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132 lines (106 loc) · 5.21 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (106 loc) · 5.21 KB


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Loopback mixin to generate a new model to save history changes by record of a model.


npm install loopback-changes-history-mixin --save


Add the mixins property to your server/model-config.json:

  "_meta": {
    "sources": [
    "mixins": [

Add mixin params in model definition. Example:

  "name": "Person",
  "properties": {
    "name": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "description": "string"
  "mixins": {
    "ChangesHistory": true

In the above definition it will define the following:

  • A model called Person_history with properties indicated in fields: name, email, status and description.
  • Relation Person has many history (model Person_history, foreign key _recordId).
  • Relation Person_history belongs record (model Person, foreign key _recordId).
  • Properties _version and _hash as string in models Person and Person_history.
  • Properties _action as string and _update as date in model Person_history.

Every time a change is made in a record of Person, it will be saved in Person_history a record with new values and the following fields:

  • _version = <version code>
  • _hash = <hash code>
  • _action = <'create' or 'update' or 'delete'>
  • _update = <date of change>


The mixin supports the following parameters:

Name Type Default Optional Description
fields array or string * * No Array with the fields to version
modelName string ${ModelName}_history No Name to history model
relationName string history No Model has many history model relation name
relationParentName string _record No History model belongs to model relation name
relationForeignKey string _recordId No Foreign key for relations
versionFieldName string _version No Field name to version code
versionFieldLen number 5 No Length to versionField
hashFieldName string or false _hash Yes Field name to hash code
hashFieldLen number 10 No Length to hashField
actionFieldName string or false _action Yes Field name to action name
updatedFieldName string or false _update Yes Field name to update date


  • hashFieldName allow create a history change only if any property in fields was alter. If setup hashFieldName: false then a history change will be creates with update method called.
  • If hashFieldName is false then hashFieldLen is. ignoored.

Loopback methods

Generates create records

  • Model.create
  • Model.updateOrCreate (AKA Model.upsert)
  • Model.findOrCreate
  • Model.replaceOrCreate
  • Model.upsertWithWhere (view Model.upsertWithWhere section below)

Generates update records

  • Model.updateOrCreate (AKA Model.upsert)
  • Model.replaceOrCreate
  • Model.upsertWithWhere (view Model.upsertWithWhere section below)
  • Model.replaceById
  • Model.prototype.updateAttribute
  • Model.prototype.updateAttributes
  • Model.prototype.replaceAtributes

Generates destroy records

  • Model.prototype.delete (AKA Model.prototype.destroy)
  • Model.deleteById (AKA Model.destroyById)

Unsupported methods

  • Model.updateAll
  • Model.deleteAll (AKA Model.destroyAll)


To create history change with method upsertWithWhere option instanceByWhere: true must be passed:

const where = { /* ... */};
const data = { /* ... */ };
Person.upsertWithWhere(where, data, { instanceByWhere: true });


If you have any kind of trouble with it, just let me now by raising an issue on the GitHub issue tracker here:

Also, you can report the orthographic errors in the READMEs files or comments. Sorry for that, English is not my main language.


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