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ReMark Client

Remark is a lightweight and an easy to use Javascript library for annotating websites. It is written in pure vanilla Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3. The bundling is done using parcel (v2) with babel transpilation and code minification is taken care by terser.

To start using remark, please visit this link to guide you through the process.

Basic Setup

Clone the project

  git clone ...

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Install the required dependencies using either npm or yarn

  npm install 
  yarn install

Compilation and hot reload

  yarn run watch

IMPORTANT : Since this is a library, the build target is a .js file. So, to see the changes live :

  • Goto the demo folder
  • Goto index.html and add the main.js in a script tag along with remark_config.js
  • Upon up a live-server which serves the index.html file

NOTE : The remark_config.js file has only this :

  const remark_config = JSON.stringify({
    REMARK_API_KEY: "yout_api_key",
    REMARK_WEBSITE_ID: "your_registered_website_id"  

So, the <head> in demo/index.html would look something like this :

    <script src="remark_config.js"></script>
    <script src="/dist/main.js" type="module" id="remark_annotation_script"></script>

Make sure you add the id


The frontend testing is done using Jest. For now only the unittests are covered. Higher order tests will be written in the future. Apart from testing APIs, functions and methods, there are also tests related to DOM manipulation. This is taken care by the jsdom environment. Tests that use jsdom have the following piece of code on top of the file :

 * @jest-environment jsdom


If there are any DOM related errors, please try installing jsdom again via :

  npm install jsdom
  yarn add jsdom

API testing is done using the jest-fetch-mock package. If it is missing, kindly install it using :

  npm install --dev jest-fetch-mock
  yarn add --dev jest-fetch-mock

Once all te required packages are setup :

  • To run all tests at once :
      npm run test
      yarn run test
  • To run a particular file :
      npm run test -- method_ValidateAuthority.test.js
      yarn run test -- method_ValidateAuthority.test.js
  • To run a particular test : (Not recommended since their might be dependencies)
      npm run test -t "name_of_the_test"
      yarn run test -t "name_of_the_test"


To build the app, run :

  npm run build
  yarn run build

NOTE : There might be warnings related to .babelrc file. This is because I have used babel for transpilation which is required for jest. And the configuration is not suited to the parcel babel plugin. One can ignore the error but the build time will be a bit slower. The .babelrc file can be temporarily removed as well while building the app. But make sure you add it back while testing.


  • Works on any static site and delivers a good result on interactive components like popups, slideshows, hovering cards, etc.
  • ✅ Works on various HTML elements like : <div>, <span>, <button>, <h1> ... <h6>, <img>, <svg>, <nav>, <a>, <table>, <input>, <label>, <form>, <audio>, <video>
  • ✅ Easy to use and customize*
  • Admins can Create, Update, Delete and Resolve Annotations
  • ✅ Anyone with a valid username and comment on the annotation
  • ✅ Commnet Management (With CRUD Operations, Upvotes and Downvotes and Moderation*)
  • ✅ Emoji support (Markdown support present but not implemented at the moment)

NOTE : * Customization include dark theme, brand color, etc. and moderation is implemented in the backend. Fronted integration will be done in the future

UI Components :

Major Todo

  • Dynamic Checking for Annotations : When XPath fails

  • Proper error handling : Currently the code just logs the error. Need to improve the error modal component and create a generalized error handler

  • Update CSS : Currently, the CSS code has duplications. Need to use :root to declare global stylings. This includes colors, fonts, shadows, etc. Have to make sure not to override the website's styling

  • Convert to ES6 Syntax : Currently, we have to include multiple script tags. Need to convert all files to ES6 modules

  • Bundle with Parcel :

    • Code Refactoring
  • Testing :

    • Unit Tests :
      • index
        • registerScripts()
        • registerStyles()
      • alerts
      • utils :
        • validations
        • XPathOperations
        • DOMOperations (HighlightElements() method is left)
      • apiFactory
      • APIs :
        • AnnotationAPI
        • CommentAPI
    • Integration Tests : (OPTIONAL)
      • contextmenu
      • render
      • handlers

Minor Todo

  • Update DOM dynamically
  • Fix the login form
  • Add signup form
  • Implement upvote and downvotes
  • Implement EDIT comments
  • Fix the styling when resolved button is clicked


All though it can work with interactive components, there are cases where it fails to annotate dynamic content. For example, say there is a website that shows the whether of a location given by the user. Remark can annotate the weather modal component of (say) New York alone but upon rendering a completely new data, the annotation is lost (though it is present in the DB)

Workaround : Instead of annotating the dynamically changing child container :

  • Annotate the parent container or
  • Annotate an element that triggers the change or
  • In the worst case, annotate the nearest static element

Dynamic content (the ones that are received from the server) are hard to annotate in general. Remark uses 4+ different checks to get the annotated DOM elemets. These include : html_id check, html_class check, html_node_xpath check (This was particularly hard to implement), html_tag + html_text_content check. Dynamic content have usually breaks all the checks because, well, it is dynamic. Note that dynamic content that actually passes one of the checks are rendered properly. It is only those that fail all of them are not rendered. Usually, the html_id remains the same. So, there are cases where the annotations are rendering properly. But to be in the same side, please follow the workarounds.


A website annotation tool.






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