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1. Prereqs

For the EF tool, once you have dotnet installed, just run this command:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

That's for doing code-first DB configuration through EF.

2. Setup

Once you clone the repo, run the following (with your package manager of choice):


yarn install

or npm

npm install

next do:


yarn run build

or npm

npm run-script build

That loads all the JS dependencies and whatnot.

3. Configuration

Next, run:

dotnet ef database update --context SqliteApplicationDbContext

That should build the project, configure the local SQLite database, and load whatever migrations it needs to.

4. Running

You're all set! Once you're ready to run the app locally, just run:

dotnet run

and follow the instructions on the command line.

Database Migrations

When you change one of the database models, you will need to also produce migration files for each provider.


dotnet ef migrations add <useful migration name> -c SqliteApplicationDbContext

SQL Server

dotnet ef migrations add <useful migration name> -c SqlServerApplicationDbContext -- --DbProvider SqlServer

Using SSO locally

For Google authentication, you need to add the Client ID and Secrets to the local secrets store. To obtain these, you can create your autorization credentials by following the guide here.

To add these credentials to your local user store, run the following commands:

dotnet user-secrets set "Authentication:Google:ClientId" "<client-id>"
dotnet user-secrets set "Authentication:Google:ClientSecret" "<client-secret>"

If you run into certificate issues, especially on Firefox

Check out this article on how to fix that.

Rough Roadmap