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My personal .vim directory

Configure .vim and .vimrc

git clone ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

Install configured bundles

Launch vim, run :BundleInstall (or vim +BundleInstall +qall for CLI lovers)

Included Plugins

  • Conque - Allows you to run interactive programs, such as bash
  • CtrlP.vim - Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for Vim
  • Molokai - A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate
  • NERD Commenter - A plugin that allows for easy commenting of code for many filetypes
  • NERD tree - A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem
  • Python-mode - Vim python-mode. PyLint, Rope, Pydoc, breakpoints from box
  • Solarized - Precision colorscheme for the vim text editor
  • Tagbar - Display tags of the current file ordered by scope
  • Vundle - Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
  • Xoria256.vim - Soft pastel gamma on dark background

Configured mapping

  • , - Leader key
  • F2 - Toggle paste insert mode
  • F5 - Refresh tags file (ctags -R)
  • F6 - Run Bash via ConqueTerm
  • F7 - Toggle NerdTree
  • F8 - Toggle TagBar
  • F10 - make clean && make
  • Ctrl+P - Invoke CtrlP

CtrlP.vim - usage

Press Ctrl+P or ,+t to invoke CtrlP in file find mode or ,+b in find buffer mode.

  • F5 - Purge the cache for the current directory to get new files, remove deleted files and apply new ignore options.
  • Ctrl+f or Ctrl+b - Cycle between modes.
  • Ctrl+d - Switch to filename search instead of full path.
  • Ctrl+r - Regexp mode.
  • Ctrl+y - Create a new file and its parent directories.
  • Ctrl+z - Mark/Unmark multiple files and Ctrl+o to open them.
  • Ctrl+^ - Switch to last used buffer (from normal mode).

NERD Commenter - usage

  • ,+cu - Uncomments the selected line(s).
  • ,+cc - Comment out the current line or text selected in visual mode.
  • ,+cs - Comments out the selected lines sexily.
  • ,+c - Toggles the comment state of the selected line(s). If the topmost selected line is commented, all selected lines are uncommented and vice versa.
  • ,+ci - Toggles the comment state of the selected line(s) individually.

NERD Tree - usage

  • F7 - Invoke NERD Tree.
  • r - Refresh content of selected directory.

Install a new bundle

Add Bundle '...' record into the vimrc file

About vundle

Other common and useful Vim stuff

Copy (yank) to system clipboard

  • "+y - Copy selected lines into the system clipboard.

You will need vim with with X11 support. Specifically vim compiled with xterm_clipboard option on. Check it: vim --version | grep +xterm_clipboard Next solution could be use gvim (gvim -v for terminal mode) instead of vim.

Tip: Add alias to ~/.bashrc: alias vim='gvim -v'.


  • :edit [filename] - Open the filename.
  • :bd - Close current buffer.
  • :sp - Split window horizontally.
  • :vsp - Split window verticaly.
  • :qa - Quit (close all buffers/splits).
  • :tag [tagname] - Search for the tagname in ctags file.


  • . - Repeats last text change command.
  • q<letter> - Start recording.
  • q - Stop recording.
  • [count]@<letter> - Replay record [count] times.

Running external commands

  • :!<command> - Run shell command and show its output (normal mode).
  • :!<command> % - Run shell command on the current file (normal mode).
  • :!wc % - Count lines in the current document (normal mode).
  • !<command> - Run shell command on marked lines (visual mode).
  • !lsort - Sorts marked lines (visual mode).
  • !!<command> - Run shell command, places output in file starting at current line (normal mode).
  • !!uname - Get system information (normal mode).

Other mixed tips

  • Ctrl+n - Completition.
  • q+: - Commands history (normal mode).


  • Ctrl+] - Jump to the tag under cursor.
  • g+<left click on the tag> - Jump to the tag on which was clicked
  • Ctrl+o - Go to the previous cursor position.
  • Ctrl+i - Go to the newer one cursor position.

Navigation between splits

  • Ctrl+w [hjkl] - Move to the split on the (h-left, j-down, k-up, l-right)
  • Ctrl+w Ctrl+w - Move to the last active split.

Moving the screen

  • Ctrl+e - Moves screen up one line.
  • Ctrl+y - Moves screen down one line.


  • Shift+* - Go to the next one occurrence of the word under the cursor.
  • Shift+# - Go to the previous one occurrence of the word under the cursor.
  • % - Go to the matching (opening or closing) parenthesis, square bracket or a curly brace.


Note: Prepend "no" to the option to disable it (e.g. set nonu).

  • set et - Expand tab (long version: extandtab)
  • set nu - Show line numbers.
  • set ic - Ignore case when searching.
  • set autoindent - Enable auto indenting.
  • set paste - Enable paste mode (prevent destroying of indentation)


Useful characters and patterns:

  • ^ - Matches beginning of line.
  • $ - Matches eng of line.
  • . - Matches any single character.
  • \< - Matches beginning of word.
  • \> - Matches and of word.
  • \ - Escapes the meaning of the next character.
  • \\ - Escapes the \ character.
  • [str] - Matches any single character in str.
  • [^str] - Matches any character not in str.
  • [a-n] - Matches any character between a and n.
  • * - Matches zero or more occurrences of previous atom in expression.
  • \? - Matches zero or one occurences of the preceding atom.
  • \+ - Matches one or more occurences of the preceding atom.
  • \{n,m} - Matches n to m of the preceding atom.
  • \{n} - Matches n of the preceding atom.
  • \{n,} - Matches at least n of the preceding atom.
  • \{,m} - Matches 0 to m of the preceding atom.
  • \{} - Matches 0 or more of the preceding atom.
  • \@= - Matches the preceding atom with zero width. (e.g. Foo\(Bar\)\@= matches Foo in FooBar).
  • \@! - Matches with zero width if the preceding atom does NOT match (e.g. /Foo\(\Bar\)\@! matches Foo not followed by Bar).
  • \{-} - Non-greedy matching (e.g. .\{-} instead of .*).
  • \n - Matches a newline character.
  • \_s - Matches a whitespace (space or tab) or newline character.
  • \_. - Matches any character including a newline.
  • \_^ - Matches the beginning of a line (zero width).
  • \_$ - Matches the end of a line (zero width).


  • %s/foo/bar/ - Replace "foo" with "bar" in whole file
  • .,$s/foo/bar/ - Replace "foo" with "bar" from current position to end of file.
  • %s/foo/bar/c - Replace "foo" with "bar" in whole file with confirmation for each replace
  • %s/foo/bar/g - Replace "foo" with "bar"in while file and even multiple occurences on a single line.

Line operations

:g (:global) executes a command on all lines that match a regex.


  • :g/Debug/d - Delete all lines that contain word Debug
  • :g/Debug/d_ - Faster delete all lines that contain word Debug (because by default each deleted line is stored to a register and _ stands for "blackhole" register)
  • :g/^Debug/d - Delete all lines that start with word Debug
  • :g!/error/d - Delete all lines that don't contain word error
  • :v/error/d - Delete all lines that don't contain word error
  • :g/Warning/s/locahost/ - Replace localhost string with on all lines that start with Warning
  • :g/Info/m$ - Move all lines matching a pttern to end of file
  • :g/Info/t$ - Copy all lines matching a pttern to end of file
  • :g/^Debug/s/$/some_text - Add some_text string to end of each line that starts with Debug

Textobjects selection

Textobject selection is a series of commands that can only be used while in Visual mode or after an operator (d - delete, c - change).


Note: [count] is a optional number argument.

  • [count]aw - Select [count] words. (White space included, but not counted).
  • [count]iw - Select [count] inner words. (White space is counted too).
  • [count]aW - Select [count] WORDS.
  • [count]iW - Select [count] inner WORDS.
  • [count]as - Select [count] sentences.
  • [count]is - Select [count] sentences.
  • [count]ap - Select [count] paragraphs.
  • [count]ip - Select [count] paragraphs.
  • [count]a[ - Select [count] '[' ']' blocks (chars like "(){}<>" could be used too).

Examples useful while programming:

From normal mode:

  • dd - Delete one line.
  • 3dd - Delete three lines.
  • diw - Delete a word.
  • di" - Delete inner "" block - Delete a whole string.
  • di( or dib - Delete inner () block - Delete a function arguments.
  • ci" - Change inner "" block - Change a whole string.
  • ci( or cib - Change inner () block - Change a function arguments.
  • di{ or diB - Delete inner {} block.


My personal `.vim` directory







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