module link.

The actions from these cmdlets are auto-generated based on a the file etc/cmdlets.txt using the generation script etc/

Below is a list of the currently implemented actions based on cmdlets.

Action PowerShell Cmdlet Description
add_ad_computer_service_account Add-ADComputerServiceAccount Adds one or more service accounts to an Active Directory computer.
add_ad_domain_controller_password_replication_policy Add-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy Adds users, computers, and groups to the Allowed List or the Denied List of the read-only domain controller (RODC) Password Replication Policy (PRP).
add_ad_fine_grained_password_policy_subject Add-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject Applies a fine-grained password policy to one more users and groups.
add_ad_group_member Add-ADGroupMember Adds one or more members to an Active Directory group.
add_ad_principal_group_membership Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership Adds a member to one or more Active Directory groups.
clear_ad_account_expiration Clear-ADAccountExpiration Clears the expiration date for an Active Directory account.
disable_ad_account Disable-ADAccount Disables an Active Directory account.
disable_ad_optional_feature Disable-ADOptionalFeature Disables an Active Directory optional feature.
enable_ad_account Enable-ADAccount Enables an Active Directory account.
enable_ad_optional_feature Enable-ADOptionalFeature Enables an Active Directory optional feature.
get_ad_account_authorization_group Get-ADAccountAuthorizationGroup Gets the Active Directory security groups that contain an account.
get_ad_account_resultant_password_replication_policy Get-ADAccountResultantPasswordReplicationPolicy Gets the resultant password replication policy for an Active Directory account.
get_ad_computer Get-ADComputer Gets one or more Active Directory computers.
get_ad_computer_service_account Get-ADComputerServiceAccount Gets the service accounts that are hosted by an Active Directory computer.
get_ad_default_domain_password_policy Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy Gets the default password policy for an Active Directory domain.
get_ad_domain Get-ADDomain Gets an Active Directory domain.
get_ad_domain_controller Get-ADDomainController Gets one or more Active Directory domain controllers, based on discoverable services criteria, search parameters, or by providing a domain controller identifier, such as the NetBIOS name.
get_ad_domain_controller_password_replication_policy Get-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy Gets the members of the Allowed List or the Denied List of the RODC PRP.
get_ad_domain_controller_password_replication_policy_usage Get-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicyUsage Gets the resultant password policy of the specified ADAccount on the specified RODC.
get_ad_fine_grained_password_policy Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy Gets one or more Active Directory fine-grained password policies.
get_ad_fine_grained_password_policy_subject Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject Gets the users and groups to which a fine-grained password policy is applied.
get_ad_forest Get-ADForest Gets an Active Directory forest.
get_ad_group Get-ADGroup Gets one or more Active Directory groups.
get_ad_group_member Get-ADGroupMember Gets the members of an Active Directory group.
get_ad_object Get-ADObject Gets one or more Active Directory objects.
get_ad_optional_feature Get-ADOptionalFeature Gets one or more Active Directory optional features.
get_ad_organizational_unit Get-ADOrganizationalUnit Gets one or more Active Directory OUs.
get_ad_principal_group_membership Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership Gets the Active Directory groups that have a specified user, computer, or group.
get_ad_root_dse Get-ADRootDSE Gets the root of a domain controller information tree.
get_ad_service_account Get-ADServiceAccount Gets one or more Active Directory service accounts.
get_ad_user Get-ADUser Gets one or more Active Directory users.
get_ad_user_resultant_password_policy Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy Gets the resultant password policy for a user.
install_ad_service_account Install-ADServiceAccount Installs an Active Directory service account on a computer.
move_ad_directory_server Move-ADDirectoryServer Moves a domain controller in AD DS to a new site.
move_ad_directory_server_operation_master_role Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole Moves operation master (also known as flexible single master operations or FSMO) roles to an Active Directory domain controller.
move_ad_object Move-ADObject Moves an Active Directory object or a container of objects to a different container or domain.
new_ad_computer New-ADComputer Creates a new Active Directory computer.
new_ad_fine_grained_password_policy New-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy Creates a new Active Directory fine-grained password policy.
new_ad_group New-ADGroup Creates an Active Directory group.
new_ad_object New-ADObject Creates an Active Directory object.
new_ad_organizational_unit New-ADOrganizationalUnit Creates a new Active Directory OU.
new_ad_service_account New-ADServiceAccount Creates a new Active Directory service account.
new_ad_user New-ADUser Creates a new Active Directory user.
remove_ad_computer Remove-ADComputer Removes an Active Directory computer.
remove_ad_computer_service_account Remove-ADComputerServiceAccount Removes one or more service accounts from a computer.
remove_ad_domain_controller_password_replication_policy Remove-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy Removes users, computers, and groups from the Allowed List or the Denied List of the RODC PRP.
remove_ad_fine_grained_password_policy Remove-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy Removes an Active Directory fine-grained password policy.
remove_ad_fine_grained_password_policy_subject Remove-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject Removes one or more users from a fine-grained password policy.
remove_ad_group Remove-ADGroup Removes an Active Directory group.
remove_ad_group_member Remove-ADGroupMember Removes one or more members from an Active Directory group.
remove_ad_object Remove-ADObject Removes an Active Directory object.
remove_ad_organizational_unit Remove-ADOrganizationalUnit Removes an Active Directory OU.
remove_ad_principal_group_membership Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership Removes a member from one or more Active Directory groups.
remove_ad_service_account Remove-ADServiceAccount Removes an Active Directory service account.
remove_ad_user Remove-ADUser Removes an Active Directory user.
rename_ad_object Rename-ADObject Changes the name of an Active Directory object.
reset_ad_service_account_password Reset-ADServiceAccountPassword Resets the service account password for a computer.
restore_ad_object Restore-ADObject Restores an Active Directory object.
search_ad_account Search-ADAccount Gets Active Directory user, computer, and service accounts.
set_ad_account_control Set-ADAccountControl Modifies user account control (UAC) values for an Active Directory account.
set_ad_account_expiration Set-ADAccountExpiration Sets the expiration date for an Active Directory account.
set_ad_account_password Set-ADAccountPassword Modifies the password of an Active Directory account.
set_ad_computer Set-ADComputer Modifies an Active Directory computer.
set_ad_default_domain_password_policy Set-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy Modifies the default password policy for an Active Directory domain.
set_ad_domain Set-ADDomain Modifies an Active Directory domain.
set_ad_domain_mode Set-ADDomainMode Sets the domain functional level for an Active Directory domain.
set_ad_fine_grained_password_policy Set-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy Modifies an Active Directory fine-grained password policy.
set_ad_forest Set-ADForest Modifies an Active Directory forest.
set_ad_forest_mode Set-ADForestMode Sets the forest mode for an Active Directory forest.
set_ad_group Set-ADGroup Modifies an Active Directory group.
set_ad_object Set-ADObject Modifies an Active Directory object.
set_ad_organizational_unit Set-ADOrganizationalUnit Modifies an Active Directory OU.
set_ad_service_account Set-ADServiceAccount Modifies an Active Directory service account.
set_ad_user Set-ADUser Modifies an Active Directory user.
uninstall_ad_service_account Uninstall-ADServiceAccount Uninstalls an Active Directory service account from a computer.
unlock_ad_account Unlock-ADAccount Unlocks an Active Directory account.
install_rsat_ad_powershell Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-PowerShell Installs RSAT Tools Active Directory PowerShell module.


Basic Usage

The actions that are created are fairly simplistic, simply executing the PowerShell cmdlet that they represent along with any arguments that are passed in via the args parameter on the action.

st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='windowshost.domain.tld'
st2 run activedirectory.new_ad_computer args='NEWCOMPUTER' hostname='windowshost.domain.tld'

Every cmdlet action has a required hostname parameter that is the hostname of the remote windows box that we will execute the cmdlet on. Please ensure that hosts have the Prerequisites installed properly (WinRM and RSAT tools)


When logging in to a system and invoking commands you will need to authenticate to login to the host, and maybe need to pass in a different set of credentials to the cmdlet. When logging in to the remote system there are two ways to pass in authentication credentials to the action.


  • username/password parameters passed directly to the action
  • credential_name parameter passed to the action

username/password parameters

In this case the username/password are specified where the action is invoked, thus allowing you to pass in credentials on the commandline for easy testing.

st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='windowshost.domain.tld' username='' password='Password1'

credential_name parameter

In this case the name of the credential to used is passed in where the action is invoked, and the actual credentials themselves are stored in the pack's configuration file /opt/stackstorm/configs/activedirectory.yaml.

Let's say we had a configuration file with the contents:

port: 5986
transport: ntlm

    username: username@dev.domain.tld
    password: xxx
    username: username@test.domain.tld
    password: xxx
    port: 5522

We could invoke an action using the dev credentials to login to hostname like so:

st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='devhost.domain.tld' credential_name='dev'

Similarly if we wanted to invoke the same action using the test credentials:

st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='testhost.domain.tld' credential_name='test'

Cmdlet Authentication

When executing a PowerShell cmdlet the it normally uses the credentials of the currently logged in user. In our case this would either be username/password or the username/password associated with the credential_name in the config. Alternativey, the cmdlets in the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module can take an optional -Credential parameter that is used to provide different credentials for the executin of the command itself (example, maybe a specific command requires an elevated set of priveleges). The PowerShell for a normal command looks like:

Get-ADUser someuser

To execute this with a different set of credentials it would look like:

$securepass = ConvertTo-SecureString "Password!" -AsPlainText -Force
$admincreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("", $securepass)
Get-ADUser -Credential $admincreds someuser

Because it is a fairly common scenario this use-case has been baked into the actions within this pack. To execute a command with an elevated set of credentials there are two options, just like host authentication.


  • cmdlet_username/cmdlet_password parameters passed directly to the action
  • cmdlet_credential_name parameter passed to the action

cmdlet_username/cmdlet_password parameters

In this case the cmdlet_username/cmdlet_password are specified where the action is invoked, thus allowing you to pass in credentials on the commandline for easy testing.

st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='windowshost.domain.tld' username='' password='Password1' cmdlet_username='' cmdlet_password='SuperSecurePassword'

cmdlet_credential_name parameter

In this case the name of the credential to used is passed in where the action is invoked, and the actual credentials themselves are stored in the pack's configuration file /opt/stackstorm/configs/activedirectory.yaml.

Let's say we had a configuration file with the contents:

port: 5986
transport: ntlm

    username: username@dev.domain.tld
    password: xxx
    username: username@test.domain.tld
    password: xxx
    port: 5522
    username: username@test.domain.tld
    password: xxx
    port: 5522

We could invoke an action using the dev credentials to login to hostname and then using the elevated set of credentials for the cmdlet execution like so:

st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='devhost.domain.tld' credential_name='dev' cmdlet_credential_name='elevated'


We provide the ability to specialize how we connect to a host using WinRM by allowing the transport and port to be overridden. The transport is the connection protocol used to perform WinRM authentication. The port is the network port to use to make the connection to the remote host.

The default, and recommended transport and port is: transport='ntlm' port='5986'

This pack supports all transports that are supported by the pywinrm python module. As of the time of writing the valid transports are:

  • basic
  • plaintext
  • certificate
  • ssl
  • kerberos
  • ntlm
  • credssp

For more info on how to use and setup your Windows host for these various transports please refer to the pywinrm documentation.

Transport/Port Overrides

We provide the following options for specifying what transport and port to use for the connection (ordered in terms of highest priority):

  1. if transport/port specified as action params, use this
  2. if transport/port specified as params on the credentials in config
  3. if transport/port specified at root level in the config
  4. else, use the default transport/port (5986/ntlm)

Transport/Port as Action Params

The most specific case is passing in the transport/port as parameters to the action when you invoke it:

# will use transport='basic' and port='1234' from the invokation
st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='devhost.domain.tld' credential_name='dev' port='1234' transport='basic'

Transport/Port as From Credentials in Config

Alternatively, if you pass in a credential_name to the action invokation and that credential has the transport and port options set in the config, then we'll automatically look up and utilize those values.

Example config:

port: 5986
transport: ntlm

    username: username@test.domain.tld
    password: xxx
    port: 5522
    transport: basic
# will use transport='basic' and port=5522 from the 'test' credential in the config
st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='devhost.domain.tld' credential_name=test'

Transport/Port as From Config Root

If the credential doesn't have transport/port defined then we'll use the "global" settings for transport and port at the root level of the config

Example config:

port: 5986
transport: ntlm

    username: username@test.domain.tld
    password: xxx
# will use transport='ntlm' and port=5986 from the root of the config
st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='devhost.domain.tld' credential_name=test'

Transport/Port default

Finally if there are no transport/port specified as params, or in the config we'll use our packs built-in default of transport='ntlm' port='5986'.

Example config:

    username: username@test.domain.tld
    password: xxx
# will use transport='ntlm' and port=5986 from the pack's built-in defaults
st2 run activedirectory.get_ad_computer args='COMPUTERTOFIND' hostname='devhost.domain.tld' credential_name=test'


In an effort to be flexible and play well with StackStorm we have coded up this pack to allow for the output of the actions to be in one of the following formats:

  • json (default)
  • raw


JSON output works by appending | ConvertTo-Json to the end of the powershell cmdlet being run and converts any exceptions that are thrown into JSON. The exact code that gets executed is:

  <cmdlet> | ConvertTo-Json
  $formatted_output = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $_
  exit 1

This takes the resulting PowerShell object and converts it to JSON representation. The benefit of this is that by using JSON it allows us to parse it into a python dict and then return it from the action. This allows the end-user to utilize the output in a meaningful way within workflows. To utilize this dictionary parsed output there are two variables stdout_dict and stderr_dict that are populated. If no output is present an empty dictionary is returned.

Example Mistral workflow usage:

version: '2.0'

    description: Workflow demoing the json parsed output
    type: direct
        - hostname
        - username
        - password
        - computer
        dns_hostname: <% $.dns_hostname %>
            action: activedirectory.get_ad_computer hostname=<% $.hostname %> args="<% $.computer %>" username=<% $.username %> password=<% $.password %> cmdlet_username=<% $.username %> cmdlet_password=<% $.password %>
                dns_hostname: <% task(task1).result.result.stdout_dict.DNSHostName %>
                stderr_dict: <% task(task1).result.result.stderr_dict %>


Raw output is simply the stdout/stderr strings returned to you. In this case the output variables stdout and stderr would be your interaction point. The variables stdout_dict and stderr_dict will be set to empty dictionaries.

Future Ideas