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kelen's dotfiles

Warning: I'm working with Arch Linux, Debian and Gentoo. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!


"Keep it simple stupid." image image image

ri • cing /ry-sing/

  1. Making visual improvements and customization to your desktop and/or phone that can simplify your desktop environment but (generally) are completely pointless.
  2. Wasting time because aesthetic.


$ sh ./

This will create symlinks from this repo to your home folder.



Please check in dotfile/shellrc/

Arch installation guide

  • base-uefi

If you are looking for an Arch installation guide, the following sites are recommended:

Arch Wiki

A concise guide to archlinux in Chinese


  • bash
  • btop
  • conky
  • dust
  • fastfetch
  • fcitx5 with rime-ice
  • gBar
  • kitty
  • mpd
  • nnn
  • paru
  • picom
  • pip
  • powerlevel10k
  • rofi
  • swaylock-effects
  • thefuck
  • vim
  • wallpaper engine on linux
  • waybar
  • wofi
  • zsh, working with autocomplete, autojump, autosuggestions, command-not-found, completions, history-substring-search, powerlevel-10k and syntax-highlighting


Research packages that are maintained by me or archived for geophysics.

  • cuda-multiversion
  • intel-oneapi-hpckit (with oneapi-basekit) and its 2023.2.0 version
  • madagascar
  • mathematica
  • matlab
  • miniconda3
  • openmpi4
  • plplot
  • seismic-unix

You can find a list of the geophysical codes that I am currently utilizing for my research here.


  • background-changer
  • check kernel: reboot required or not
  • gitreset
  • gitshrink
  • killprocess
  • linux-wallpaperengine
  • logout
  • maintenace
  • pytorch cuda test
  • screenrecord
  • screenshot
  • volume control
  • wayland session lock


Please check in dotfile/wallpaper.

Window manager

  • dwm (Xorg)
  • KDE Plasma (DE on workstation)
  • Hyprland (Wayland)


The code is available under the MIT license.

Dotfile ©kelen. Released under the MIT License.

Authored and maintained by kelen.