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Medium Scala Github Actions

Github Actions codecov

This project is used as example for this medium article: The project is setup as a multi-module scala template.

Currently there are 2 modules basic-example and util to house common components for both.

Project configuration

There are three .sbt files in the root that shape this project

  • release.sbt contains release logic, shouldn't have to be touched.
  • version.sbt contains the first semantic version number of your project. For, default: 1.0.0, for pre-mvp change to 0.1.0 This is the only time you ever need to change the version manually. The release logic will take over from here
  • build.sbt contains all project logic & structure. Follow all TODO's in this file to customize for your team & project

Github Config

Make sure the following keys are set in the repostory secrets:

CODECOV_TOKEN token from codecov for this project SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL webhook url for the CI slack channel (probably )

Build / Run

SparkJobs should be scala objects that extend App and SparkJob. This makes them runnable from IDE, CLI and (kubernetes) cluster eg. object [Runner] extends App with SparkJob

Run from IDE (IntelliJ)

Create a Run Configuration pointing to the file. Make sure to pass VM params to point to correct config file. Best is to copy the application.template.conf in the resource directory to application.local.conf (gitignored) Then pass -Dconfig.resource=application.local.conf -DLogLevel=DEBUG to the run config Make sure that in the class path options Include dependencies with "Provided" scope is checked

Run from sbt

Just type sbt -Dconfig.resource=application.local.conf -DLogLevel=INFO [module]/run or something similar. The runLocalSettings in build.sbt make sure that provided dependencies are bundled

Run from minikube

Make sure minikube is setup correctly via make minikube-setup optionally followed by LOCAL_DATA_DIR=[dir] make minikube-mount and/or make minikube-add-secret [module]

First build the image: make docker-build [module]

Then push the image: make docker-push-minikube [module]

Finally helm deploy: make helm-minikube-deploy [module]

You can check the Spark UI via kubectl port-forward [team]-[module]-driver 4040:4040 or kubectl logs pod/[team]-[module]-driver


Deployment & versioning is done automatically via CI/CD Just create new features on a reasonably named feature/[name] branch. And create a PR to main when satified. Every push to remote feature/[name] branch will trigger linters & testers

When merged with main a new SNAPSHOT release will be automatically deployed to DEV (eg. image & chart)

To start a release use the manual github action to start releasing the current version on the HEAD of main This will create & deploy the image to TEST & DEV with the new semantic release version vX.Y.Z and a PR back to main

Merging the PR form release to main will trigger the push to PROD of this release version vX.Y.Z

All actions are notified in Slack for an automatic flow


The Makefile consists of a plethora of targets that can be used from your own machine as well as CI/CD flows

All can be run using make [target] [options]



Lists all available runnable modules (created by createProjectModule in build.sbt) in this codebase.


Runs sbt scalastyle for entire project


Runs sbt test for entire project


Also runs sbt test but includes generation of coverage info to be used by


Outputs the current version (in version.sbt)

create-feature-branch [feature]

Creates a local feature branch based on head of main branch


Creates a local hotfix branch based on latest stable release.


Creates minkikube setup on MacOS with ample resources and registry. Creates namespaces, spark-operator, etc to make current project deployable to minikube


Deletes the minikube setup


Starts a stopped minikube and does some config


Requires LOCAL_DATA_DIR env that points to dir or file that will be mounted to /mounted-local-data in minikube

minikube-add-secret [module]

Reads the secret file in [module]/helm-vars/secrets and creates/overwrites a minikube-[module].secret in spark-apps namespace. The secret file should be formatted in key:value lines

docker-build [module]

Runs the sbt [module]/docker command creating a local docker image called [team]/[module]:latest for that module.

docker-image-clean [module]

Delete all images locally with the name [team]/[module]


Delete all images locally starting with [team]/**


Delete all dangling images and do a system prune

docker-push-minikube [module]

Sets up a link between local docker and minikube registry (port 5000). Tags the [team]/[module]:latest image as localhost:5000/[team]/[module]:latest and localhost:5000/[team]/[module]:[version] and pushes the image to the minikube registry, making it available for helm installs in minikube.

helm-minikube-deploy [module]

Installs / upgrades a SparkApplication helm deployment for the current module in spark-apps namespace in minikube based on the settings in /[module]/helm-vars/values-minikube.yaml


Needs REGISTRY_PASSWORD, REGISTRY_USERNAME and CONTAINER_REGISTRY (in Makefile) and logs in into docker images registry


Needs REGISTRY_PASSWORD, REGISTRY_USERNAME and CONTAINER_REGISTRY (in Makefile) and logs in into helm chart repository


Needs TEAM_NAME, REGISTRY_PASSWORD, REGISTRY_USERNAME and CONTAINER_REGISTRY (in Makefile) and lists all charts for current team in Github Container Registry


Needs TEAM_NAME, REGISTRY_PASSWORD, REGISTRY_USERNAME and CONTAINER_REGISTRY (in Makefile) and lists all images for current team in Github Container Registry


Needs ENV_REPOSITORY, REGISTRY_PASSWORD, REGISTRY_USERNAME and CONTAINER_REGISTRY (in Makefile) and lists all tags for current image/chart (ENV_REPOSITORY) in Github Container Registry

CI/CD only:


Does the same as list-modules but outputs as json array to be used by matrix config in CI/CD


Requires env var: CODECOV_TOKEN. Uploads coverage to


Requires env var: GITHUB_ACTOR. Sets user config to this account to enable commits & pushes


Just runs git push && git push --tags


Requires env var: SHA_OLD and SHA_NEW. Is used to see if anything but versions.sbt has changed since last deploy.


Bumps snapshot version in version.sbt & git commits. Used in merging feature/[branch] with main branch eg. v1.2.0-[hash1]-SNAPSHOT => v1.2.0-[hash2]-SNAPSHOT


Runs set-github-config, bump-snapshot and git-push consecutively


Bumps release version in version.sbt, git commits and tags. Used in merging release with main branch The choice between minor and major release can be set in release.sbt (nextReleaseBump) and is default Minor eg. v1.2.0-[hash1]-SNAPSHOT => v1.2.0, v1.2.0 => v1.3.0, v1.2.1 => v1.3.0


Runs set-github-config, bump-release and git-push consecutively


Bumps paths version in version.sbt, git commits and tags. Used in merging hotfix with main branch eg. v1.2.0-[hash1]-SNAPSHOT => v1.2.1, v1.2.0 => v1.2.1, v1.2.3 => v1.2.4


Runs set-github-config, bump-patch and git-push consecutively

docker-push-registry [module]

Pushes the locally created docker image [team]/[module]:latest to the CONTAINER_REGISTRY defined in the Makefile [CONTAINER_REGISTRY]/[team]/[module]:[version] and [CONTAINER_REGISTRY]/[team]/[module]:latest


Installs helm and azure cli in CI/CD environment to be able to push to helm Github Container Registry

helm-concat [module]

Needs ENVIRONMENT as env variables and creates a single helm deployment in the helm/ directory based on these env vars

helm-push-registry [module]

Needs CONTAINER_REGISTRY (from Makefile), ENVIRONMENT and HELM_EXPERIMENTAL_OCI=1 as env var. Replaces the imageRegistry param in values.yaml to point to CONTAINER_REGISTRY Saves the charts and pushes them to the chart repo in CONTAINER_REGISTRY using [CONTAINER_REGISTRY]/[team]/charts/[ENVIRONMENT]/[chart name from module]:latest and [CONTAINER_REGISTRY]/[team]/charts/[ENVIRONMENT]/[chart name from module]:[version]

Hotfix test