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STGAN in Pytorch

This is a Pytorch implementation of the STGAN model from the paper "Cloud Removal in Satellite Images Using Spatiotemporal Generative Models," Sarukkai*, Jain*, Uzkent, and Ermon ( This implementation was written by Vishnu Sarukkai ( and Anirudh Jain.

This implementation is built on a clone of the implementation of Pix2Pix from The readme also is based on the readme from the CycleGAN/pix2pix repo. That repo contains the code corresponding to the following two papers:

Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks.
Jun-Yan Zhu*, Taesung Park*, Phillip Isola, Alexei A. Efros. In ICCV 2017. (* equal contributions) [Bibtex]

Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks.
Phillip Isola, Jun-Yan Zhu, Tinghui Zhou, Alexei A. Efros. In CVPR 2017. [Bibtex]


  • Linux or macOS
  • Python 3

Getting Started


  • Clone this repo:
git clone
cd stgan
  • Install PyTorch 0.4+ and other dependencies (e.g., torchvision, visdom and dominate).
    • For pip users, please type the command pip install -r requirements.txt.

STGAN dataset

Download the STGAN dataset from This download includes two datasets (singleImage and multipleImage), described both in the paper and on the linked page. Before training a model, these images must be split into train/val/test splits--for instance, for both singleImage/clear and singleImage/cloudy, create three subfolders called "train","val","test", and assign the images from the main directory into the corresponding partitions either using a script that assigns splits at random or a split that keeps images from the same "tile" together (accounting for the possibility that these images are correlated). In our case, we used a 80-10-10 train-val-test split while keeping image crops from the same "tile" together. Make sure that corresponding clear and cloudy images are assigned to the same split. Remove the "IR" image files from the cloudy image folders if only RGB data is desired.

Once the data is formatted this way, call one of the dataset creation scripts corresponding to the dataset:

SingleImage, RGB data:

python datasets/ --fold_A /path/to/data/cloudy --fold_B /path/to/data/clear --fold_AB /path/to/data/combined

SingleImage, RGB+IR data:

python datasets/ --fold_A /path/to/data/cloudy --fold_B /path/to/data/clear --fold_AB /path/to/data/combined

MultipleImage, RGB data:

python datasets/ --fold_A /path/to/data/cloudy --fold_B /path/to/data/clear --fold_AB /path/to/data/combined

MultipleImage, RGB+IR data:

python datasets/ --fold_A /path/to/data/cloudy --fold_B /path/to/data/clear --fold_AB /path/to/data/combined

This will combine each pair of images (cloudy,clear) into a single image file, ready for training. The files process the different input datasets slightly differently to make the data ready for training.

STGAN training

  • Train a model:
python --dataroot ./path/to/data/combined  --name stgan --model temporal_branched_ir --netG unet_256_independent --dataset_mode temporal_ir --input_nc 4
  • Options include temporal_branched and temporal_branched_ir for "model" (depending on if we're using infrared data), 3 or 4 for "input_nc" (again depending on if we're using infrared data), unet_256_independent and independent_resnet_9blocks for "netG", temporal_ir or temporal for "dataset_mode" (depending on whether we're using infrared data) and further options such as "batch_size", "preprocess", and "norm". See for detained training options.

  • Our best models often opted for larger batch_size, norm=batch, and both options for netG worked well (with the resnet generator taking longer to train than the unet but sometimes providing improvements in accuracy).

  • To view training results and loss plots, run python -m visdom.server and click the URL http://localhost:8097.

  • Test the model:

python --dataroot ./path/to/data/combined  --name stgan --model temporal_branched_ir --netG unet_256_independent --dataset_mode temporal_ir --input_nc 4
  • The test results will be saved to a html file here: ./results/stgan/test_latest/index.html.


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