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Generic Wordpress Theme for UCF Marketing

Simple theme which includes some of the most common theme elements found in most of the wordpress sites we do. Includes mechanisms to easily add styles and scripts through the built-in wordpress functions.

Installation Requirements:

  • n/a


This theme relies on Twitter's Bootstrap framework. UCF's fork of the Bootstrap project ( is added as submodule in static/bootstrap. Bootstrap must be initialized as a submodule with every new clone of this theme repository.

Initializing Bootstrap with a new clone:

  1. Pull/Clone the theme repo
  2. From the theme's root directory, run git submodule update --init static/bootstrap
  3. From the static/bootstrap directory, run git checkout master. Make sure a branch has been checked out for submodules as they will default to 'no branch' when cloned. If you're developing a new theme off of Generic and have created a new Bootstrap branch (see the Development section), checkout that branch instead.

Alternative method using Git v1.6.5+:

  1. Run git clone using the --recursive parameter to clone the repo with all of its submodules; e.g. git clone --recursive
  2. From the static/bootstrap directory, run git checkout master. Make sure a branch has been checked out for submodules as they will default to 'no branch' when cloned.


This theme relies on Twitter's Bootstrap framework. UCF's fork of the Bootstrap project ( is added as submodule in static/bootstrap. To compile bootstrap:

  1. If this is a brand new clone, run git submodule update --init static/bootstrap from the theme's root directory.
  2. If they are not already installed, install the dependencies in the Developers section of the Boostrap README
  3. Checkout the latest tag of Bootstrap from the static/bootstrap directory. If you're developing a theme off of Generic and need to make changes to the default Bootstrap .less files, create a new branch of the Bootstrap fork for your theme and check it out.
  4. Run make bootstrap from the static/bootstrap directory to compile the files into static/bootstrap/bootstrap. If you've created a new Bootstrap branch, be sure to push the compiled files back up to that branch (this must be done from the static/bootstrap directory.)

Important files/folders:


Where functions and classes used throughout the theme are defined.


Where Config::$links, Config::$scripts, Config::$styles, and Config::$metas should be defined. Custom post types and custom taxonomies should be set here via Config::$custom_post_types and Config::$custom_taxonomies. Custom thumbnail sizes, menus, and sidebars should also be defined here.


Theme-specific functions only should be defined here. (Other required function files are also included at the top of this file.)


Where Wordpress shortcodes can be defined. See example shortcodes for more information.


Where the abstract custom post type and all its descendants live.


Where, aside from style.css in the root, all static content such as javascript, images, and css should live. Bootstrap resources should also be located here.


This theme utilizes Twitter Bootstrap as its front-end framework. Bootstrap styles and javascript libraries can be utilized in theme templates and page/post content. For more information, visit

Note that this theme may not always be running the most up-to-date version of Bootstrap. For the most accurate documentation on the theme's current Bootstrap version, visit and select the version number found at the top of static/bootstrap/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css

Since this theme wasn't really built to function like a separate library to use in future themes, and more of a starting point for those themes, the best usage of this repo might be to add it as a remote to new wordpress projects. Then you can merge from that remote as you wish to keep the current theme up to date.

So when setting up a new project, create an empty repo, setup the remote to this repo, and merge it into the new repo creating the base theme. Then make your edits from there.

The rgraph branch of this repo includes an extra custom post type for generating custom bar graphs, pie charts, etc. and their required javascript dependencies. For more information on rgraph, read the documentation at

Custom Post Types


  • Basic post type for PDFs, Word docs, Excel sheets, etc.
  • Specify external URL or upload a file. External URL takes precedence over uploaded file.
  • Outputs mimetype css class for optional list item styling.


  • Post type for associating a Youtube video, its description, and its thumbnail within Wordpress. Allows for easy video embed output via shortcode.



  • Defines a staff member.
  • Can be organized via Organizational Group custom taxonomy.

Custom Taxonomies

Organizational Group (hierarchical)

  • Defines a set of People.



  • All top level elements contained within will be displayed as a slideshow.
    Arguments controlling transition timing and animations are available.
  • Note: this does NOT output a Bootstrap carousel! To include Bootstrap carousels, use the Wordpress HTML editor and insert your content using the required Bootstrap classes.


  • Custom post types that have defined $use_shortcode as True can automatically utilize this shortcode for displaying a list of posts created under the given post type; e.g., [document-list] will output a list of all published Documents. Additional parameters can be used to further narrow down the shortcode's results; see the Theme Help section on shortcodes for an available list of filters.


  • Outputs the site search form. The search form output can be modified via searchform.php


  • Include the defined Publication, referenced by its title.
  • e.g., [publication name="Where are the robots Magazine"]


  • Similar to [person-list], but outputs a list of People with thumbnails, person names, and job titles.
  • If a person's description is available, a link to the person's profile will be outputted. If a thumbnail for the person does not exist, a default 'No Photo Available' thumbnail will display.
  • An optional row_size parameter is available to customize the number of rows that will display, in addition to the other filter parameters available to the person-list shortcode.


  • Generates a searchable list of posts. Post lists are generated in alphabetical order and, by default, by category and post title. Posts can be searched by post title and any tags assigned to the post. See the Theme Help section on shortcodes for more information.