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Angelo edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the AngelASPExtentions wiki!

Welcome to the wiki. It is currently under construction

This project aims to extend the ASP.NET frame work where is lacks:

  1. Inability to get at the outputted Razor HTML. (say for an email.)
  2. Inability to redirect to a post method from a get method. (say using an email get URL to get a code and hid it in a post for a password reset.)
  3. Inability to add per page scripting for the head with the bundling system. (some times it would break scripts in other areas.)
  4. Inability to add file data annotations such as size.
  5. Inability to add full URLs, as the current URL methods did not include the server or port. (say you wanted to redirect from a email not on the server.)

It also adds some other functionality such as:

  1. Extra handy string extensions.
  2. Extra CSS to inline engine(coming soon).

So If you had any of these Problems look no further.