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This is a Minecraft mod that gets all the crap out of your F3 (debug) screen. It's mainly meant for speedrunners, but anyone can use it :)

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(Debug screen before using mod.)

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(Debug screen after using mod.)


What even is this?

This is a client-side mod that makes the debug screen less cluttered. Namely, every piece of text on the right side of the screen is gone, except for targeted blocks/fluids, which are moved to the left side. In addition to that, the crosshair doesn't look like the weird hacky one anymore.

What Minecraft version do I use?

Any 1.16 version should work.

Why'd you make this?

AntoLne__ made a Tweet about a mod like this being useful, so I replied and said I'd make it.

Does the debug screen still include all the important stuff?

E-raying, C-raying, divine travelling, distance estimating, and digging at (4, 4) are all still possible, so I'd say so. I still kept a lot of relatively "useless" stuff in to be safe though.

Does the pie chart still work?

Yup! Just press shift + F3 like usual.

Do F3 "actions" (toggling hitboxes, reloading chunks, changing render distance, etc.) still work?

Yup again! This is just a visual mod, it doesn't have any effect on that sort of stuff.

Is it approved/verified by the Minecraft speedrun moderators?

Not yet! But if the moderators see this, maybe that can change. For that reason, don't use this yet (unless you don't want your run to be verified). Instead, tell the mods about it!

Do you actually know how to format a README file?

Absolutely not.