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Jonns Mostovoys edited this page Jul 28, 2014 · 9 revisions

Day 1

      Micha │  test
spurgleqwer │  It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue
      MagBo │  On the whole, it was worth the trip.
[14:19:12] Aleksejs Popovs: я могу сесть писать GHC
[17:40:23] Cyberdervish: Ребят, есть у node.js что-то типа virtualenv?
[17:40:36] Cyberdervish: (Щас кто-то спалится в чате)

Day 2

[18:17:08] Vlad Shcherbina: Значит так я сейчас буду чинить продакшон и рефакторить
[18:17:15] Vlad Shcherbina: Будут конфликты -  идите нахуй.
[23:07:46] Cyberdervish: Я писал utility functions на кастр. питоне, Макс портировал пакмана (?), Лёша ебался с призраками, Вовка не знаю что делал, yole был AFK потом пилил мелочи, теперь пилит TCO
[23:08:31] Maxim Rebrov: [12:07:47 AM] Cyberdervish: Лёша ебался с призраками

<<< так и запишем (chuckle)

Day 3

[03:59]      dcoutts │  copumpkin, mpavone:
[03:59]      dcoutts │
[04:00]      dcoutts │  I've added a paragraph to give our understanding of the standard ABI calling convention
[04:00]    copumpkin │  thanks :)
[04:00]      dcoutts │  last paragraph in the section
[04:03]    copumpkin │  looks good
[04:03]    copumpkin │  with any luck my hair will grow back
[23:50]      zenzike │  MagBo: ok, there's something fishy going on
[23:50]      zenzike │  MagBo: we're trying to work out if it's just the js, or the mechanics
[23:52]        MagBo │  zenzike: see, I had something like this on a real simulation
[23:53]        MagBo │  a large one, reducing was paaainful :)
[23:53]      zenzike │  MagBo: OK, this is very strange. Look at the start of the trace: after 133
[23:53]      zenzike │  MagBo: everything is reset.
[23:54]        MagBo │  zenzike: but that's because pacman got eaten
[23:54]      zenzike │  MagBo: we're trying to work out what could possibly do this ... :-(
[23:54]      zenzike │  ah, of course
[23:54]      zenzike │  phew
[23:54]        MagBo │  :D
[23:54]        MagBo │  lol
[23:54]      zenzike │  man, we were totally panicing
[06:20:47] Vlad Shcherbina: кстати 100 тестов юбилей
[06:20:59] Vlad Shcherbina: не в каждом проекте такое бывает
[14:34:36] Grigory Fateyev: а где можно глянуть АИ пакмана?
[14:34:49] Cyberdervish: Грег,
[14:34:50] Vlad Shcherbina: data/ghcpy/
[14:35:04] Vlad Shcherbina: Тот который на КП более читаем :)
[14:35:07] Cyberdervish: Лол
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