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JSON stream handling for RxJava

TODO build and release lozenges

A library to let you stream JSON objects in RxJava with full backpressure support. Parsing uses a simplified JsonPath to find fragments. Writing is done by composing JsonElements, which can be subscribed to to emit JSON tokens.

The main driver for developing this library was to improve memory management when handling large list like JSON payloads. It allows us to keep the minimum number of objects in memory at any one time, while leveraging backpressure in libraries like RxNetty.


rxjava-json uses Gradle for build.

git clone
cd rxjava-json
./gradlew clean build


TBC maven/gradle


The core parser will extract a subset of JSON tokens from an Observable of Strings by matching them against a set of given JsonPaths. This is designed to feed into an un-marshalling process but is agnostic as to what that is. rxjava-json-gson provides an entry point for unmarshalling using Gson.

// our source JSON document
Observable<String> source = ...;

// all tokens, strict parsing
Observable<JsonPathEvent> o1 = source.compose(RxJson.from("$"));

// all links
Observable<JsonPathEvent> o1 = source.compose(RxJson.from("$._links"));

// all links, aggregated into objects
Observable<JsonObjectEvent> o1 = source.compose(RxJson.from("$._links").collectObjects());

Supported JsonPath

Only a subset of JsonPath is supported:

JSONPath Description
$ the root object/element
. or [] child operator
* wildcard. All objects/elements regardless their names.
[] subscript operator. XPath uses it to iterate over element collections and for predicates. In Javascript and JSON it is the native array operator. Only positive positions are allowed.
[,] Union operator in XPath results in a combination of node sets. JSONPath allows alternate names or array indices as a set.
[start:end:step] array slice operator borrowed from ES4. Only positive values are allowed
$..* all members of JSON structure. This is equivalent to $

No operations that rely on knowledge outside of the current token are allowed, such as value queries, or cross element comparisons. Where multiple matches can be made, only the most general will be returned (eg, $.foo will be prefered to $

See JsonPathParserTest for examples.


The core provides a set of JSON elements that can be composed to produce an Observable of JSON tokens. These in turn can be converted to an Observable of Strings. JsonRaw is provided to allow third-party JSON marshalling libraries to produce raw output to put in the stream.

All the core JSON types are supported. Note that JsonObject does not check for duplicate keys.

The recommended method for producing JSON streams is to construct the root JSON entities using the core elements, then use a third party library such as Gson to add values into these. See rxjava-json-gson below for an example of this.

// create values
RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string");

// create an array
RxJson.newArray(); // an empty array
RxJson.newArray().add(RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string"));
RxJson.newArray().addAll(Observable.just(RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string")));

RxJson.newArray(RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string"), RxJson.valueBuilder().create(1));
RxJson.newArray(Observable.just(RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string"), RxJson.valueBuilder().create(1)));

// create an object and add to it
RxJson.newObject(); // an empty object
RxJson.newObject().add("key", RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string"));
RxJson.newObject().addAll(Observable.just(JsonObject.entry("key", RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string"))));

RxJson.newObject(JsonObject.entry("key 1", RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string")), JsonObject.entry("key 2", RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string")));
RxJson.newObject(Observable.just(JsonObject.entry("key 1", RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string")), JsonObject.entry("key 2", RxJson.valueBuilder().create("a string"))));

// create a raw value

// convert to JSON
JsonElement e = ...;


TBC maven/gradle

A library to help building HAL objects in RxJavaJson.

// {
//   "_links": {
//     "self": { "href": "/path", "title": "name" }, 
//     "next": { "href": "/path?page=2", "title": "name - page 2" } 
//   },
//   "_embedded": {
//     "child": [
//       {},
//       {}
//     ]
//   },
//   "foo": "bar",
//   "bar": "baz"
// }

  .putLink("next", HalLink.create(Uri.create("/path?page=2")).title("name - page 2"))
  .appendEmbedded("child", HalObject.create())
  .appendEmbedded("child", HalObject.create())
  .appendData("foo", JsonValueBuilder.instance().create("bar"))
  .appendData(Observable.just(JsonObject.entry("bar", JsonValueBuilder.instance().create("baz")));


TBC maven/gradle


RxJavaGson adds an additional layer that will return java objects created using Gson. By default it uses the default Gson configuration and unmarshalls to an Object.

// our source JSON document
Observable<String> source = ...;

// root as an object
Observable<Object> o1 = source.compose(RxJsonGson.from("$"));

// links as an object
Observable<Object> o1 = source.compose(RxJsonGson.from("$._links"));

// links as an Link
Observable<Link> o1 = source.compose(

// links as an Link with lenient parsing
Observable<Link> o1 = source.compose(
    .using(new GsonBuilder.lenient().create())

// links and embedded as HalObjects
Observable<HalObject> o1 = source.compose(
    .from("$._links", "$._embedded")
    .using((jsonPath, jsonElement, gson) -> {
        if (jsonPath.equals(JsonPath.parse("$._links")) {
            return gson.fromJson(jsonElement, Link.class);
        return gson.fromJson(jsonElement, Embedded.class);


GsonJsonElementBuilder produces Observable<JsonToken> using Gson. It can use either the default or a custom Gson.

Observable<?> source = ...;





Code ported from Gson is copyright Google Inc.

All other material copyright 2016 Trunk Platform.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.