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This service written in Spring exposes a search endpoint to fetch blogs based on a tag passed in the query params

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1. Overview:

This README provides information about the Blog Service endpoint, including details about getting started, the database schema, ORM schema, endpoint details, and a sample request.

2. Database Schema:

The database schema for the service endpoint includes the following tables:

blogs: Contains information about the blogs, including blog ID, title and body.

tags: Stores information about the tags associated with the blogs, including tag ID, tag name, and parent tag ID.

blog_tags: Acts as a many-to-many mapping table between blogs and tags, linking each blog to its associated tags.

3. ORM Schema:

The ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) schema corresponds to the Java model classes used to represent database entities:

Blog: Represents a blog post, including attributes such as ID, title and body.

Tag: Represents a tag associated with a blog post, including attributes such as ID, name, and parent tag ID.

4. Endpoint Details:

The Blog Service endpoint exposes the following API:

Endpoint: /api/blogs/search

HTTP Method: GET

Request Parameter: tag (String): The name of the tag to search for.

Response: A JSON array containing the list of blogs matching the specified tag.

5. Sample Request:

To search for blogs by tag, send a GET request to the /api/blogs/search endpoint with the tag parameter set to the desired tag name. For example:

GET /api/blogs/search?tag=Physics

6. Additional Notes:

  • The Blog Service endpoint uses Spring Boot for building RESTful APIs and Hibernate ORM for database interaction.
  • We are assuming there would be no tags having multiple parent tags.
  • We have used VS Code as our IDE for development environment.
  • If no tag or any blog linked with the tag exists, the search will send an empty list in response.
  • Authentication and authorization mechanisms can be implemented to secure the endpoint if required.

7. Prerequisites

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) version 11 or higher installed on your system.
  • Gradle build tool installed on your system.
  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code) installed on your system.

8. Getting Started

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone

  2. Open the project in IDE:

    cd blog-search-service
    code .
  3. Install the following extensions in VS Code:

  • Java Extension Pack: Provides essential tools for Java developers.
  • Spring Boot Extension Pack: Provides tools for working with Spring Boot applications.
  1. Ensure that your VS Code workspace settings are configured to use Java 11 (or higher). You can set this in the .vscode/settings.json file:
     "java.home": "/path/to/your/jdk",
     "java.configuration.runtimes": [
             "name": "JavaSE-11",
             "path": "/path/to/your/jdk",
  • Replace /path/to/your/jdk with the path to your JDK installation directory.
  1. Build the project using Gradle:
    ./gradlew build
  2. Run the application:
    ./gradlew bootRun
  3. Once the application is running, you can access it at http://localhost:8080 in your web browser.


This service written in Spring exposes a search endpoint to fetch blogs based on a tag passed in the query params






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