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#Angular 1 to 2 Migration

This Step by Step migration project is based on Joe Eames angular migration approach, and on Angular ugrade docs.


  • npm install
  • npm install karma-cli -g
  • Start build & Server: npm start
  • Start unit test: npm test



  • Url: http://localhost:8801/#/admin/login
  • Admin:<Any Password>


  • Url: http://localhost:8801/
  • User:

Phase 1: Code Prep

  • Step 1: Follow the style guide

    • Single Responsibility: Every Object should be on its own file

    • Use controllerAs View syntax
    • Use controllerAs with $ctrl (Optional)
      • Angular 1.5 uses controllerAs and the default for that is $ctrl
  • Step 2: Update to the Latest Version of Angular 1

    • Don't have to upgrade to 1.5: The upgrade support at least 1.3
    • Hybrid 2.0 apps can run with 1.3, 1.4 or 1.5
    • 1.5 introduces Components which is a step closer to 2.0
    • 1.5 introduces one way data binding (<): bindings: { oneWay: '<', twoWay: '='}
    • Can upgrade using Bower or NPM
  • Step 3: All New Development with Components

    • Angular 1.5 Components are different than 2.0
      • Angular 1.5 Components are just syntactic sugar for Component Directives
    • Isolate Scope is a really important part of Components:
      • Gives us the possibility to treat Components as a different piece
      • Makes it easy to upgrade to Angular 2.0
    • All new development will be done in 1.5 Components
      • If can't upgrade to 1.5, and still using 1.3 or 1.4, use a Component polyfill
        • The polyfill introduces the component method, but doesn't introduce one way data binding
  • Step 4: Switch Controllers to Components

    • Components Advantages:
      • Much easier to migrate to Angular 2 than applications built with lower-level features like ng-controller, ng-include, and scope inheritance
      • Requires less boilerplate code
      • Lifecycle hook methods $onInit(), $onDestroy(), and $onChanges() have nearly exact equivalents in Angular 2
  • Step 5: Remove Incompatible Features from Directives

    • Compile method
      • This will not be supported in Angular 2
    • Replace property
      • This feature has difficult semantics (e.g. how attributes are merged) and leads to more problems compared to what it solves
      • Angular 2 never replaces a component element with the component template. This attribute is also deprecated in Angular 1
    • Terminal & Priority properties
      • While Angular 1 components may use these, they are not used in Angular 2 and it is better not to write code that relies on them
  • Step 6: Switch Component Directives to Components

    • There are three kinds of directives in Angular:
      • Component Directives - They are represented by elements and do have a template
      • Attribute Directives - They are represented by attributes and don’t have a template
      • Structural Directives — They change the DOM layout by adding and removing DOM elements
    • Note: We don’t have to modify Attribute Directives and Structural Directives since they are not upgradable to Angular 2.0 and need to be re-written
  • Step 7: Implement Manual Bootstrapping

    • Angular 2.0 uses manual bootstrapping
    • Remove Directive Bootstrapping ng-app
    • Don’t Bootstrap until the document has been rendered
    • This is a mandatory step. We can't migrate to Angular 2 if this step is skipped
  • Step 8: Add Typescript and a Build

    • Typescript Features
      • Types - Let us specify that a specific variable meets a specific contract
      • Classes - Include a couple nice features like public and private constructor arguments
      • Interfaces - Let us create complex contracts that our objects or functions need to meet
      • Decorators - A Decorator is a special kind of declaration that can be attached to a class declaration, method, accessor, property, or parameter
    • Angular 2 relies heavily on Decorators and Types
    • Typescript Install
      • typescript: npm install typescript --save-dev
      • typings: sudo npm install typings -g
      • Add typescript configuration tsconfig.json
      • Add a script to package.json to transpile ts files to js files, output them in a new folder called build and watch them
        • "tsc": "tsc -p . -w --outDir build"
      • Install typings for each library used
        • typings install dt~jquery --global --save
        • typings install dt~angular --global --save
        • typings install dt~angular-route --global --save
        • typings install dt~angular-mocks --global --save
        • typings install dt~jasmine --global --save
  • Step 9: Add ES6

    • ES6 Features
      • Let and const
      • Spread Operator
      • Default parameters
      • Template strings
      • Object initializer (or literal)
      • Arrows
      • Destructuring
      • Symbols
      • Iterators
      • Generators
      • Collections
      • Proxy
      • Promises
      • Classes
      • New Built-in Methods
  • Step 10: Switch Controllers to ES6 classes

    • classes are cleaner and easier to read
    • Switching controllers to classes won't pay off for now. But we will see the benefits once we switch to Angular 2
  • Step 11: Switch Services to ES6 classes

    • Switch from using factory to service (Lowest hanging fruits in most cases)
      • When using factory, whatever its 2nd argument returns becomes the service
      • When using service, new is called on its 2nd argument and becomes the service
        • service expects a constructor as its 2nd argument

Phase 2: Learn, Learn, Learn

  • Step 1: Learn about Observables

    • Observables Vs Promises
      • Observables deal with data like Arrays do
      • Observables are cancellable
      • Observables can define both the setup and teardown aspects of Async behavior
      • Observables can be retried using retry and retryWhen
      • Observables open a continuous channel of communication
  • Step 2: Get familiar with Angular 2

  • Step 3: Introduce a module bundler: webpack

    • No need for gulp or grunt
    • Webpack lets you put your static assets (and source code) in a true dependency graph
      • Easier code splitting
      • Stable production deploys
      • Control how assets are processed
    • Upgrade to typescript 2: npm install typescript@2.0 --save-dev
      • Remove typings as it is no longer needed as of typescript 2. Evertyhing is now done through package.json
        • npm uninstall typings --save-dev
    • Install webpack ts-loader to transpile ts files to js files: npm install ts-loader --save-dev

Phase 3: Angular 2 Implementation

  • Step 1: Install angular 2 and its dependencies
    "dependencies": {
        "@angular/common": "~2.1.1",
        "@angular/compiler": "~2.1.1",
        "@angular/core": "~2.1.1",
        "@angular/forms": "~2.1.1",
        "@angular/http": "~2.1.1",
        "@angular/platform-browser": "~2.1.1",
        "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "~2.1.1",
        "@angular/router": "~3.1.1",
        "@angular/upgrade": "~2.1.1",
        "core-js": "^2.4.1",
        "reflect-metadata": "^0.1.8",
        "rxjs": "5.0.0-beta.12",
        "zone.js": "^0.6.25"
    "devDependencies": {
        "@types/core-js": "^0.9.34",
        "@types/node": "^6.0.45",
        "typescript": "^2.0.3"
  • Step 2: Bootstrapping and UpgradeAdapter

    • Components and Services managed by one framework can interoperate with those from the other framework. This happens in three main areas:
      • Dependency Injection - Exposing Angular 2 services into Angular 1 components and vice-versa.
      • Component Nesting- Angular 1 directives can be used in Angular 2 components and Angular 2 components can used Angular 1 directives
      • Change Detection - Angular 1 scope digest and change detectors in Angular 2 are interleaved
    • We’ll be bootstrapping in the browser, as Angular 2 also lets us bootstrap in a WebWorker and on the Server
      • Use upgradeAdapter to upgrade to 2
        • Create an upgradeAdapter singleton
      • Manually bootstrap Angular 1 (no more ng-app, we took care of this in Phase 1: Step 7)
  • Step 3: Dependency Injection

    • Exposing Angular 2 services into Angular 1 components and vice-versa
    • Start with services having the least Angular 1 dependencies first
    • To use an Angular 1 Service in both Angular 2 and Angular 1 Components
      • Upgrade the Angular 1 Service using upgradeAdapter.upgradeNg1Provider
      • Use it in Angular 2 Components Constructor using @inject as:
        • @Inject(‘serviceName’) public servicePropertyName: serviceClassName
      • Use it in Angular 1 Components Constructor as:
        • public servicePropertyName: serviceClassName
    • To use an Angular 2 Service in both Angular 2 and Angular 1 Components
      • Add @Injectable() decorator to the Angular 2 Service class
      • Add the Angular 2 Service as a provider to the Angular 2 App Module
      • Downgrade the Angular 2 Service using upgradeAdapter.downgradeNg1Provider
      • Use it in Angular 2 Components Constructor:
        • public servicePropertyName: serviceClassName
      • Use it in Angular 1 Components Constructor:
        • public serviceName: any
  • Step 4: Component Nesting

    • Angular 1 directives can be used in Angular 2 components and Angular 2 components can used Angular 1 directives
    • To use an Angular 1 Component in both Angular 2 and Angular 1 Components
      • Use upgradeAdapter.upgradeNg1Component
    • To use an Angular 2 Component in both Angular 2 and Angular 1 Components
      • Use upgradeAdapter.downgradeNg1Component


  • Port - Convert code from Angular 1 to Angular 2
    • Act of converting Angular 1 code to Angular 2
  • Downgrade - Let Angular 2 code work in Angular 1
    • Use Angular 2 services or components in Angular 1 applications
    • Uses one of the upgradeAdapter singleton’s downgradeNg2Provider or downgradeNg2Component methods
  • Upgrade - Let Angular 1 code work in Angular 2
    • Use Angular 1 services or components in Angular 2
    • Doesn’t mean port or convert these components to Angular 2
      • Only allows them to be used in Angular 2
    • Uses one of the upgradeAdapter singleton’s upgradeNg1Provider or downgradeNg1Component methods
    • Upgraded components and services still need to be registered with Angular 1.x



Angular 1 to 2 migration






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