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Service Discovery

Ocelot allows you to specify a service discovery provider and will use this to find the host and port for the downstream service to which Ocelot forwards the request. At the moment this is only supported in the GlobalConfiguration section, which means the same service discovery provider will be used for all Routes for which you specify a ServiceName at Route level.


Namespace: Ocelot.Provider.Consul

The first thing you need to do is install the Ocelot.Provider.Consul package that provides Consul support in Ocelot:

Install-Package Ocelot.Provider.Consul

To register Consul services, you must invoke the AddConsul() extension using the OcelotBuilder returned by AddOcelot() [1]. Therefore, include the following in your ConfigureServices method:

    .AddConsul(); // or .AddConsul<T>()

Currently there are 2 types of Consul service discovery providers: Consul and PollConsul. The default provider is Consul, which means that if ConsulProviderFactory cannot read, understand, or parse the Type property of the ServiceProviderConfiguration object, then a :ref:`sd-consul-provider` instance is created by the factory.

Explore these types of providers and understand the differences in the subsections: :ref:`sd-consul-provider` and :ref:`sd-pollconsul-provider`.

Configuration in KV Store

Add the following when you register your services Ocelot will attempt to store and retrieve its :doc:`../features/configuration` in Consul KV Store:

    .AddConfigStoredInConsul(); // !

You also need to add the following to your ocelot.json. This is how Ocelot finds your Consul agent and interacts to load and store the configuration from Consul.

"GlobalConfiguration": {
  "ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 9500

The team decided to create this feature after working on the Raft consensus algorithm and finding out its super hard. Why not take advantage of the fact Consul already gives you this! We guess it means if you want to use Ocelot to its fullest, you take on Consul as a dependency for now.

Note! This feature has a 3 seconds TTL cache before making a new request to your local Consul agent.

Consul Configuration Key [2]

If you are using Consul for :doc:`../features/configuration` (or other providers in the future), you might want to key your configurations: so you can have multiple configurations.

In order to specify the key you need to set the ConfigurationKey property in the ServiceDiscoveryProvider options of the configuration JSON file e.g.

"GlobalConfiguration": {
  "ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 9500,
    "ConfigurationKey": "Ocelot_A" // !

In this example Ocelot will use Ocelot_A as the key for your configuration when looking it up in Consul. If you do not set the ConfigurationKey, Ocelot will use the string InternalConfiguration as the key.

Consul Provider

The following is required in the GlobalConfiguration. The ServiceDiscoveryProvider property is required, and if you do not specify a host and port, the Consul default ones will be used.

Please note the Scheme option defaults to HTTP. It was added in PR 1154. It defaults to HTTP to not introduce a breaking change.

"ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
  "Scheme": "https",
  "Host": "localhost",
  "Port": 8500,
  "Type": "Consul"

In the future we can add a feature that allows Route specific configuration.

In order to tell Ocelot a Route is to use the service discovery provider for its host and port you must add the ServiceName and load balancer you wish to use when making requests downstream. At the moment Ocelot has a RoundRobin and LeastConnection algorithms you can use. If no load balancer is specified, Ocelot will not load balance requests.

  "ServiceName": "product",
  "LoadBalancerOptions": {
    "Type": "LeastConnection"

When this is set up Ocelot will lookup the downstream host and port from the service discovery provider and load balance requests across any available services.

PollConsul Provider

A lot of people have asked the team to implement a feature where Ocelot polls Consul for latest service information rather than per request. If you want to poll Consul for the latest services rather than per request (default behaviour) then you need to set the following configuration:

"ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
  "Host": "localhost",
  "Port": 8500,
  "Type": "PollConsul",
  "PollingInterval": 100

The polling interval is in milliseconds and tells Ocelot how often to call Consul for changes in service configuration.

Please note, there are tradeoffs here. If you poll Consul it is possible Ocelot will not know if a service is down depending on your polling interval and you might get more errors than if you get the latest services per request. This really depends on how volatile your services are. We doubt it will matter for most people and polling may give a tiny performance improvement over calling Consul per request (as sidecar agent). If you are calling a remote Consul agent then polling will be a good performance improvement.

Service Definition

Your services need to be added to Consul something like below (C# style but hopefully this make sense)... The only important thing to note is not to add http or https to the Address field. We have been contacted before about not accepting scheme in Address. After reading Agents Overview and Define services docs we do not think the scheme should be in there.

In C#

new AgentService()
    Service = "some-service-name",
    Address = "localhost",
    Port = 8080,
    ID = "some-id",

Or, in JSON

"Service": {
  "ID": "some-id",
  "Service": "some-service-name",
  "Address": "localhost",
  "Port": 8080

ACL Token

If you are using ACL with Consul, Ocelot supports adding the X-Consul-Token header. In order so this to work you must add the additional property below:

"ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
  "Host": "localhost",
  "Port": 8500,
  "Type": "Consul",
  "Token": "footoken"

Ocelot will add this token to the Consul client that it uses to make requests and that is then used for every request.

Consul Service Builder [3]

Interface: IConsulServiceBuilder
Implementation: DefaultConsulServiceBuilder

The Ocelot community has consistently reported, both in the past and presently, issues with Consul services (such as connectivity) due to a variety of Consul agent definitions. Some DevOps engineers prefer to group services as Consul catalog nodes by customizing the assignment of host names to node names, while others focus on defining agent services with pure IP addresses as hosts, which relates to the 954 bug dilemma.

Since version 13.5.2, the building of service downstream host/port in PR 909 has been altered to favor the node name as the host over the agent service address IP.

Version 23.3 saw the introduction of a customization feature that allows control over the service building process through the DefaultConsulServiceBuilder class. This class has virtual methods that can be overridden to meet the needs of developers and DevOps.

The present logic in the DefaultConsulServiceBuilder class is as follows:

protected virtual string GetDownstreamHost(ServiceEntry entry, Node node)
    => node != null ? node.Name : entry.Service.Address;

Some DevOps engineers choose to ignore node names, opting instead for abstract identifiers rather than actual hostnames. Our team, however, advocates for the assignment of real hostnames or IP addresses to node names, upholding this as a best practice. If this approach does not align with your needs, or if you prefer not to spend time detailing your nodes for downstream services, you might consider defining agent services without node names. In such cases within a Consul setup, you would need to override the behavior of the DefaultConsulServiceBuilder class. For further details, refer to the subsequent section below.

AddConsul<T> method

Signature: IOcelotBuilder AddConsul<TServiceBuilder>(this IOcelotBuilder builder)

Overriding the DefaultConsulServiceBuilder behavior involves two steps: defining a new class that inherits from the IConsulServiceBuilder interface, and then injecting this new behavior into DI using the AddConsul<TServiceBuilder> helper. However, the quickest and most streamlined approach is to inherit directly from the DefaultConsulServiceBuilder class, which offers greater flexibility.

First, we need to define a new service building class:

public class MyConsulServiceBuilder : DefaultConsulServiceBuilder
    public MyConsulServiceBuilder(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor, IConsulClientFactory clientFactory, IOcelotLoggerFactory loggerFactory)
        : base(contextAccessor, clientFactory, loggerFactory) { }

    // I want to use the agent service IP address as the downstream hostname
    protected override string GetDownstreamHost(ServiceEntry entry, Node node)
        => entry.Service.Address;

Second, we must inject the new behavior into DI, as demonstrated in the Ocelot versus Consul setup:


You can refer to the acceptance test in the repository for an example.


This feature was requested as part of issue 262 to add support for Netflix Eureka service discovery provider. The main reason for this is it is a key part of Steeltoe which is something to do with Pivotal! Anyway enough of the background.

The first thing you need to do is install the Ocelot.Provider.Eureka package that provides Eureka support in Ocelot:

Install-Package Ocelot.Provider.Eureka

Then add the following to your ConfigureServices method.


Then in order to get this working add the following to ocelot.json:

"ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
  "Type": "Eureka"

And following the guide here you may also need to add some stuff to appsettings.json. For example the JSON below tells the Steeltoe / Pivotal services where to look for the service discovery server and if the service should register with it:

"eureka": {
  "client": {
    "serviceUrl": "http://localhost:8761/eureka/",
    "shouldRegisterWithEureka": false,
    "shouldFetchRegistry": true

If shouldRegisterWithEureka is false then shouldFetchRegistry will defaut to true, so you need not it explicitly but left it in there.

Ocelot will now register all the necessary services when it starts up and if you have the JSON above will register itself with Eureka. One of the services polls Eureka every 30 seconds (default) and gets the latest service state and persists this in memory. When Ocelot asks for a given service it is retrieved from memory so performance is not a big problem.

Ocelot will use the scheme (http, https) set in Eureka if these values are not provided in ocelot.json

Dynamic Routing

This feature was requested in issue 340. The idea is to enable dynamic routing when using a service discovery provider (see that section of the docs for more info). In this mode Ocelot will use the first segment of the upstream path to lookup the downstream service with the service discovery provider.

An example of this would be calling Ocelot with a URL like Ocelot will take the first segment of the path which is product and use it as a key to look up the service in Consul. If Consul returns a service, Ocelot will request it on whatever host and port comes back from Consul plus the remaining path segments in this case products thus making the downstream call http://hostfromconsul:portfromconsul/products. Ocelot will apprend any query string to the downstream URL as normal.

Note, in order to enable dynamic routing you need to have 0 Routes in your config. At the moment you cannot mix dynamic and configuration Routes. In addition to this you need to specify the Service Discovery provider details as outlined above and the downstream http/https scheme as DownstreamScheme.

In addition to that you can set RateLimitOptions, QoSOptions, LoadBalancerOptions and HttpHandlerOptions, DownstreamScheme (You might want to call Ocelot on https but talk to private services over http) that will be applied to all of the dynamic Routes.

The config might look something like:

  "Routes": [],
  "Aggregates": [],
  "GlobalConfiguration": {
    "RequestIdKey": null,
    "ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
      "Host": "localhost",
      "Port": 8500,
      "Type": "Consul",
      "Token": null,
      "ConfigurationKey": null
    "RateLimitOptions": {
      "ClientIdHeader": "ClientId",
      "QuotaExceededMessage": null,
      "RateLimitCounterPrefix": "ocelot",
      "DisableRateLimitHeaders": false,
      "HttpStatusCode": 429
    "QoSOptions": {
      "ExceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking": 0,
      "DurationOfBreak": 0,
      "TimeoutValue": 0
    "BaseUrl": null,
    "LoadBalancerOptions": {
      "Type": "LeastConnection",
      "Key": null,
      "Expiry": 0
    "DownstreamScheme": "http",
    "HttpHandlerOptions": {
      "AllowAutoRedirect": false,
      "UseCookieContainer": false,
      "UseTracing": false

Ocelot also allows you to set DynamicRoutes collection which lets you set rate limiting rules per downstream service. This is useful if you have for example a product and search service and you want to rate limit one more than the other. An example of this would be as follows:

  "DynamicRoutes": [
      "ServiceName": "product",
      "RateLimitRule": {
        "ClientWhitelist": [],
        "EnableRateLimiting": true,
        "Period": "1s",
        "PeriodTimespan": 1000.0,
        "Limit": 3
  "GlobalConfiguration": {
    "RequestIdKey": null,
    "ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
      "Host": "localhost",
      "Port": 8523,
      "Type": "Consul"
    "RateLimitOptions": {
      "ClientIdHeader": "ClientId",
      "QuotaExceededMessage": "",
      "RateLimitCounterPrefix": "",
      "DisableRateLimitHeaders": false,
      "HttpStatusCode": 428
    "DownstreamScheme": "http"

This configuration means that if you have a request come into Ocelot on /product/* then dynamic routing will kick in and Ocelot will use the rate limiting set against the product service in the DynamicRoutes section.

Please take a look through all of the docs to understand these options.

Custom Providers

Ocelot also allows you to create your own Service Discovery implementation. This is done by implementing the IServiceDiscoveryProvider interface, as shown in the following example:

public class MyServiceDiscoveryProvider : IServiceDiscoveryProvider
    private readonly DownstreamRoute _downstreamRoute;

    public MyServiceDiscoveryProvider(DownstreamRoute downstreamRoute)
        _downstreamRoute = downstreamRoute;

    public async Task<List<Service>> Get()
        var services = new List<Service>();
        //Add service(s) to the list matching the _downstreamRoute
        return services;

And set its class name as the provider type in ocelot.json:

"GlobalConfiguration": {
  "ServiceDiscoveryProvider": {
    "Type": "MyServiceDiscoveryProvider"

Finally, in the application's ConfigureServices method, register a ServiceDiscoveryFinderDelegate to initialize and return the provider:

ServiceDiscoveryFinderDelegate serviceDiscoveryFinder = (provider, config, route) =>
    return new MyServiceDiscoveryProvider(route);

Custom Provider Sample

In order to introduce a basic template for a custom Service Discovery provider, we've prepared a good sample:

This solution contains the following projects:

This solution is ready for any deployment. All services are bound, meaning all ports and hosts are prepared for immediate use (running in Visual Studio).

All instructions for running this solution are in


This project provides a single downstream service that can be reused across ApiGateway routes. It has multiple launchSettings.json profiles for your favorite launch and hosting scenarios: Visual Studio running sessions, Kestrel console hosting, and Docker deployments.


This project includes a custom Service Discovery provider and it only has route(s) to DownstreamService services in the ocelot.json file. You can add more routes!

The main source code for the custom provider is in the ServiceDiscovery folder: the MyServiceDiscoveryProvider and MyServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory classes. You are welcome to design and develop them!

Additionally, the cornerstone of this custom provider is the ConfigureServices method, where you can choose design and implementation options: simple or more complex:

builder.ConfigureServices(s =>
    // Perform initialization from application configuration or hardcode/choose the best option.
    bool easyWay = true;

    if (easyWay)
        // Design #1. Define a custom finder delegate to instantiate a custom provider under the default factory, which is ServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory
        s.AddSingleton<ServiceDiscoveryFinderDelegate>((serviceProvider, config, downstreamRoute)
            => new MyServiceDiscoveryProvider(serviceProvider, config, downstreamRoute));
        // Design #2. Abstract from the default factory (ServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory) and from FinderDelegate,
        // and create your own factory by implementing the IServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory interface.
        s.AddSingleton<IServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory, MyServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory>();

        // It will not be called, but it is necessary for internal validators, it is also a lifehack
        s.AddSingleton<ServiceDiscoveryFinderDelegate>((serviceProvider, config, downstreamRoute) => null);


The easy way, lite design means that you only design the provider class, and specify ServiceDiscoveryFinderDelegate object for default ServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory in Ocelot core.

A more complex design means that you design both provider and provider factory classes. After this, you need to add the IServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory interface to the DI container, removing the default registered ServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory class. Note that in this case the Ocelot pipeline will not use ServiceDiscoveryProviderFactory by default. Additionally, you do not need to specify "Type": "MyServiceDiscoveryProvider" in the ServiceDiscoveryProvider properties of the GlobalConfiguration settings. But you can leave this Type option for compatibility between both designs.

[1]:ref:`di-the-addocelot-method` adds default ASP.NET services to DI container. You could call another extended :ref:`di-addocelotusingbuilder-method` while configuring services to develop your own :ref:`di-custom-builder`. See more instructions in the ":ref:`di-addocelotusingbuilder-method`" section of :doc:`../features/dependencyinjection` feature.
[2]"Consul Configuration Key" feature was requested in issue 346 as a part of version 7.0.0.
[3]Customization of "Consul Service Builder" was implemented as a part of bug 954 fixing and the feature was delivered in version 23.3.