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=== Import Products, Variations and Attributes - Free by WP Masters ===
Contributors: wpmasterscom
Tags: import products, import variations, import products and attributes, create attributes on import, variations with attributes, import xlsx products
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 6.2
Stable tag: 1.0.0
Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==

**Now you can import XLSX to WooCommerce and get Products Variations and Attributes created automatically!**

**Since January 2023 - UPDATE FEATURE SUPPORTED, so you can not only add items, but overwrite, update existing ones, using SKU as well.**

= What's inside? =
* Improved import of WooCommerce variable products along with creation of attributes for variations.
* Supports any XLSX files with an unlimited number of attributes.
* The ability to map fields from an Excel file is available to set the types of data to be saved during import.
* A [sample XLSX import file]( "") is also available so you can fill it in with your information and quickly import products with variations and attributes for them.

Full video demo can be found [here]( "").

Products and variations that were previously added will not be overwritten, only missing products and variations defined by SKU and Variation SKU are being added. We will add update mode in next version in July 2022.

= Popular use cases - all automated! =
* Import variable products with a lot of attributes - no more manual adding
* Import variations for products by SKU
* Import attributes for products
* Import attributes for variations
* Import images for products

= How to use it =
* Install and activate plugin
* After activation you will see new menu section "WPM Import Variations"
* Download example XLSX file to look at the mapping fields. You also can add your own attributes field in Excel file.
* Excel file must have SKU and Variation SKU. First SKU is needed for grouping products with different Variable SKU, it's important
* When Excel file will be ready - select it in the settings and click "Load file".
* After page will be reloaded, you will see mapping with select type fields from Excel. Select options which equal content type and click "Import Data"

= Important =
* WooCommerce is required for this plugin

= WordPress Plugins by WP Masters =
* [Clone Woo Orders – Free by WP Masters]( "")
* [Multiple Carts, Persistent Carts, Abandoned Carts, MultiVendors for Woo – Free by WP Masters]( "")
* [Import Products, Variations and Attributes - Free by WP Masters]( "")

= Tags =
import products, import variations, import products and attributes, create attributes on import, variations with attributes, import xlsx products

== Screenshots ==
1. Main interface where you select XLSX file for import Products with Variations and do mapping fields from XLSX file before start add products.
2. Imported products from XLSX in Products list
3. Variations with auto-created attributes. Images, prices are also set

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.1 =
* Update feature added

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial version