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YogaSpark is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces on top of the Spark browser. It's using an Elm'ish Architecture to build modular, testable and scalable applications. It utilizes the power of yoga-layout to use flexbox and absolute positioning from css for positioning elements. For handling state it uses redux along with function closures.

Run the examples

Download the spark browser

To run the examples you first need to install the spark browser for your OS you can download it here

Get the project

You can download the project by running the following command from a terminal

git clone

Install dependencies

To install the dependencies you first have to go into the project directory by typing

cd YogaSpark

from the terminal you cloned the project in. Then you can run this command to install all the NPM dependencies.

npm install

Run Examples

To run the examples you can run the following command in the same terminal as the above comands.

npm run start:example

If you followed the above steps, the example app should now be available at http://localhost:55555 in the spark browser! Try clicking around with the arrows to see some animations.


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